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Hiding Engrams from the Ark Advanced 9.1 mod


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I have been having one heck of a time trying to hide a few of the engrams that are in this mod. The players on the server love the mod, however we have all come to the conclusion that some of the engrams in the package are a little overpowered for the PVP aspect of the server and make the game too easy to play. I have been trying to remove some of the mods through a few different code lines now that I have found through google and reddit... and have had no luck at all in getting this to actually work.

I know that I am likely doing something wrong and so as a noob server owner, I'm reaching out for some help to make it so this is possible.

The last thing I tried was something I found in the topics here actually. (posted below)



Count from start of engrams 1 left to right, all the way to that engram.  Then you can hide it, so no one has an option to make it.  Only way now is to summon it in.

I counted them all, changed the ini file and uploaded it. Turned the server back on and still they are there. I have also attempted to name them in the codes like the following... with no success either. (This is the example that was given, not the one I used as I don't have the selling mod in place on the server.) I went through the list to get the names, but... obviously have failed that as well since they keep appearing anyways. :( Super sad day.



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If you override engrams like this you will need to have a row for each Engram in the entire list (official + modded engrams)


Try downloading this admin pack to get the list of Engram classnames (from this page). Or you can use ARK Server Manager to pull that same data + the modded Engram classname lists (which can be obtained either from the Workshop mod developer discussion/comments or by reading the names of the folders inside the mod directory)


That's my understanding, I could be a bit rusty though, haven't looked at that in a few weeks. Might want to create a discussion thread on that mod's Workshop page if this doesn't work.

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