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How does Survivalservers handle installing mods?


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So I know how to do it using the control panel.


Would go in the ModID's.

When attempting this with any mod I've ever used in the past, it has worked perfectly. I tested it with other mods recently and it still works fine.

With the exception of 1 mod, "Classic flyers"  Trying to make a mostly vanilla server and we want the original flyer speeds and ability to put points into speed.

The Mod is working for the masses, so It does not appear to be in a broken state and everyone says it's on my end.

To manually install a mod to a server they tell you to go to the GameUserSettings.ini and search for "Activemods=" and then add the mod number in front of the =.

I remote FTP'd to my server and when I went into GameuserSettings.ini and searched for "ActiveMods=" It was not there. Do you have some other workaround to install mods to our servers that bypasses this?

Or does it not exist here because I need to add it manually?  i.e remote accessing the server going into gameusersettings.ini and adding in the line ActiveMods=895711211

Thanks for your help!

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If you are adding this through custom launch parameters, you can add the line 




Make sure that there are no spaces anywhere in the launch parameters, as this will cause a crash or for the server not to work. 

Also, be sure to add the IDs to the mod ID field. 

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