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Ark Data Corruption Backups

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I want to first say that I think the support team does a pretty good job. Yes, we would all like to have live chat 24hrs/day. But that cost would cause our monthly bill to at least double. I have received at least a response in a couple hours. In saying this I would like to ask though is why do we have a backup of game files if you cant restore any of them?

I just had to have my Ark server wiped. I can't restore from a single backup, none of them work. Is this a problem with the backup/restore feature, or with Ark? I don't know but it is very frustrating to build for 3 months and to loose everything.


Ryan: I appreciate you responding to us and wish you continued success. But I believe I am through with trying to be an admin of a server, my failure, not yours.



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If the provided database backups do not restore accurately, the data corruption might have stemmed prior to the date that we offer roll backs (up to 30 days prior) which we do not have archived backups for. It is quite rare when a full wipe is required to resolve corrupted data. To attempt to prevent this from occurring in the future you can make manual backups as a fail safe. I do apologize and I know how frustrating it is. There are several mods that apparently corrupt world data, certain in-game random occurrences, and other yet-to-be known reasons. I surely hope that the ARK developers bring this to attention and provide, at the very least, a detailed log file for data corruption occurrences.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of MODs: Color MOD as rumor to corrupt on MOD install. Validated on 4 servers. And other starting to report it on Steam. MOD ID: 632898827

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