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Everything posted by ColCrowe

  1. I know how to change the setting and add them, What i need to know is if there are any codes for the Foundations, and Ceilings ???
  2. I've changed the setting in gus, on the LargewallHP,xlwallHp,and the fenceHP to 1.2mill, cant find anything on the net abt. FoundationxP and CeilingXP, which ive have added but those commands are not working, i thought i would give the commands a chance. do you or anyone else know how i can make them Also 1.2mill?
  3. What does Save form values only really mean, does it mean that next time the server starts its taking what i had changed in the controll panel into the game , ie. ini files ??? because the other 2 buttons want to restart the server, its fine with me when it uploads my changes at the restart point that is set
  4. I have Day at "0.25" and Night at "2" seems playable, but will have a good setting by 1.11