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  1. Winter DeerIsle-SN: RealJuice Deerisle (PC) Vending Machines at Traders Only Real Safe Zones Are Main Trader and Heli Trader 25k Start. Just come say hello in the Discord! https://discord.gg/HnhWKRAehE
  2. Brand New 20 Slot PvP-PvE Server Need people in for the next for days for testing purposes and for feedback 25k start just come have a chat in#discord. Very few rules just trying to make a fun server and discord for everyone to enjoy. https://discord.gg/HnhWKRAehE
  3. SunnyWhale is a new server focusing on the hardcore Namalsk experience. We are looking to have players come join and populate our server so we can rise to the top as one of the best servers to play on. Our priority is to make sure every member is having a good time and getting along with one another, because of this we have a zero tolerance rule for toxicity and the like. Our focus is purely on the hardcore survival experience. We have only added a few mods that we feel will enhance your exposure on the server. The following mods have been added: -SchanaModParty -SchanaModCompass -BetterSuppressors -Community Framework -VPPAdminTools -Namalsk Island/Survival -WindstridesClothingMod -BaseBuildingPlus -BuildEverywhere -Code Lock -Community-Online-Tools We also have a full discord. We offer a ticket system where you can open a ticket with a specific issue and our staff will get back to you on that issue. There is also a server suggestions channel where members of the discord/server can recommend ways to make the server better. More mods could be added in the future based off community feedback and whether or not staff thinks its appropriate. So if you feel like this server may be for you, please give us a chance and check us out. Here is a link to our discord: https://discord.gg/RxQ9XWJtfP
  4. The Last of Us Last Of US has opened its doors! Created on the October 1st 2020, a year ago. We've had a some much time to figure out and plan out what way is, the best way to make a RP/PVE server. And we have figured it out, the LoUS staff number one goal is to provide the best RP experience for any new or old DayZ players. We've experimented it so many different servers, and noted the pros and cons in each and had merged all the good things we've recognised all together, and made LoUS. We've created new community events where you have something to do all the time when you hop onto our server, experienced and mature RP'ers. THE BEST STAFF, where we represent LoUS in full colour, and listen to our community all the way. Because we want you to have the best experience. What we provide: • 42 slot server [ Add more slots as soon as the community grows and becomes more active] • Experienced in-depth RP'ers • Well rounded staff members • Active community • Safezones • KOS zones • Modded items • NEW community events • Economy • Three different trading zones [ AND A LOT MORE ] F.Y.I Keep in mind this server is still in development, so new things are always being tweaked and added so that the server and can perform better than before, and that YOU have a better experience. But the server mod file is still in development so you won't be able straight away till the server is in working order. If you interested the server discord is: https://discord.gg/2CvuGAJ9UH
  5. New RP server! Chernarus Safe zones Interaction rules Taxis Bounties Drivers license Haulage company Black market Admin trader Traders Factions Come join our great community! Any factions that join get a free building package! Any friend recommended you will receive 300 DC https://discord.gg/Jm53b9RW
  6. Welcome to Gen Apocalypse 31 ! About us: This server has been worked on alot for about 2 months but we opened up in late september! The playstyle here is to spend some time on the server. For example grinding, setting up bases & more... Wiping is something we wont do often only when needed. We are as well familiar with coding and Discord since we had a PSN server before but decided to switch to PC. If you have any tips then we are open for any tips, we have friendly staff and makes sure we all play fair since its a server you spend more time on grinding, so make sure to read our rules because we are strict! If you bring 2 friends to the server we will reward you with 15K in-game! Server Name: Gen Apocalypse 31 |DeerIsle|50KSTART|LOOT++|PVP|TRADER+|VEHICLES+|HELIS|AIRDROPS|BBP+|3PP|TOXICZONES|SPAWN SELECT|CUSTOM GEAR| Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/b3TfKWwp5u • Server Map: DEERISLE • 50K Starter money • 24/7 Raiding • Fully PVP & PVE • Boosted Loot ++ (With Touch of Vanilla) • BaseBuilding+ • Helicopter mods • Vehicle mods • Cannabis+ • Gear mod+ (SNAFU, MSFC & more) • VPPMap • Spawn Select • Airdrops Upgraded • Vehicle mods (VAZ, BMW & More) • Advanced Banking • Player Banking • Clan Banking • Party System • Clan System • Trader Mod (2 Safezones 1 Blackmarket ATM) • Custom built trader areas • BreachingCharge Raiding • Compass HUD • Global Chat • In-Game Rewards • Items Resize • Inventory ++ • Zuens Utility • Dbo surfaces • & Much More !
