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How Will We Be Effected By TheCenter Becoming Official Tomorrow?


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TheEvilFrank (TheCenterMap Creator) has stated that when TheCenter becomes official tomorrow that the mod will be taken down from the Workshop. How is this going to effect our servers? In addition will "TheCenter" become an option for maps in our game control panel? Need to know this ASAP as the mod goes down in less then 12 hours.  I would prefer to not have to have my server go down if at all possible. 

You can see it here

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I'd guess nothing will change on the Steam/PC side of things. Could be wrong, so don't quote me. :D


Official mods are mainly for Xbox servers getting mod support and Steam/PC official servers opening up new servers on The Center.

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Offical word from Jeremy

The Center Mod will be removed tomorrow (err today) shortly after The Center Official Map launches (the Official Map itself is being packaged as a Free DLC for Clients, and will automatically be included directly in the Server file package -- and don't worry, the server file package is being stripped of needless media and is now only 4GB for EVERYTHING ;) 
And yes, existing TheCenter save data -should- be compatible though foliage will definitely reset.

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I've confirmed with Jat that it's a command line change only which should be pretty simple when the update goes live.




Will be changed (in custom launch params) to




Map ID 614734500 can be removed from the Map ID input box on the control panel


ModMapID=614734500? can be removed from custom launch params

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I've confirmed with Jat that it's a command line change only which should be pretty simple when the update goes live.




Will be changed (in custom launch params) to




Map ID 614734500 can be removed from the Map ID input box on the control panel


ModMapID=614734500? can be removed from custom launch params


Please note: This is ONLY to be changed after the v241 patch is updated to on your server, otherwise your The Center will not work on the Workshop version.



I want to make sure I'm understanding correctly.  The only mod I run on my server here is The Center.  Everything else is vanilla with just some speed ups on taming and stuff in the ini files.  Anywho.  


the patch is either live now, or about to be. I should turn my sever OFF.  Set the update stuff and save so it upgrades my server to 241.  Once it has done so the ONLY thing I need to change is the command line option you stated there and start my server again?  All my playerbase, their buildings, etc etc will all still be in place and functional?  I know there is always a chance some minor terrain change may screw some building up or whatever, but for the most part, you are saying it should be smooth and work with just that one command line change.   There is no other steps or anything on the file system side of things that will confuse the system or not read my save games correctly, etc?

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I've confirmed with Jat that it's a command line change only which should be pretty simple when the update goes live.




Will be changed (in custom launch params) to




Map ID 614734500 can be removed from the Map ID input box on the control panel


ModMapID=614734500? can be removed from custom launch params


Please note: This is ONLY to be changed after the v241 patch is updated to on your server, otherwise your The Center will not work on the Workshop version.


so will this be added to the dropdown map selection on the control panel or even though its an official supported included dlc we still have to run custom launch para's ??  because even though it says we can drop down and select the island / the center or Valhalla it only lets us select the island 

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ok so its not in there yet hope i just didnt mess up my server again. changed the command line to what you have above and its not working as of right now. any eta when we will have thecenter to be put in the drop down box.

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i looked in the ftp and /Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheCenter isnt where the center is installed mine is in the mods folder of the ftp do i link it there or jus move it to the maps folder? 2CWLPD7.png

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i looked in the ftp and /Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheCenter isnt where the center is installed mine is in the mods folder of the ftp do i link it there or jus move it to the maps folder?

ya same here in the mods folder not in theislandsudfolder

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Try to run with this, i used it on my server and it works fine 100% (tested)


/Game/Mods/TheCenter/TheCenter?Multihome=XXX.XXX.XX.XX?Port=1XXXX?QueryPort=1XXXX?SessionName=[ENG][PVE][17/5]-VikingsOfARK- Allx10 ANNUNAKI Difficulty:20 Stairs, MetalGlass & Stacking pLVL130 Dino200?MaxPlayers=20?listen?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=XXXXX?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=1XXXX?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArkXXXXX?GameModIDs=538986229,510590313,520879363,630601751

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as of right now im still downloading when steam went down my dowload started over. but if i can get back ingame i will see and post some screenshots.

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Try to run with this, i used it on my server and it works fine 100% (tested)


/Game/Mods/TheCenter/TheCenter?Multihome=XXX.XXX.XX.XX?Port=1XXXX?QueryPort=1XXXX?SessionName=[ENG][PVE][17/5]-VikingsOfARK- Allx10 ANNUNAKI Difficulty:20 Stairs, MetalGlass & Stacking pLVL130 Dino200?MaxPlayers=20?listen?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=XXXXX?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=1XXXX?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArkXXXXX?GameModIDs=538986229,510590313,520879363,630601751


All good here as well. thanks for the heads up. Server is updated to 241.1 and the Center is functioning properly. Had one pteranodon stuck in my hut with no saddle but that was my only casualty.


I have no other mods so just changed this:


To this:


and removed this from the end of the launch parameters:


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Ryan did you guys somehow automate the custom launch change for people?  I just stopped my server to go to make these changes and my custom launch line already looks different, and the map id is gone from the control panel page as well..


TheCenter?Multihome=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx?Port=17215?QueryPort=17216?SessionName=Salas Clan -Newb friendly-Inc TameGather-MapPin?MaxPlayers=20?listen?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=XXXXXXXXXXXXX?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=17217?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk15248
This looks inline with what you were saying?  So I should be fine just telling the control panel to update and validate and start right?

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I don't think this is a survivial servers issue - I just tried hosting it on a local and had the same experience - looks like the devs screwed something up.

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