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Found 20 results

  1. Welcome to Better Than Vanilla DayZ Servers! Are you ready to elevate your DayZ experience to new heights? Look no further than our servers, where action, excitement, and community thrive! Server IPs and Features: Server IP: - Map: Chernarus Server IP: Map: Livonia Server IP: - Map: DeerIsle Features: PvP, Loot/Stamina+, Guns+, Base Building Plus, Killfeed, Custom Reskin/Repaint Bench, Raid Item Logout Prevention, Prison Sentence for Rule Breaking, Rare Custom Toxic/Lava Bears and Wolves, Hidden Stashes, Custom Gear and Vehicles, Custom Base Supplies, Custom Keycards, Body Bags, 24/7 C4 Raiding, Spawn Select, Balanced Armored Vehicles, Loot Chests, KOTH, Airdrops, Collectable Items, RawCore/Pitstop Clothing and Weapons. Experience Enhanced Gameplay with: Inventory Build Base Building for improved construction mechanics. Raid item logout prevention to ensure fair play. Graphical in-game and Discord killfeed for real-time updates. Custom reskin/repaint bench to preserve your custom skins. Rare custom toxic, lava bears, and wolves with valuable drops. Hidden stashes for competitive edge acquisition. Custom gear, vehicles, and clothing for personalization. Access to the best loot via custom keycards. Persistent body bags to safeguard your gear. 24/7 C4 raiding system to eliminate base exploitation. Balanced armored vehicles for safe travel in custom military zones. Loot chests and KOTH events for exciting challenges. Collectable items to decorate and personalize your base. Join our Community: Immerse yourself in a vibrant community of fellow survivors who share your passion for DayZ. Connect with like-minded players on our Discord server, where you can share tips, trade resources, and form alliances. Participate in community events, competitions, and role-playing scenarios that bring our world to life. Our dedicated, non-playing staff are always available to provide support, answer questions, and ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all. Join Us Today! Embark on an unforgettable journey by joining our DayZ servers now! Dive into the action-packed world of Chernarus, Livonia, and DeerIsle, where every decision you make could mean life or death. Whether you're seeking intense PvP battles, thrilling loot hunts, or cooperative base-building adventures, you'll find it all here. Don't wait—join our community today and experience DayZ like never before. See you in-game! https://discord.gg/better-than-vanilla-1114935474772004865
  2. New Day Z Playstation Console Servers with Slighly boosted loot. PVP/PPE We have 2 new servers on Playstation one for the Chernarus map and one for the Lavonia map. There is a credit system to earn in game credits as you play the game and you can use those credits to buy items from the shop list by linking your in game Name to our Discord. We’re giving 500 free credits to use in the shop to everyone that links their game ID to the discord server. Were still new and our servers are a work in progress, were working out some minor details but we are always open to suggestions from our community on how we can improve and make both of the servers better and fun for everyone. So we’re definitely open to feedback. As of now were looking to be mainly pvp and ppe with the opportunity to add weekend or bi-weekend raids once our server starts to grow. To join our a Chernarus server search for 100xMC To Join our Lavonia server search for 101xMC Join our discord to link your account and start earning credits. https://discord.gg/SkGpZ Our Discord name: DAYZ MAFIA CLASHERS
  3. Brand new server, pvp ,kos ,slightly boosted loot, raid weekends, lootable Graves, 32 slot, great admin, fun community, discord casino, giveaways, full trucks and cars, build anywhere, helis, bonfires, give it a try!!!