  7. BRAND NEW PS4/ PS5 SERVER (Opened 26/09/21) WELCOME TO DEADZONE DOWN UNDER PS4/ PS5 AUS server Faction/ Gang based PVP Whitelist Base raiding permitted Base Pings** (Solos & Factions) Trade post & Green Zone (Grishino) PVP and Hunting Events Improved loot Discord currency system Server Jobs available Very Active & Friendly Admins Oceania based but all are welcome Check out the discord for even more information. Discord link: https://discord.gg/fmByGHG2
  8. Rebel's Retreat is a brand new modded DayZ server and we're currently looking for players to come help us beta test it, so we can polish the server! It's 100% fresh wipe, with active admins. Search for "Rebels retreat" in the DZSA Launcher or join via ip: If you got any questions feel free to join our discord and we'll happily answer them ^^ Best regards, Rebel's staff! https://discord.gg/JYkDTvQgnH
  9. Map: ChernarusPlus Platform: PC Location: U.S Server Name: Rigid Warfare|US|PvP|PvE|15xLoot|Expansion|Trader|60kStart IP: Port: 2487 Come Join us in an extremely fun and fair PvP and PvE environment!! Loot is turned up so you won’t have to worry about dying of starvation or dehydration!!! Friendly Admins!! They are here to help! We have mods to make the server a better experience for all! Air Drops and PvP zones!!
  10. #BG#[Takistan+][1PP][TraderPlus][NEWCustomBases][Vic+HeliSpawns][Loot+][+MORE]# The server offers a storm filled survival feel with with TraderPlus added giving players a chance to sell certain items in stock. It also has Helicopter and vehicle spawns across the map in multiple locations for each type of Vic/Heli. I have added Tons of guns added along with gear that is balanced making the best loot in high tier areas. Food has also been raised along with tools besides raid tools of course. We have some (Custom) "StaticBases". They have retracting roofs and car lifts depending on the style. Yes moving parts windows as well all activated with a switch. It also adds the option for a draw bridge to be added to your base along with elevator and much more. Building can be done anywhere and is vanilla + SimpleBase with codelocks. You may also lock your MSP lockers. Zombies have been jacked up in many areas. We have PsychoVehicles spawning across the map along with the BlackOut Baja's and NightWolfs Heli's spawning as well.(All vehicles spawn fully geared besides gas and rad fluids). PartyMod for you and your friends with party map markers. Global chat for those times when you just gotta brag lmao .... + OFFERS MUCH MUCH MORE!!! Come check it out. ***WE NEED STAFF***APPLY IN DISCORD***NEW SERVER***#BG# IS BACK!!!*** ***CUSTOM & IMPROVED AREAS COMING SOON*** ***SUGGESTIONS AND REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED*** DISCORD: https://discord.gg/BRgJRPkyBX DZSAL: #BG#[Takistan+][1PP][NoTrader][Vic+HeliSpawns][3PPDriving][Loot+]#BG#(PvP) DAYZLAUNCHER: #BG#[Takistan+][1PP][NoTrader][Vic+HeliSpawns][3PPDriving][Loot+]#BG#(PvP)
  11. DayZ Nation https://discord.gg/JBPgybgsbq US/PS4 -32 Slot, will add more -Jobs -Base Alarms -Loot++ -NPCs -Short Nights -Full Mags ️ -Custom Spawns -Trader (Balota) -Safezone (Balota) -Kill feed -Bounties -Economy -Factions -PVP -Less Lag -Vodka & Cannabis -Active admins -Boosted animals -Full Cars -2 Raid days -Fight Night -Events
  12. Ghost Of Chernarus 50 slots No whitelist Laws killfeed Events and giveaways Factions , solos all welcome Trader at vybor and black market trader at Zvir Full trucks and full gunters and ada 4x4 Boosted and modded loot Wiped recently 17/07/2021 Suggestions all welcome Plank spawns for new factions Weekly discord payments Plank spawn for new factions joining No limit on faction members Little to no rules Join our discord for more info and to talk to us , not necessary to join discord to play server either https://discord.gg/69cxb9c2Wa
  13. ANCALAGON/Freshly Wiped Platform : XBOX * 32 Slot Server * 5X Boosted Loot * keyboard and mouse friendly * Newbies get 1 trip to trader to gear up for free * Full map KOS; except Safezones PVP/ Bounty * Weedend Raids * Fully Functional Trader * Built cars w/goodies * Full-Feature Casino System * Zombies Boosted w/food * Growing Community + in Game Factions * US & UK Friendly * All New Members get $5k Inncentive * Killfeeds, Stats etc. * Join Our Discord https://discord.gg/FsKXwPT43p
