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Battleye not working on server with infiSTAR


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I was wondering if anyone has experienced this issue before as I'm unable to find proper help online about how to fix the issue. When I enable Battleye on my Arma2 DayZ Mod Chernarus server which has infiSTAR installed any time someone attempts to log in they get stuck on the "Requesting character data from server" screen. At that point the timer on the bottom right of the screen gets stuck, and according to the Control Panel and my Arma2 browser the player gets disconnected from the server. This issue does not occur when I disable Battleye. 


What do I need to do to be able to enable Battleye while still using infiSTAR?



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Sounds like you are missing an exception in one of the filters. If you submit a support ticket they should be able to help with that.

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