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How do I get it to reflect "Standard Settings" on the server search list?


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I would like to reflect the fact that my server is Vanilla and has the default settings, but I can't get the 'Standard settings" Icon to populate. Even after resetting and completely wiping the servers files and starting from scratch. The icon will not appear, even with the provided 'stock template' from SS's and no manipulation once reset.  Nitrado2.thumb.jpg.c51e8461e091a6143f8fc240beb35fff.jpg

The 'Dagobah' and my 'Testeroo' freshly wiped server shown here are examples of ones without the 'Standard settings" icon having been highlighted.

The lack of this icon makes it frustrating, as these servers generally carry a lower population. They don't appear under the search parameters as prevalently when players are searching.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by nol

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Perhaps? But there are multiple, (I would assume) not hosted by devs servers listed that have the icon. Maybe it is only offered to GPortal supporters?

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