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  1. Nothing will be done if you don't turn in a support ticket. I had it happen before and they fixed it within a few hours.
  2. Nothing will be done if you don't turn in a support ticket. I had it happen before and they fixed it within a few hours.
  3. I haven't messed with anything. And yes I am running SS Antihack. I've been going by what is showing in the left corner. People start connecting and then they are disconnected. I was figuring they don't have the mod loaded.
  4. I haven't messed with anything. And yes I am running SS Antihack. I've been going by what is showing in the left corner. People start connecting and then they are disconnected. I was figuring they don't have the mod loaded.
  5. Does anyone know how to turn off the fog in Tavania? I have searched all around and can't seem to find a solution.
  6. Does anyone know how to turn off the fog in Tavania? I have searched all around and can't seem to find a solution.
  7. I have my server set up for Tavania but when people try to join they are disconnected right away. Our clan has no problem but it seems everyone else does. Is there something going on here or could it just be people that haven't downloaded the map? I'm running it vanilla so there are no scripts or mods.
  8. I have my server set up for Tavania but when people try to join they are disconnected right away. Our clan has no problem but it seems everyone else does. Is there something going on here or could it just be people that haven't downloaded the map? I'm running it vanilla so there are no scripts or mods.
  9. Make sure all of your configuration files have Taviana selected. HiveExt.ini and server.cfg need to be set. I had the same issue when setting up mine and that is what fixed it.
  10. Make sure all of your configuration files have Taviana selected. HiveExt.ini and server.cfg need to be set. I had the same issue when setting up mine and that is what fixed it.
  11. Would this be it? _playerMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf"; I don't see anything else that looks like it would control that.
  12. Would this be it? _playerMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_monitor.sqf"; I don't see anything else that looks like it would control that.
  13. Does anyone know how to turn the debug menu off. I believe I found it in the player_spawn_2.sqf file under the Sporkulus stuff. //if (dayzDebug) then { //Debug Info _headShots = player getVariable["headShots",0]; _kills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0]; _killsH = player getVariable["humanKills",0]; _killsB = player getVariable["banditKills",0]; _humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0]; _myblood = r_player_blood; _zombies = count entities "zZombie_Base"; _zombiesA = {alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base"; _fps = diag_fps; //_groups = count allGroups; //_dead = count allDead; //dayz_zombiesLocal = {local _x} count entities "zZombie_Base"; //_loot = count allMissionObjects "WeaponHolder"; //_wrecks = count allMissionObjects "Wreck_Base"; //_lootL = {local _x} count allMissionObjects "WeaponHolder"; //_speed = (_vel distance [0,0,0]); //for debug to work remove the "//" in front of hintslient line below //hintSilent format["FPS: %8\nBlood: %2\nHumanity: %7\nZombie Kills: %1\nSurvivor Kills: %4\nBandit Kills: %5\nZombies(alive/total): %6/%3",_kills,r_player_blood,_zombies,_killsH,_killsB,_zombiesA,_humanity,_fps]; _hcol2 = switch (true) do { case (_myblood<11999) : {'#ffff00'}; default {'#00FF00'}; }; _hcol3 = switch (true) do { case (round diag_fps<25) : {'#ff0000'}; default {'#00FF00'}; }; //#ff0000 = red //#FFFFFF = white //#00FF00 = green //#00FFFF = blue //#c72842 = redish pink //#ffff00 = yellow //#ff8800 = orange hintSilent parseText format [" Your Server Name Zombies Kills: %1 Headshots: %2 Survivor Kills: %3 Bandits Kills: %4 Blood: %5 Humanity: %7 FPS: %8", (_kills), (_headShots), (_killsH), (_killsB), (_myblood), (_Hcounter), (_humanity), (_fps), (_hcol2), (_hcol3)]; Reading it, it seems like it should be off but it is on in game.
  14. Does anyone know how to turn the debug menu off. I believe I found it in the player_spawn_2.sqf file under the Sporkulus stuff. //if (dayzDebug) then { //Debug Info _headShots = player getVariable["headShots",0]; _kills = player getVariable["zombieKills",0]; _killsH = player getVariable["humanKills",0]; _killsB = player getVariable["banditKills",0]; _humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0]; _myblood = r_player_blood; _zombies = count entities "zZombie_Base"; _zombiesA = {alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base"; _fps = diag_fps; //_groups = count allGroups; //_dead = count allDead; //dayz_zombiesLocal = {local _x} count entities "zZombie_Base"; //_loot = count allMissionObjects "WeaponHolder"; //_wrecks = count allMissionObjects "Wreck_Base"; //_lootL = {local _x} count allMissionObjects "WeaponHolder"; //_speed = (_vel distance [0,0,0]); //for debug to work remove the "//" in front of hintslient line below //hintSilent format["FPS: %8\nBlood: %2\nHumanity: %7\nZombie Kills: %1\nSurvivor Kills: %4\nBandit Kills: %5\nZombies(alive/total): %6/%3",_kills,r_player_blood,_zombies,_killsH,_killsB,_zombiesA,_humanity,_fps]; _hcol2 = switch (true) do { case (_myblood<11999) : {'#ffff00'}; default {'#00FF00'}; }; _hcol3 = switch (true) do { case (round diag_fps<25) : {'#ff0000'}; default {'#00FF00'}; }; //#ff0000 = red //#FFFFFF = white //#00FF00 = green //#00FFFF = blue //#c72842 = redish pink //#ffff00 = yellow //#ff8800 = orange hintSilent parseText format [" Your Server Name Zombies Kills: %1 Headshots: %2 Survivor Kills: %3 Bandits Kills: %4 Blood: %5 Humanity: %7 FPS: %8", (_kills), (_headShots), (_killsH), (_killsB), (_myblood), (_Hcounter), (_humanity), (_fps), (_hcol2), (_hcol3)]; Reading it, it seems like it should be off but it is on in game.
  15. I still can't get it to work. I'll probably just submit a ticket.