  4. Only limited people allowed on the server with special Skills Best of Pvp Beat ofpve Best of Survival Best of building Beste of running a business https://discord.com/invite/outkastdayz do you see yourself worthy to join one of the best servers on days ps4/ps5 # **ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF BS SERVERS?** We got a zero **BS** tolerance for rule breaking. On this whitelisted server, alts wont be something that will overrun you, 1 Main and 2 alts Per person. No **BS** 40 alts, no hogging mass amounts of loot offline. Or fighting against an army of one man surrounding the base across a span of 400m in a circle? I know, **BS** right? No modded **BS** bases either, get some nails and build. # **DO YOU WANT AN OLD SCHOOL FEEL TO DAYZ WITH A SLIGHTLY BOOSTED SERVER?** This is the place. That old feel you had running from a horde worrying about your gear, that feeling starting fresh, we give it to you. Freshie gear is more boosted and easier to get, if you want the gooooood shit. You will need to work for it, or fight someone who might have it... # **WOULD YOU RATHER STAY AWAY FROM EVERYONE AND LIVE WITH A GROUP BUT NOT A FACTION?** Ahhh don't worry, we have a safe zone so everyone from new players, to PVEers, can get something that they want. There is a place for everyone and a role / job for everyone. Want to run a car shop? Done. Want to run a farming home? Easy. Whatever you can imagine, run by the community, for the community. # **DO YOU LIKE GAS?** Well if you don't? Tough. This is a classic feel to dayz as stated above. Not for the weak hearted. Also dynamic spawns for heli crashes and convoys, go find em! # **A BIT ABOUT THE TEAM** Admins don't raid, we aren't included. We don't get to have fun. Not even allowed in faction groups, luckily the admins have admin night otherwise it'd get lonely. We're always here to help the community out, we have USA & EU & SA time zones, so we can tend to your needs almost 24hs a day...Yay. # **WHAT OTHER AREAS CAN I LOOT?** Well, you could raid a base...like normal I guess. OR, raid one of the lightly modded areas that are being built and changed frequently to change the dynamic of loot and raiding places. I know, too much. BUT ALSO, two POIs around the map, that you can find out what they do ;). # **OVERVIEW** A faction based, near official server, ready to set you straight with all your needs, and being looked after within a tight knit community.
  5. https://discord.com/invite/outkastdayz !!Outkast dayz Livonia ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF BS SERVERS? We got a zero **BS** tolerance for rule breaking. On this whitelisted server, alts wont be something that will overrun you, 1 Main and 2 alts Per person. No **BS** 40 alts, no hogging mass amounts of loot offline. Or fighting against an army of one man surrounding the base across a span of 400m in a circle? I know, **BS** right? No modded **BS** bases either, get some nails and build. DO YOU WANT AN OLD SCHOOL FEEL TO DAYZ WITH A SLIGHTLY BOOSTED SERVER? This is the place. That old feel you had running from a horde worrying about your gear, that feeling starting fresh, we give it to you. Freshie gear is more boosted and easier to get, if you want the gooooood shit. You will need to work for it, or fight someone who might have it... WOULD YOU RATHER STAY AWAY FROM EVERYONE AND LIVE WITH A GROUP BUT NOT A FACTION? Ahhh don't worry, we have a safe zone so everyone from new players, to PVEers, can get something that they want. There is a place for everyone and a role / job for everyone. Want to run a car shop? Done. Want to run a farming home? Easy. Whatever you can imagine, run by the community, for the community. DO YOU LIKE GAS? Well if you don't? Tough. This is a classic feel to dayz as stated above. Not for the weak hearted. Also dynamic spawns for heli crashes and convoys, go find em! A BIT ABOUT THE TEAM Admins don't raid, we aren't included. We don't get to have fun. Not even allowed in faction groups, luckily the admins have admin night otherwise it'd get lonely. We're always here to help the community out, we have USA & EU & SA time zones, so we can tend to your needs almost 24hs a day...Yay. WHAT OTHER AREAS CAN I LOOT? Well, you could raid a base...like normal I guess. OR, raid one of the lightly modded areas that are being built and changed frequently to change the dynamic of loot and raiding places. I know, too much. BUT ALSO, two POIs around the map, that you can find out what they do ;). OVERVIEW A faction based, near official server, ready to set you straight with all your needs, and being looked after within a tight knit community.
