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Everything posted by findles

  1. http://oxidemod.org/threads/release-build-changes.18147/page-10 "[Core] Changed 'oxide' directory location to server root, see http://oxidemod.org/threads/25237/" More info here: http://oxidemod.org/threads/oxide-directory-location-and-configuration-changes.25237/ I was going to update today but I don't want to run into a mess. Anybody know if the transition was seamless? It seems like you can still configure the oxide path to keep the old setup assuming SS decides to go that route.
  2. Support ticket: 740218 GAME SERVER ID #36314 Status: UNKNOWN Server has been down since 8:05 AM EST 3/14/2017 The game server control panel is extremely slow to load. When it loads it says status "unknown". My FTP will not connect either. times out. Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server
  3. https://github.com/OxideMod/Snapshots that page is giving 404 (page not found) oxide hasn't updated
  4. generally, if you don't have permissions then you would get a different error.. something like you don't have access to this command. unknown command means either the plugin is installed in the wrong location or you are mistyping it. what specific plugin are you trying to get going? what specific folder are you uploading the <plugin>.cs file to? as a heads up.. plugins should be uploaded to /server/experimental/oxide/plugins and read the documentation on the plugin's overview page to make sure you are using the right commands