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Everything posted by Pedigru

  1. You're in luck. Survival Servers has updated the control panel to allow you to customize your world map with ease. I <3 SS I did test the map you're interested in using and it was so big my 8 gb of RAM was eaten alive. Would not recommend.
  2. Many plugins aren't updated, especially with the last patch. You will want the RCON tool for console access. It will immediately tell you whether a plugin is working. When you upload a plugin, oxide will automatically install and initialize it. This process is visible via the RCON console. So if the initialization fails you'll see it and a message why it failed. Of course the fail message won't be like "Plugin out of date" or anything like that. But you will surely see the "Failed". Also, many plugins require permissions to be set on them for them to work. Explore the Oxide forums. They are a good resource.
  3. Hi, all the information you need is in right there at the top of the image. Map size: 8000 Map seed: 733004 From looking at other posts in this forum, put a check in the Custom Launch Parameters box then the command should be (I don't use custom launch parameters myself) something like this: +server.worldsize 8000 +server.seed 733004 I generated that size and seed on rust.io's map page for comparison. http://map.playrust.io/?Procedural%20Map_8000_733004
  4. Hi! I believe there is only one map available for the legacy (original) version of Rust. Should you be interested in using newer maps or procedural generated maps, you will need to use the Experimental version of the game. .
  5. Hi! You have mistaken a RCON (remote console) tool as a "mod". Rusty is a application you run on your own computer and use to log into your server using your RCON Details (found on your control panel). Using the RCON tool allows you to perform administrative commands without being in the game with your Admin character. A solid alternative to Rusty is -> https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1430779
  6. Hi! I am hoping you are using Oxide for your Rust server. You can install it via your control panel. Going here-> http://oxidemod.org/ you will find various plugins to use. Each plugin will have installation instructions. For the most part, you basically download the plugin you want to use. Unzip it onto your hard drive. Edit any configuration files. Then upload the files to the appropriate server directory via FTP.
  7. If you cannot see waypoints, you probably have Crosshairs turned off. For whatever reason, with crosshairs off you can only see waypoints while in an aircraft. It also effects mouse steering in third person.
  8. If you cannot see waypoints, you probably have Crosshairs turned off. For whatever reason, with crosshairs off you can only see waypoints while in an aircraft. It also effects mouse steering in third person.