  14. ANCALAGON/Freshly Wiped Platform : XBOX * 32 Slot Server * 5X Boosted Loot * keyboard and mouse friendly * Newbies get 1 trip to trader to gear up for free * Full map KOS; except Safezones PVP/ Bounty * Weedend Raids * Fully Functional Trader * Built cars w/goodies * Full-Feature Casino System * Zombies Boosted w/food * Growing Community + in Game Factions * US & UK Friendly * All New Members get $5k Inncentive * Killfeeds, Stats etc. * Join Our Discord https://discord.gg/FsKXwPT43p
  15. ■ Violent DayZ aims to find and bring balance between realism and fun. ↳ Hand picked mods aimed to improve the quality of life! ↳ Hand picked mods aimed to bring a lot of diversity and engagement on our servers! ↳ Join our DISCORD! ■ Main themes are PvP, Raiding and active Community! ↳ Active Staff that actually listens to its community! ↳ Player-base get to decide server changes via polls and votes! ■ In-game Content: ↳ Custom designed helicopters! ↳ PvP and Raiding with C4 only! ↳ Healthy economy that requires a little grind! ↳ Custom guns! ↳ Drugs+ for selling/growing! ↳ Custom/Improved map locations (NE-AirField, NW-AirField, Stary, VMC, Bashnya) ↳ Active Staff Members! ■ Quality of Life improvements: ↳ No glove or shoe damage! ↳ Compass Mod! ↳ Autorun Mod & Infinite Stamina! ↳ Open inventory while auto-runnning and driving! ↳ No Vehicle Damage! ↳ Better traction for Off-Road driving! ↳ Ear-Plugs! ■ COMMUNITY RULES: ↳ No NSFW/NSFL content. ↳ Be civil and respectful. ↳ Keep politics to a minimum. ↳ Use channels appropriately. ↳ No excessive self promotion. ■ IN-GAME RULES: ↳ Stealing vehicles or items out of the Trader zones is FORBIDDEN! ↳ Do not spam/troll your microphone within safe-zones! ↳ No loot cycling! ↳ No combat logging! ↳ No meta-gaming! DISCLAIMER: Our rules are subject to change and it is the duty of the member to make him or herself aware of such changes. ↳ For a much more detailed version of our server & rules, please join our DISCORD!
  16. ANCALAGON/Freshly Wiped Platform : XBOX * 32 Slot Server * 5X Boosted Loot * keyboard and mouse friendly * Newbies get 1 trip to trader to gear up for free * Full map KOS; except Safezones PVP/ Bounty * Weedend Raids * Fully Functional Trader * Built cars w/goodies * Full-Feature Casino System * Zombies Boosted w/food * Growing Community + in Game Factions * US & UK Friendly * All New Members get $5k Inncentive * Killfeeds, Stats etc. * Join Our Discord https://discord.gg/FsKXwPT43p
  17. DayZed and Confused IP: Discord.gg/2vpbCpX2rT Bitcoin Helicopters Hordes Airdrops Survivor Missions MSF-C Gear Expansion Base Fortification
  18. ANCALAGON/Freshly Wiped Platform : XBOX * 32 Slot Server * 5X Boosted Loot * keyboard and mouse friendly * Newbies get 1 trip to trader to gear up for free * Full map KOS; except Safezones PVP/ Bounty * Weedend Raids * Fully Functional Trader * Built cars w/goodies * Full-Feature Casino System * Zombies Boosted w/food * Growing Community + in Game Factions * US & UK Friendly * All New Members get $5k Inncentive * Killfeeds, Stats etc. * Join Our Discord https://discord.gg/w7nchXTe2A
  19. Hey guys we have a growing Community with our Intervention US1 | PvP | 1PP | Expansion | Market | Keycards server on PC, come check it out. Expansion Deer isle and has a good mix of mods and weapon packs, trader's and a fun community. Dm me on the Discord and our active admins will help get you set up! https://discord.gg/ntMkHwgvfQ Server IP
