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Found 6 results

  1. Is modding from lets say nexus mods or other platforms possible? I dont see a spot to add them in the control panel, or will it be through the file system? None in mind yet waiting for some big ones like base radious changes or something.
  2. Hi, A common question I see asked on the forums is how to add mods. I'd like to run you through the process. Now in order to get started you need FTP access to the server. You can achieve this by using WinSCP or Filezilla or a other FTP application. There are a couple of things to realise. You have 2 different config files. You can find these in your /Instance/ folder. SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg. Found in /Instance/. This file will allow you to set up group settings. Sandbox_config.sbc. Found in /Instance/Saves/*Yourworldname*/. This allows you to set up mods and change various settings inside the game. So as you might have figured out the file we mainly want to edit is Sandbox_config.sbc. Now included here is my file. This file has been added as a example. A couple of nice to knows. InventorySizeMultiplier increases the inventory of the players. My value is set to 20 giving the player 8000 space BlocksInventorySizeMultiplier increases the inventory of storage containers. The rest kinda speaks for itself. Now to get to the section you where looking for Modding! So at the end of this file (Sandbox_config.sbc) you will see the following part <Mods /> You want to remove this and add the following in its place. <Mods><ModItem> <Name>WorkshopID.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>WorkshopID</PublishedFileId> </ModItem></Mods> This will now allow you to add 1 mod. However most of us will want to add more mods so keep adding it </ModItem>*Here*</Mods> <ModItem> <Name>WorkshopID.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>WorkshopID</PublishedFileId> </ModItem> Now we have done this it will look something like this. <Mods><ModItem> <Name>WorkshopID.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>WorkshopID</PublishedFileId> </ModItem><ModItem> <Name>WorkshopID.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>WorkshopID</PublishedFileId> </ModItem><ModItem> <Name>WorkshopID.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>WorkshopID</PublishedFileId> </ModItem><ModItem> <Name>WorkshopID.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>WorkshopID</PublishedFileId> </ModItem></Mods> Now go get your ID's from the Steam Workshop. In my case i'll be adding Drills+ - 1906186459 Welders+ - 1712885149 Ore Detector+ - 1906172362 Sneaky Sounds - 1662953858 End result for me will be the following. <Mods><ModItem> <Name>1906186459.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>1906186459</PublishedFileId> </ModItem><ModItem> <Name>1712885149.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>1712885149</PublishedFileId> </ModItem><ModItem> <Name>1906172362.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>1906172362</PublishedFileId> </ModItem><ModItem> <Name>1662953858.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>1662953858</PublishedFileId> </ModItem></Mods> Save your settings and start your server. It should now get the mods. Now in order to check if the mods are installed do not install them for yourself!!!!! Space Engineer servers have a nice feature and anyone that will connect will get the mods pushed to them. So if you join your server and you are not getting any mods from the server something is wrong! I hope this helps. Any questions or comments are welcome below. <?xml version="1.0"?> <MyObjectBuilder_WorldConfiguration xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Settings xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_SessionSettings"> <GameMode>Survival</GameMode> <InventorySizeMultiplier>20</InventorySizeMultiplier> <BlocksInventorySizeMultiplier>1</BlocksInventorySizeMultiplier> <AssemblerSpeedMultiplier>3</AssemblerSpeedMultiplier> <AssemblerEfficiencyMultiplier>3</AssemblerEfficiencyMultiplier> <RefinerySpeedMultiplier>3</RefinerySpeedMultiplier> <OnlineMode>PUBLIC</OnlineMode> <MaxPlayers>10</MaxPlayers> <MaxFloatingObjects>56</MaxFloatingObjects> <MaxBackupSaves>5</MaxBackupSaves> <MaxGridSize>50000</MaxGridSize> <MaxBlocksPerPlayer>100000</MaxBlocksPerPlayer> <TotalPCU>600000</TotalPCU> <PiratePCU>50000</PiratePCU> <MaxFactionsCount>0</MaxFactionsCount> <BlockLimitsEnabled>NONE</BlockLimitsEnabled> <EnableRemoteBlockRemoval>true</EnableRemoteBlockRemoval> <EnvironmentHostility>NORMAL</EnvironmentHostility> <AutoHealing>true</AutoHealing> <EnableCopyPaste>true</EnableCopyPaste> <WeaponsEnabled>true</WeaponsEnabled> <ShowPlayerNamesOnHud>true</ShowPlayerNamesOnHud> <ThrusterDamage>true</ThrusterDamage> <CargoShipsEnabled>true</