  6. Side36 1PP No aiming dot. The night is dark and full of terrors (c). Server IP-adress : port : 7615 https://discord.gg/H6uBz6FWmJ https://youtu.be/-cIOvzuSz-U Minimum excess content. We don't have tens of modpacks a couple gigabytes each and hundreds of added firearms with questionable visuals and functionality, trader and unlimited stamina. And won't have. We will try to have one global mod for our server plus several separate utulities for administrating purposes. Only natural role-play. DayZ as a game gives more than enough instruments for roleplaying and doesn't require additional conventions for it. Anybody can be anyone he or she wants in the game world. There will be no artificial rules, that put players into imaginary boundaries and dictate interaction with one another. Harsher survival. Fewer weapons and ammo, instruments and food. Fewer slots in clothing. Missions for players. There will be a mission broadcast on radiochannel 99.7 once per hour, completing said mission will grant a reward. Any player can hear the mission. The reward and random and may contain different useful things, some of which can't be found in the game world. Changed basebuilding. You can build almost anywhere. More resources are needed to build walls, but higher toughness and raid resistance. GOOD LUCK, SURVIVOR. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Без точки прицілу. Ніч темна і повна жахів (с). IP-адреса : порт сервера : 8415 https://discord.gg/H6uBz6FWmJ https://youtu.be/-cIOvzuSz-U Мінімум зайвого. У нас немає десятків модпаків по кілька гігабайт кожен і сотень доданих стволів з сумнівним візуалом і функціоналом, торгівника та безлімітної стаміни. І не буде. Ми будемо старатися мати один глобальний мод для нашого сервера плюс окремо кілька утиліт для адміністрування. Тільки природнє відігрування ролі. DayZ як гра дає більш ніж достатньо інструментів для відігрування ролі, і не потребує додаткових умовностей для цього. Тому кожен може бути у світі гри ким забажає, але під це ніколи не будуть створюватись штучні правила, що ставитимуть гравців у вигадані рамки і диктуватимуть як взаємодіяти між собою. Суворіше виживання. Менше зброї та набоїв, інструментів та їжі. Менше слотів у одязі. Завдання для гравців. Раз на годину на радіочастоті 99.7 з'являється завдання, за виконання якого гравець може отримати винагороду. Завдання може почути будь-який гравець. Винагорода є випадковою і може містити різні корисні речі, з яких деякі не знайти в ігровому світі. Змінене будівництво. Будувати можна майже будь-де. Більше витрат ресурсів на побудову стін, але більша міцність і стійкість до рейду. НЕХАЙ ЩАСТИТЬ, УЦІЛІЛИЙ.
  7. Vanquished Gaming is a gaming community with plenty to offer. Our DayZ server is second to none - Vanilla+ type feel with 6 man groups. Team up with friends and take on the server in this fast paced PVP DayZ server. 4 week long wipes. This is a **FRESH LAUNCH 28th APRIL**. With our discord of over 4000 members you will be sure to find friends to play all kinds of games. discord.gg/vanquished
  8. Vanquished Gaming is a gaming community with plenty to offer. Our 7 days to die server is second to none - with tonnes of quality of life improvements and community driven wipe days. With our discord of over 4000 members you will be sure to find friends to play all kinds of games. discord.gg/vanquished
  9. Where do i start 1st of all a massive thank you to 2 of our players for this video englishknight for putting this masterpiece together and blazedd for the screenshots and pictures. we have custom built areas all over the map plenty for you all to find and explore. Some of our mods include diesel, renegade gear, dnakeycards, bbp, expansion, custom car pack, snafu, teddy and mortys weapon packs, arma helicopters, collectables and drugs. This a growing friendly community (unless your in a pvp zone lol) feel free to join our discord https://discord.gg/NaB6hPv7wh
  10. PvE server with PvP events hosted from discord. All players who join discord will receive a FREE flag to get your base started. Discord boasts a loot store where you can find an array of setups, we also have an automated points system so you can accumulate points from in game competitions, helping other players and much more, we understand that not everyone has that spare $$ to waste on in game transactions, so the points system allow you to redeem your desired items from your points rather than having to waste money. Great friendly support team wanting to build a great player community. Server search: A DASH Boost Loot - PvE Server w/ PvP Events Discord group: https://discord.gg/VwfpXFUsmT We hope to see you soon!!
