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  1. Server 97968 was in "Unknown" status again. Player informed me that it started around 1700 EST. Server was already rebooted this afternoon, around 1400 EST. At 2100 EST, I was getting 100% packet loss on a ping. I rebooted the server again at 2110 EST, but it is still sitting in an "Unknown" status. Any idea what might be behind this? Makes no sense to me that an application crash (if this is what is going on) would shut down a virtual NIC, and make the OS unreachable. Edit: I was making an assumption about it being application-related, as sometimes rebooting the server resolves the issue. It does not appear to be the case, this time.
  2. 2-6-2020 @ 2040 Server 97968 is stuttering and hitching again. Ping again shows 75% packet loss. Restarting, forcing an update and verification brought the server up in a "Ready" state. Somewhat troubling, as it gets rebooted daily.
  3. Server 97968 Heavy stuttering (about about 75% packet loss) started at 2100 tonight. Server in "Unknown" status. This also occurred around midnight last night.