CargoShipsEnabled> <EnableSpectator>false</EnableSpectator> <WorldSizeKm>0</WorldSizeKm> <RespawnShipDelete>true</RespawnShipDelete> <ResetOwnership>false</ResetOwnership> <WelderSpeedMultiplier>2</WelderSpeedMultiplier> <GrinderSpeedMultiplier>2</GrinderSpeedMultiplier> <RealisticSound>false</RealisticSound> <HackSpeedMultiplier>0.5</HackSpeedMultiplier> <PermanentDeath>false</PermanentDeath> <AutoSaveInMinutes>5</AutoSaveInMinutes> <EnableSaving>true</EnableSaving> <InfiniteAmmo>false</InfiniteAmmo> <EnableContainerDrops>true</EnableContainerDrops> <SpawnShipTimeMultiplier>0.5</SpawnShipTimeMultiplier> <DestructibleBlocks>true</DestructibleBlocks> <EnableIngameScripts>true</EnableIngameScripts> <ViewDistance>15000</ViewDistance> <EnableToolShake>true</EnableToolShake> <VoxelGeneratorVersion>2</VoxelGeneratorVersion> <EnableOxygen>true</EnableOxygen> <EnableOxygenPressurization>false</EnableOxygenPressurization> <Enable3rdPersonView>true</Enable3rdPersonView> <EnableEncounters>true</EnableEncounters> <EnableConvertToStation>true</EnableConvertToStation> <StationVoxelSupport>false</StationVoxelSupport> <EnableSunRotation>true</EnableSunRotation> <EnableRespawnShips>true</EnableRespawnShips> <ScenarioEditMode>false</ScenarioEditMode> <Scenario>false</Scenario> <CanJoinRunning>false</CanJoinRunning> <PhysicsIterations>8</PhysicsIterations> <SunRotationIntervalMinutes>120</SunRotationIntervalMinutes> <EnableJetpack>true</EnableJetpack> <SpawnWithTools>true</SpawnWithTools> <StartInRespawnScreen>false</StartInRespawnScreen> <EnableVoxelDestruction>true</EnableVoxelDestruction> <MaxDrones>5</MaxDrones> <EnableDrones>true</EnableDrones> <EnableWolfs>false</EnableWolfs> <EnableSpiders>true</EnableSpiders> <FloraDensityMultiplier>1</FloraDensityMultiplier> <EnableStructuralSimulation>false</EnableStructuralSimulation> <MaxActiveFracturePieces>50</MaxActiveFracturePieces> <BlockTypeLimits> <dictionary> <item> <Key>Assembler</Key> <Value>24</Value> </item> <item> <Key>Refinery</Key> <Value>24</Value> </item> <item> <Key>Blast Furnace</Key> <Value>24</Value> </item> <item> <Key>Antenna</Key> <Value>30</Value> </item> <item> <Key>Drill</Key> <Value>30</Value> </item> <item> <Key>InteriorTurret</Key> <Value>50</Value> </item> <item> <Key>GatlingTurret</Key> <Value>50</Value> </item> <item> <Key>MissileTurret</Key> <Value>50</Value> </item> <item> <Key>ExtendedPistonBase</Key> <Value>50</Value> </item> <item> <Key>MotorStator</Key> <Value>50</Value> </item> <item> <Key>MotorAdvancedStator</Key> <Value>50</Value> </item> <item> <Key>ShipWelder</Key> <Value>100</Value> </item> <item> <Key>ShipGrinder</Key> <Value>150</Value> </item> </dictionary> </BlockTypeLimits> <EnableScripterRole>false</EnableScripterRole> <MinDropContainerRespawnTime>5</MinDropContainerRespawnTime> <MaxDropContainerRespawnTime>20</MaxDropContainerRespawnTime> <EnableTurretsFriendlyFire>false</EnableTurretsFriendlyFire> <EnableSubgridDamage>false</EnableSubgridDamage> <SyncDistance>3000</SyncDistance> <ExperimentalMode>true</ExperimentalMode> <AdaptiveSimulationQuality>true</AdaptiveSimulationQuality> <EnableVoxelHand>false</EnableVoxelHand> <RemoveOldIdentitiesH>0</RemoveOldIdentitiesH> <TrashRemovalEnabled>true</TrashRemovalEnabled> <StopGridsPeriodMin>15</StopGridsPeriodMin> <TrashFlagsValue>7706</TrashFlagsValue> <AFKTimeountMin>0</AFKTimeountMin> <BlockCountThreshold>20</BlockCountThreshold> <PlayerDistanceThreshold>500</PlayerDistanceThreshold> <OptimalGridCount>0</OptimalGridCount> <PlayerInactivityThreshold>0</PlayerInactivityThreshold> <PlayerCharacterRemovalThreshold>15</PlayerCharacterRemovalThreshold> <VoxelTrashRemovalEnabled>false</VoxelTrashRemovalEnabled> <VoxelPlayerDistanceThreshold>5000</VoxelPlayerDistanceThreshold> <VoxelGridDistanceThreshold>5000</VoxelGridDistanceThreshold> <VoxelAgeThreshold>24</VoxelAgeThreshold> <EnableResearch>false</EnableResearch> <EnableGoodBotHints>true</EnableGoodBotHints> <OptimalSpawnDistance>16000</OptimalSpawnDistance> <EnableAutorespawn>true</EnableAutorespawn> <EnableBountyContracts>true</EnableBountyContracts> <EnableSupergridding>false</EnableSupergridding> <EnableEconomy>false</EnableEconomy> <DepositsCountCoefficient>2</DepositsCountCoefficient> <DepositSizeDenominator>30</DepositSizeDenominator> <WeatherSystem>true</WeatherSystem> <HarvestRatioMultiplier>1</HarvestRatioMultiplier> <TradeFactionsCount>15</TradeFactionsCount> <StationsDistanceInnerRadius>10000000</StationsDistanceInnerRadius> <StationsDistanceOuterRadiusStart>10000000</StationsDistanceOuterRadiusStart> <StationsDistanceOuterRadiusEnd>30000000</StationsDistanceOuterRadiusEnd> <EconomyTickInSeconds>1200</EconomyTickInSeconds> <SimplifiedSimulation>false</SimplifiedSimulation> <EnablePcuTrading>true</EnablePcuTrading> <FamilySharing>true</FamilySharing> <EnableSelectivePhysicsUpdates>false</EnableSelectivePhysicsUpdates> <PredefinedAsteroids>true</PredefinedAsteroids> <UseConsolePCU>false</UseConsolePCU> <MaxPlanets>99</MaxPlanets> <OffensiveWordsFiltering>false</OffensiveWordsFiltering> <AdjustableMaxVehicleSpeed>true</AdjustableMaxVehicleSpeed> </Settings> <Mods> <ModItem FriendlyName="Drills+"> <Name>1906186459.