  11. Hey all! Please take some time to check out my new server! [REDACTED] Tough Survival | No Traders | Guns + | Gear + | Helicopters I Just finished polishing up my brand new server and I’m excited to get some new people to join in on the fun! I’m ready to make a super chill community who loves vanilla dayz with some added spice! No crazy starting items, no traders, and no mods that stray too far from the vanilla experience (though I added a few to make things interesting ) There is more loot overall, more guns, more gear, and additional vehicles (including helicopters). Nights are darker, zombies are tougher, and forests are quite dangerous. Good luck and have fun. Can’t wait to see you guys! - Famu (server admin) P.S. if I happen to be around, you might receive a cheeky little welcome package for the grand opening
  12. Join our new dayz community server! Server name is “ !A51 “ Area51 Server information: Server restarts every 2 hours. 15x boosted loot Fully built cars and trucks Build anywhere Pristine and Fully built guns Boosted Heli Crashes 2 hour days 35 min nights Boosted meds Unlimited stamina Useless items removed Premium killfeed in discord https://discord.gg/fuzADHQ4GT
  13. New and growing PlayStation server with laid back people looking to interact and have fun. Help us grow! Chernarus Badlands https://discord.gg/TgHtR9Wpv8) Check us out, full list of server features on discord!
  14. Welcome to Paradise! Paradise is a server built for the joy of breeding, and modded for Primal Fear Survival and is based on Valguero! We also have other mods that just make simple things stay simple. Like Creature Finder, stacks, and awesome spyglass. There is a discord to go to for community rules, basic information, as well as the shop along with prices! The discord will be linked at the end of this ad! The discord is run only by me until i find some admins to help me out, so have some patience . Once we have enough constant players, we will begin the games! A dino will be announced for the challenge dino of the week, which you must breed until you have a fully color-mutated version of said dino! Primal fear dinos/creatures are also in the potluck! Come join me on my server, and come have some fun while breeding, taming, and hatching some colorful friends!!! Server Name: PARADISE/Modded/Breeding/Shop/Community discord link: discord.gg/zw4nHst Come be a part of the Ark Paradise family!!
  15. DayZ Nation https://discord.gg/JBPgybgsbq US/PS4 -32 Slot, will add more -Jobs -Base Alarms -Loot++ -NPCs -Short Nights -Full Mags ️ -Custom Spawns -Trader (Balota) -Safezone (Balota) -Kill feed -Bounties -Economy -Factions -PVP -Less Lag -Vodka & Cannabis -Active admins -Boosted animals -Full Cars -2 Raid days -Fight Night -Events
  16. With the game launching yesterday it seems like there is a lot to do within it currently. So far it looks pretty interesting in how they have everything setup. From the environmental aspect, to building your own little civilization within it, while trying to not impact the world too much. I am really liking this game. What are everyone else's opinion on this game thus far?
  17. INTRODUCTION Welcome to Awaken Reborn, Wiped 05/20. Hosted by SurvialServers.com, Admins are active and able to help whenever needed, Server community events are held every Saturday, bringing players together in various PvE and PvP events. Please read all server settings and server rules before joining. If you have any questions, please visit our: Steam Community page- http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Awaken-Reborn-Gaming Awaken-Reborn Website- http://awaken-reborn.enjin.com/home Ark-Servers Page- http://ark-servers.net/server/45472/ Community Discord- http://discord.me/awaken message an admin for your own private tribe channel or join the server and ask around for anything you need! Congratulate Advanced Architecture for winning the mod contest here - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=539464369 SERVER SETTINGS Custom Beacons Difficulty: 4.0 Maximum Player Level: 250 Wild dino max level: 150 (270 levels after tame) 25x XP 10x Gathering 25x Taming 25x Egg hatch speed 25x Baby mature speed 10x Baby Food Consumption Crop growth multiplied Longer days & shorter nights Food and water drainage halved Unlock all engrams at max level Stats for dinos & players multiplied Reduced player respawn rates Structure limit on saddles/rafts doubled. Turret damage multiplied Dinosaur spawns adjusted Gamma enabled Server Rules: NO killing PASSIVE dinos. No hacking or cheating (Aimbot, etc.) NO spamming of global-chat, no perversion, racism or sexism. NO killing new players, there is a 48 hour grace period for new players to get started. A person or tribe CANNOT raid the same person twice within 24 hours. Tribes have a maximum of 3 bases, Dino pens included. Ground tames are limited to 4 turrets, but the rider can be completely enclosed. Flying tames are allowed to have as much turrets as they would like, but the rider must be fully OPEN. No roofs, no side walls. Also, please dont argue with Admins. We try our best to enforce these rules to keep the server fun, friendly and fair. These rules are there to make the experience better for the entire community. Have a nice day Photon Cannons are ONLY allowed as a base defense from raiding, they are not to be put on any platform saddles or used as a raiding device. PvP Times: 3pm - 9pm CT (2pm - 8pm PST/5pm - 11pm EST) PvE Tmes: The rest of the time before and after that^ 1 of every boss dino per tribe. Dodorex, Megapithecus, Broodmother, Wyvern No Building on the Floating Island. Main Mods: Annunaki Genesis - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=538986229 Advanced Architecture - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=539464369 Stargate Atlantis - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=609380111 RAWR Beacons - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=557147187 Offline Raid Protection - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=600705968 All mods can be downloaded here at your Workshop Collection - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=687404309
