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Epoch/Origins & Sector B... Original?

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Hi all!  I am considering purchasing a SS server and running Epoch Origins on Taviana. My main concern is: Will there be a Sector B up on the NE island? Is it the original sector B that was featured in Origins (the one where the guys are mostly static on rooftops with the occasional patrol and you have to find where the loot trucks where)? Also, there was a group of 3 AI helos that patrolled the island and were absolutely BRUTAL.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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I have been looking over our files and sadly when they were setup long ago. I do not believe sector B was set into the config settings. I believe it is simply origins epoch tavi. Bringing in the origins vehicles/weapons.

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Thanks for the reply, PSN_steven1230. I guess my next question for everyone is, Does a standard Origins server include all the original Origins stuff (like Sector B etc.?

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Thanks for the reply, PSN_steven1230. I guess my next question for everyone is, Does a standard Origins server include all the original Origins stuff (like Sector B etc.?


I believe it does but sadly we do not host standard origins servers at this time. :(

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