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Cluster vs new server?


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Is there a ping difference? I do understand it isn't like a separate box, one in the bathroom, the other in the kitchen. But still...


I suppose the same rules (game bound) still apply. One server, one toon. If I have a toon on a server, I can't bring another to the same server? I do have two Steam ARK accounts, maybe it's time to dust it off.


What a cluster allows me to do is, less the hassle with the set up, .... what's good for one, is good for the other, if that's what I want, all under one log in, one control panel. But, if I choose to have them different, I can. Understood, nice.


I kinda understand why no price break adding a cluster, but don't. Maybe because no one else is, maybe because it's cost prohibitive. But there are more than two maps I'd like to be playing and at this price, I'm not even sure I want the cluster.


Any ways, thanks for any comments, official or not, I'd like to make my mind up soon. Tonight would be nice. :)

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There would be a ping difference as they would be on the same machine. There may be ever so slight differences in ping that come with communication between machines, but nothing significant. 


You can have two separate characters on the cluster and main server or you can transfer between the two with one character. 


Yea, it simplifies set up a lot, and if you use custom launch parameter settings you can have separate setups for both maps from the same control panel. 


The lack of price break on the cluster is based on a number of factors but the main one is out current 5 year anniversary doesn't apply to them. In this case I would recommend a new server if you're looking for the 20% off. 


I would say cluster, personally, just because it's simpler and efficient in terms of overall control. 

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I'm damned ecstatic that a "woman" tech replayed. Hell, back when I knew about school and a computer subject was taught, there was but one in the class room. They were taking out IBM reel to reels in the other room and we still had punch cards, I dated myself and her.(DEC 20) So pleased to see you.


But that still doesn't help me with a basic game problem, It is not clear to me. I can have one toon on a cluster, I can have one toon on the main, different maps, are you saying, I can go between?, on one account? Am I just moving gear or am I moving the whole toon?


Thank you for your very fast response to my ticket, I couldn't figure out why the lack of forum response, been a while since I have been here.


Good luck and I'm sure you will do well.


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1) You can either have one character that you transfer freely between the two clusters via an Obelisk or a Supply Drop.


2) You can have a unique character on each server.


To elaborate


1) When transferring a single character between clusters, you may take that character and any items they are carrying with them to the other cluster.


2) You can Upload Dinos and Items to the ARK from one cluster, at any Obelisk or Supply Drop, then transfer your character and any carried items to the other cluster, This spawns you at a "New Character" spawn point the first time. If you then place a bedroll / bed / etc, you may spawn at that respawn point on future transfers to this cluster.


3) You may then download any uploaded Dinos or Items that were added to the ARK.within 24 hours, by visiting a Supply Drop or Obelisk and using the appropriate tab.


4) For transferring Water Dinos, you will need to use an underwater Supply Drop to both Upload and Download to and from the ARK.


5) If you have transferred from say, The Island map, to The Center map, and then log out. You will no longer have a character on The Island map. This means that if you create a new character on The Island map, and would like to transfer your character back from The Center map to The Island map, it would then overwrite the newly created character on that map.

So to clarify, this ensures that one character that may transfer, or one character on each choice.


6) Whichever character uploads dinos or items, MUST be the character that downloads them.You can NOT upload with one character, then download with your other character on the other map. The items are not linked to your steam account, they are linked specifically to the character that uploaded them.


7) Dinos and items that are specific to a single map, ie: Jerboas on the Scorched Earth or Ragnarok maps, MAY be transferred to a map that does not otherwise have those dinos. (There may be specific exceptions to this, but not many if so.) This also applies to modded items, but both servers in the cluster MUST have that mod installed. Such that you can build a bunch of foundations and walls using the S+ mod on your primary server, in order to prepare for a move to the secondary server.


8) Dinos uploaded to the ARK, will delete ALL items in their inventory when uploaded. This includes their Food and Saddles! However, they do NOT need to eat while uploaded. All other aspects of that dino are preserved. ie: Name, levels, stat distribution, unspent levels, mutations, etc.


Well, I think this covers about as much as I can think of offhand, I hope this helps.
I may make a pinned post with this info in it as well, as it could be very helpful to others looking for this info in once place.

If I have forgotten anything, please let me know.

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What's a Cluster and how does it work?



This page is a pretty good overview (if it's online at the time of this post, if not let us know)


The Cluster addon is a way for you to take a single game server and launch two game servers at the same time from the same directory. The only difference would be a slightly adjusted server hostname and +10 for each of the ports. You can join them separately at any time and transfer between the two worlds as well. Any of our drop down maps/expansions are worlds that you can choose from to set for both the parent game server and the Cluster. 


If you already have a game server with us, simply visit the Addons page, select the game server ID that is associated with the game server you wish to create a Cluster off of and then pay for the Cluster one time prorated cost. The cost of a Cluster is the same exact cost of your parent server. So if you have a 10 slot monthly server it would be $14.00 /mo doubled = $28.00 /mo total for both your parent game server + Cluster addon. 


It's currently not possible to convert an existing game server to a Cluster.


What happens if I have a second game server that I want to convert to a Cluster?

We can cater to this request by manually getting you set up on a parent game server.


  • Agree to terminate old server and be invoiced for any difference. We will take in mind how long your secondary game server has left in it's current cycle and apply that to the prorated Cluster addon cost. If the prorated amount of the secondary server is greater than the Cluster addon cost, no invoice will be issued. Simply respond to this ticket saying you agree, provide us the primary game server ID and the secondary game server ID you wish to terminate.
  • Wait for customer to finish payment (if necessary) and confirm termination of secondary server.
  • Our staff will manually adjust your parent server to addon the Cluster
  • Our staff will migrate data from the secondary server to the Cluster and set the Cluster world to the secondary server world
  • Our staff will then terminate your secondary server and adjust recurring billing for the primary with Cluster addon
How do I configure/independently control my Cluster?

We're working on adding more options to customize your cluster game server. For now, all of the game settings/configuration is coming from the parent game server.


It will be possible to change custom launch parameters for your Cluster. It's a new feature so bare with us while we make it better in the coming days. =)


When will it be possible to remotely Cluster with different IPs or directories?

We've already contacted the developers about this but have not received any official word back from them. If they do add this capability, we will add an option for separate game servers to join the same Cluster with a similar cost and ability to transfer from the local Cluster method to the new remote method. That way you pay for the resources you use and don't get stuck into any billing commitment and can enjoy the flexibility of the new method. =)


Can I add more than 1 cluster?

We're working on that as well. Ideally you would be able to daisy chain as many as you want!


Full FAQ thread can be found here, with more information and community discussion!


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Of course. There is always lots of super useful info in the massive pinned topics section here on the forums. You can also use the search feature at the top of the forum page to potentially find threads that already have your questions answered. Happy to help. =)

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