  18. INTRODUCTION Welcome to Awaken Reborn, Wiped 05/02. Hosted by SurvialServers.com, Admins are active and able to help whenever needed, Server community events are held every Saturday, bringing players together in various PvE and PvP events. Please read all server settings and server rules before joining. If you have any questions, please visit our: Steam Community page- http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Awaken-Reborn-Gaming Community Website- http://awaken-reborn.enjin.com/home Ark-Servers Page- http://ark-servers.net/server/42903/ Community Discord- http://discord.me/awaken message an admin for your own private tribe channel or join the server and ask around for anything you need! SERVER SETTINGS Custom Beacons Difficulty: 4.0 Max Player Level: 200 Wild dino max level: 120 (220 levels after tame) 25 XP 10x Gathering 25x Taming 50x Egg hatch speed 50x Baby mature speed 50x Baby Food Consumption Crop growth multiplied Longer days & shorter nights Food and water drainage halved Unlock all engrams at max level Stats for dinos & players multiplied Reduced player respawn rates Structure limit on saddles/rafts doubled. Turret damage multiplied Dinosaur spawns adjusted Brontos Disabled Stegos Disabled Gamma enabled Server Rules: NO killing PASSIVE dinos. No hacking or cheating (Aimbot, etc.) NO spamming of global-chat, no perversion, racism or sexism. NO killing new players, there is a 48 hour grace period for new players to get started. A person or tribe CANNOT raid the same person twice within 24 hours. Tribes have a maximum of 3 bases, Dino pens included. Ground tames are limited to 4 turrets, but the rider can be completely enclosed. Flying tames are allowed to have as much turrets as they would like, but the rider must be fully OPEN. No roofs, no side walls. Also, please dont argue with Admins. We try our best to enforce these rules to keep the server fun, friendly and fair. These rules are there to make the experience better for the entire community. Have a nice day Main Mods: Map: Valhalla- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=504122600 Stargate Atlantis- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=609380111 Pimp My Dino- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=655581765 RAWR Beacons- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=557147187 ORP - Offline Raid Protection v03.27.16.16- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=600705968 All mods can be downloaded here at our Workshop Collection http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=678092640
  19. http://www.eu-ark.com Server Info: -Server name is : [EU] 25x ALL 50x XP | Instant tame | Mods | 24-7 | -WIPED 09-02-2016 -20 Active Players, that includes me (growing) -50 slots -Server is few days old -Server IP is : -Website : http://www..eu-ark.com -Friendly Community -Server will at least last for 1 year or longer -Server Location is in Germany but UK,US are having a good ping as well. Server Rules: - English only in global. - Max 60 Xplants! - No blocking land caves! - No building on volcano or blue obelisk! - No extreme griefing! - No hacking! (Will spectate) - Don't spam foundations! - Don't build a foundation, wall, ceiling or anything around/over the rider's position. (Paracer, Bronto, Quetz, Mosa, Plesio) An example of what is allowed: http://imgur.com/E02sIY8 Notice the line behind the rider. - Do not block major metal spawns! - You can only hold prisoners for a max of 15 mins. To connect Click View>Servers>Favorites>ADD A SERVER>COPY AND PASTE THIS ""TO THE TEXT BOX>ADD SELECTED GAME SERVER>ADD TO FAVORITES Play Ark and you should see the server in your favorite list. ------------------------- -------------------------CURRENT MODS -------------------------------------------------- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=479295136 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=504163240 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=506506101 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=510590313 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=510854250 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=517605531 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=531881498 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=534030292 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=534838287 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=554678442 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=547099024 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=578592447 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=587288100 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=600705968 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=558651608 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=622608522