  20. TheLivingDayZ is a PVP based Esseker server!, We have custom made trader and military's with high teir guns, drugs, king of the hill and much more. We are a new server and try to grow up into a big community! We are trying to keep this a nice friendly server with no toxic players or hackers. We do encourage players of all playstyles to come along and join in!. Giving you an easier start to your lifethere's 100k sitting awaiting you in the bank at trader. We understand that traders normally make it easy to get loot but its been made a little harder you got to earn your goodies still and keeping to the survival aspect of things!Our Esseker server has:*Trader(CustomMade),BlackMarket,HeliTrader*King of the hill*Flying Birds*BulletStackPlusPlus*SpawnSelect*Garage*MuchStuffPack*Heros&Bandits*AdvancedWeaponScopes*CannabisPlus*Cl0ud'sMilitaryGear*BreachingCharge*UnlimitedStamina*BaseBuildingPlus*Banking*MortysWeapons*RagHummerArmoredAlso much more!!We hold PvP Events! Capture the flag! Find and kill! And much more! We try to host at least 1 pvp a week! we recently had a girls vs boys, who could hold down thePD for longer! Admins are more than happy to hold events! for players either to get some nice goodies or to brush up on the pvp skills. Either way its all for the fun and games!. We have our own made camp site for players who arnt looking to build a base but somewhere safe to store your loot. There are 5 Mini bases, The rent will be 40k a month or 10k per week. We have permitted 24/7 raiding! We strive for fair raiding so please keep to the rules.For us, players are the most important thing, which is why we value your feedback and ideas. You can take part in the future of the server by suggesting Changes or new mods. You can also become part of the Event Team and create new Events with us. Our admins are very friendly so are able to help with anything they can or even any questions if you have them.Come Find Us @ Discord: https://discord.gg/5G6c2jjW2F @ IP: @ Server Name: [TLDZ]EssekerlLoot+lCannabis+lVehicles+ @ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheLivingDayZ
  21. Looking For a fun Xbox server? Look no further! “7x Loot”Community Server is thriving and growing everyday! Active Factions/PvP/High Loot! Out of the 8 available armband colors for factions we have 4 colors taken “Blue, White, Pink and Black” Will you be the next leader to pick up one of the remaining colors and start your own faction to lead your group to thrive? Maybe you will forge an alliance with a fellow faction? Or declare War and try to raid everything another faction has? This server has so much to offer includingboosted loot, active factions, fun discord community, only a few spawning points to easily group up with your friends, and in game the community is awesome! If you like what your reading and want to know more, please feel free to join the server Discord and REMEMBER! check the #Rules channel first when you join before you do anything! click the green check mark after fully reading server rules to gain full access to the discord channels and lastly, We hope to see you out there survivor! https://discord.com/invite/8bWTf8Yc
  22. Hello everyone stop in to try Ludwig Vanhiemerstien and the C.P.D.s first official DayZ pvp server Chernarus Law (IP )This is a US server on the Chernarus Plus map where I Ludwig Vanhiemerstien and the C.P.D. will serve as the policemen and women to protect the citizens of Chernarus against deadly drug cartel gangs and many other dangers in the land. This is a pvp kos, if you like, server with a few tasteful twists of law enforcement. If you decide not to comply with the local laws and live the outlaw life be sure that the police will be looking for you with a warrant if your crimes are serious. There are rules but none pertaining to role play. Role play is not required. The CPD will usually try to talk to you and get you to give up peacefully. However if it’s a fight you want it’s a fight you will get :). A list of local laws are available for review but again you can choose to break them if you want. We have custom military and custom events and missions such as active warrants, bounties, kill streak bonuses, police convoy ambush, vip criminal jail brake, juggernaut defense, and more to create a one of a kind DayZ gameplay experience for all to enjoy. So what are you waiting for? Join today and choose a life of crime or join law enforcement in hopes to restore peace and order in the land. Be sure to check out our discord at https://discord.gg/kWBSubBPKJ. Also like and subscribe to my YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/channel/UCxAdNMZaMCgvbN8DIX0zsvQ
  23. Among the Dead server English - Portugal PVE/PVP (Military zones) Base building ++loot Hi if you wanna join my server go to https://discord.gg/geHAbaUxb2