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[Mod Install Guide] Zombie Free Base Mods

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Zombie Free Base 

Level: Basic



I am assuming you have the tools and knowledge to install and configure mods. You can create and unpack pbo's and upload. If not please contact me i can help.


You dont want pesky Zeds? Nobody does, it has nothing to do with being a wimp and NOT TAKING IT LIKE A MAN!, as some would say...simply, sometimes you just wanna build without interruptions! Here it is:


I HAVE PERSONALLY TESTED THIS ON SAUERLAND,LINGOR,CHERNARUS,TAVIANA AND OVERPOCH VERSIONS, NAMALSK, PANTERA, AND SAHRANI. The reason it works is because it is a basic logic command that Arma has already embedded in the system.


Step 1: Download Attachment (unzip and remove folder inside and place in a "mods" folder in your mission pbo)

{mods folder is most common to use..if you dont have one please just right click in your mission pbo directory/root and make one call it: mods}

Step 2: Open your config folder in your mission pbo and open the modconfig.sqf file place the following like so:

// ZombiePlot
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "mods\plotbuff\init.sqf";
Step 3: Open your init.sqf file and find this portion near the top usually
DayZ Epoch config
spawnShoremode = 1; // Default = 1 (on shore)
spawnArea = 1500; // Default = 1500
dayz_MapArea = 12000; // Default = 10000
dayz_poleSafeArea = 30; // Default = 30m, the buildable distance <---Add this line so it looks like that obviously without the red colors. (you can change the range all you want)
Thats it! Pack up and upload and restart server!
If you have any issues please don't hesitate to get a hold of me. I will reply soon as possible usually within the hour or two unless I am at work.


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