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Posts posted by fractal_void

  1. I started a server, and everything seems to be going okay, except for I have disabled certain dinos, and they keep spawning. I have reset the save, tried to adjust parameters, tried to exchange what they spawn as. Ex Argentavis to Dodo. Still, the dinos I don't want to spawn, spawn. Help!!


    Have you been able to fix the problem? If not can you post you game.ini or just the lines that you have edited to see what the problem is?

  2. Question on this.. if i reload my ark isle map as custom to get the dinos to 150 wild, will it wipe all of my current tamed dinos/items/structures/etc? I switched recently from ragnorak to the isle, and we would like to continue having 150 dinos :)   


    EDIT: nevermind i just xfered my dinos just to be safe


    Just make sure that you have MaxDifficulty=True on your Game.ini and DifficultyOffset=1.0 on your GameUserSettings.ini. Don't forget to execute the command admincheat destroywilddinos and all creatures on The Island and Scorched Earth should spawn up to level 150. A good way to know it's working properly is that you will see creatures with levels in multiples of 5 (5,10,15,20...145,150 etc.).

  3. Okay, I did the above. However, when entering the game I find I have to create a new character. The character from my server is not to be found. I also found most of my structures to be intact yet, everything created using mods was gone. IE, work-stations, items/structures created with said mods, etc. What file needs to be copied/modified to get my character from the server in the game and, what do I need to do to restore everything exactly as it is on the server? Where do I place the .ini files as well? Thanks for the help.


    Sorry for the late reply. I hope that you've fixed your problem by now, but it looks like you renamed your saved folder correctly but didn't rename your character save. Also I forgot to mention where to put your .ini files.


    For future reference:


    In order to get your character back make sure to locate the character save inside your local save folder, named something like 1234567890.arkprofile. Depending on how many people played on the server you will see multiple files with the same format. To locate yours specifically find the one with your steamID in it. If you don't know your steamID just google "what is my steamID" and you'll find lots of resources. Once you have your steamID and are able to identify your character save, rename it from 1234567890.arkprofile to LocalPlayer.arkprofile. Now you will be able to play as your character in single player.



    To recover your game configuration and load your game with mods, go to your server ShooterGame/Saved folder and locate the Config folder. Once inside the Config folder go to WindowsServer and you will find all the configuration files that the server use. Copy those files to your local config folder under ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor.


    Before you launch the game make sure that all your mods from the server are active on the Mods panel. If you have loaded the game without mods you might have to roll back to a previous save in order to your mod items back.

  4. Your processor and RAM are most likely causing your GPU to bottleneck and won't get much out of it. Have you tried running with low memory settings? As far as in-game settings you may also try turning off Floating Names under options or using the END key to toggle floating names from dinos to only show those that are close to you. I read a post on reddit that the HUD has a performance impact on the game and I know that at least for me it does spare a few FPS. 


    I was just troubleshooting my OverrideNamedEngramEntries not hiding some engrams on my server and wanted to see if resetting my local save folder would have any impact but it didn't fix it.


    Good luck to you!

  5. I got it to work by placing the line in my ini. file. It took some configuring to get it right. Not sure what was causing it to be over-written but, I finally got it to take.

    From what I've found the only thing that will cause unintended changes to the game configs is using the configuration tool on the control panel. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to read your settings on the .ini files so if you've made any change via FTP it will overwrite that change with whatever the config tool is set to.

  6. Thanks. I eventually found the post relating to the back-up. I'd still like to know how to get it to play in SP. If anyone has a clue?

    Just rename your save folder to the corresponding save local folder. For example copy your "SavedArk#####" from the server to your local save folder and rename it to SavedArksLocal for The Island, RagnarokSavedArksLocal for Ragnarok and so on (depending on the map). Then inside that folder rename your steamID.arkprofile to LocalPlayer.arkprofile and you should be set.

  7. What are your specs? I hadn't notice an improvement until I started troubleshooting a different problem yesterday and renamed my local Saved folder in order to force the game to create a new one. Mainly you will want to delete PlayerLocalData.arkprofile under ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\LocalProfiles and your config files ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor. You may also just try just resetting your game resolution first by using the menu when launching Ark from the Steam client. You'll know that you did it right if the next time you launch the game it runs in windowed mode at 720p. From there choose the video settings that are appropriate to your computer specs.


    After I did this I noticed 10-15 fps improvement overall. I have a GTX 970, 16GB Ram and a six years old i5-2500k, not running on an SSD. I get 35-45 fps on my base and 40-55 in the wild on 1920x1080, High Settings, Post Processing on Epic, Ground Clutter Max, Light Shafts and Bloom ON. Also if I'm not mistaken the developers mentioned that so far the improvements impact High and Epic settings while Medium and Low settings are still being worked on.

  8. If you head over to the Official Ark forums you'll see a number of bug reports concerning this issue, so it's not related to Survival Servers or private servers for that matter. 


    Edit: Just checked in my game by dropping a fertilized egg from my inventory and was able to pick it up. Not sure if this problem is exclusive to eggs laid by creatures or what causes it.

  9. So with the override to allow wild creatues to scale all the way to 150, do I need to enter a lower number on the loot quality multiplier? To compensate, I mean. 


    You want the beacon and fishing loot quality multipliers set to 1.0 if you're want Ark default values. The server configuration tool on the control panel is set to 5.0 as default so change it back to 1.0.

  10. To my knowledge ShowFloatingDamageText=True is a custom launch param. Not sure if that will stick anywhere else but there.


    As for the other settings, do the mod authors state those settings need to be in the GameUserSettings.ini file?


    ShowFloatingDamageText=True does work on gameusersettings.ini


    well i got it to work in the custom gameserversettings.ini by putting it that way, so far it is working, i had to remove another mod from first order, and yes, the mods owner has it on their area to add it like that. I have them working...and Diggs, I have noticed that if you put them in there through FTP programs, when you modify the custom settings- the yellow button- IF you save and restart, it will overwrite what you put, but so far i have had this method work, when you modify the custom settings through server, just press save settings at the far right -make sure the server is off- and start it up or save and restart green button, NEVER save, restart server on the modify or it WILL rewrite your data, if it can go in the gameusersettings.ini custom area on modify, put it there... though i wish SS had a custom Game.ini for mod codes that require it -.-


    If you want to edit your game.ini I suggest doing it via FTP. Also always make sure that the server is stopped before making any changes.