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>1906186459</PublishedFileId> </ModItem> <ModItem FriendlyName="Ore Detector+"> <Name>1906172362.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>1906172362</PublishedFileId> </ModItem> <ModItem FriendlyName="Welders+"> <Name>1712885149.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>1712885149</PublishedFileId> </ModItem> <ModItem FriendlyName="Sneaky Sounds - Quieter Tools"> <Name>1662953858.sbm</Name> <PublishedFileId>1662953858</PublishedFileId> </ModItem> </Mods> <SessionName>MyWorld</SessionName> <LastSaveTime>2021-02-09T01:05:43.9977248-08:00</LastSaveTime> </MyObjectBuilder_WorldConfiguration>
  3. got myself opd and i can use commands and everything however, i dont know any commands specified such as dropping the number of items. also the other players in my server cannot use some chest and access some of the areas. only i can. Is there a way to let them have free roam in that chunk or entire area ? also how do i ad mods to the server
  4. I honestly don't know how to use any of this FTP crap and I keep getting showed stuff that I don't know how to do, this is my first server for a game and you make it so hard, so would you kindly just explain to me how I mod my server.
  5. Where can I find the FTP for mods? because I do not see it.
  6. These are the instructions for downloading the War of the Walkers mod for 7 Days to Die and getting it up and running on our game servers. Download the Mod First step is download the two sets of mods, both Server and Client versions. Go here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?53190-War-of-the-Walkers-Mod-(Overhaul) Before you begin, confirm that the version that is up at the header of the post will work for your server version. Download the AXX EAC Standard Mod Github (SERVER) Download. (XX = version number) Find this file on your computer and place it in a folder labeled "Server Version". Extract the contents of this ZIP file, which will be a folder, to the "Server Version" folder. Download the AXX EAC Standard Mod Github (CLIENT/SP Local) Download. (XX = version number) Find this file on your computer and place it in a folder labeled "Client Version". Like Step #3, extract the main folder from the ZIP folder and place it in the "Client Version" folder. Placing the two folders in different folders will help separate which is which because both folders are named the same. Now on to FTP usage. FTPing the Server Version You may found a download link for WinSCP here: http://winscp.net/eng/download.php To edit/upload/save/delete files via FTP, use the following method: Stop your server from the control panel and wait for the page to reload. Log in to FTP using WinSCP (a free FTP software) using the connection details found in the "FTP Details" section of the game server control panel Find the folder that you extracted from the ZIP in the "Server Version" folder. Copy this over from your computer to the "root" (top level) directory of your game server. Once the file has copied over, open the contents of the folder and copy over the two folders, Data and Mod, into the top directory. You will be prompted if you wish to overwrite files. Answer "yes" to all. After uploading your files in the proper directories, restart your server from the panel Installing the Mod at Home Once the server version has been uploaded, now the client (i.e your computer) needs to have the mod installed. Open the folder named "Client Version" on your computer and copy the contents of WaroftheWalkersGitHub2-master. Navigate to your 7 Days to Die install folder on your computer. The default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die. Paste the contents of the WaroftheWalkersGitHub2-master folder from the first step into this folder. You will be prompted to confirm copying over existing files. There will be an option to say "yes to all". Do so. Start up your game and then connect to your server. If you've installed this correctly, you will see a fancy new HUD with the number of days in the top left, elevation and temperature markings on the bottom left along with other various stats, and a fancy skull directly to the right of those stats. If you see white boxes where the HUD should be and icons are not showing up for the new items, you will need to reinstall the client side version of the mod. Also, during my own testing with this mod, there was considerable lag in the game menu that cleared up after a few minutes.