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  1. I have tried modifiying both pbo's mentioned for my server and nothing seems to work. I used the dayz_chernarusXXXX.pbo in the mpmissions folder and server.pbo in the @BlissChernarus/Addons folder, and nothing changed. I get the mission update when logging in and nothing else. Just recently I tried the base building 1.2 mod on my Epoch server using these pbo's and noticed no change at all. If anyone has had the same issue or has information on how to set mods up on these servers I would be very appreciative.
  2. I have tried modifiying both pbo's mentioned for my server and nothing seems to work. I used the dayz_chernarusXXXX.pbo in the mpmissions folder and server.pbo in the @BlissChernarus/Addons folder, and nothing changed. I get the mission update when logging in and nothing else. Just recently I tried the base building 1.2 mod on my Epoch server using these pbo's and noticed no change at all. If anyone has had the same issue or has information on how to set mods up on these servers I would be very appreciative.