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Everything posted by Sheaolara

  1. Thanks so much for the updates, everyone, and for the confirmation, Pat. My server's up and running and seems to be doing just fine. I appreciate it, lovelies!
  2. I just got a reply from Support, they said they do have dedicated servers for DnL, and there's just an issue at the moment, but they'll be up soon. Here's hoping!
  3. I've just ordered a DnL server, and after it went through the automatic creation process, it refuses to start and is giving the "The Exiled Lands" for the map name, which is the Conan Exiles map. I took a look into the root DnL folder via FTP, and I notice the game is still listed under the downloading folder, so I'm not sure if it's not downloading properly or what. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Server ID is #45232, username is Sheaolara. Thank you!
  4. Just ordered a Conan Exiles server to run alongside my ARK server. Currently getting Unknown status. Server ID 33358 Edit: Got it working by changing server location. Thanks!
  5. I want to chime in and mention that I now have the exact same issue, trying to do (almost) the exact same thing, increasing player and dino level caps. FTP'ing this to the server causes the 255 ping issue. http://pastebin.com/P0LFzg8c EDIT: I want to note that I've also reset my server config to default. Adding this specific code seems to be exactly what's breaking the server, I'm just... not entirely sure why. XD EDIT 2: Oddly enough, the opposite fixed my issue. I reconfigured manually through the control panel modifier (Modify Server Config) and it seems to work perfectly. Even FTPing further changes to the ini don't seem to be harming it.