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  1. Actually, most mods work fine. I'm running quite a few on Scorched Earth currently: Advanced Architecture, Behemoth Walls, Structures Plus, Reusable Plus, Stairs with Rounded Walls, Enhanced Beacons, and Rafts Plus, Bridges, Pub Mod. They all work fine. If you want to disable a mod, just remove it's mod ID from your control panel settings and that will work - but be careful, if you do this before the map changes over it will remove anything you've built with that mod.
  2. I can confirm that you will be able to transfer them, even if they are not apart of the same cluster (using the old method Transmit Ark Data) - but you will lose Tribe Ownership every single time, and need to either admin take-over tribe, or have someone invite you back so you can use your own dinos and structures. It's a real pain without being able to use the new feature.
  3. Yeah, it's usually either one of two things: Mods or Validate your game files - Sometimes they become corrupt on either your end, or the server's end. When you choose update, also choose update and validate (for server end).
  4. Beginner's Guide to FTP You should really read the stickys my friend. Basically, you'll need FileZilla. Many of us use it to add certain things that aren't in the control panel. Just remember, if you later change something via the SS control panel, it will overwrite your gameusersettings.ini and you'll have to then add back whatever settings you did previously.
  5. I actually agree with both you, on many points - I truly hope WC comes out with a better option than this. But I'm also torn, because I also want to play the game with the ability to "progress" to the expansion, or backwards, whenever I want. I should be able to use the so called built in-game method of doing this. Not messing with save files and such. It's frustrating, to say the least. I truly enjoy the game, but I can see the "indie" developer mistakes coming back to bite them again and again. Funny enough, it makes it more difficult on server admins/owners than anyone else.
  6. I should have been more adept at server lingo, as I see where the miscommunication came from now, haha. This is exactly what we're asking for. A paid upgrade option for permanent clustered servers. Wild Card already has official servers up and operating this way, and I would absolutely love to be able to do the same - but with mods, custom rates, custom server settings, etc. Wild Card is definitely moving in this direction, as they decided to come out with a paid expansion before the original game is even finished - which to me, means it isn't easy to add anymore to the current map. The only option is clustered map servers with travel between them. And I agree, I would hope they add the option for remote clustering.
  7. So can players be on both server instances playing at the same time? The goal of WC coming out with this feature, is that players can freely transfer between two live servers whenever they want. The problem though, is the limitation of them needing to be active on the same box. What it sounds like, is you've enabled an easy feature to change maps without having to deal with FTP and backups and moving savedark files around - which is great, but it would not be what anyone is asking for.
  8. Yeah, I'm not exactly sure what's just happened haha. Basically, the goal is as Wild Card intended it: Both are live, and players can transfer freely between them without either server coming down. It's definitely possible, as there are now players running this on their own dedicated servers. Hmm, we might need some clarification here. If we toggle this new option, and one of our players decides to transfer to the other instance (IE: Center to Scorched Earth), will this mean both can run at the same time? Essentially an instance, like MMO's typically use?
  9. Sweet. Thank you, Ryan. We all appreciate the hard work you and the SS team are putting in to make this happen. Can't wait to enable this!
  10. Hopefully some of the stability fixes that Ark patched in 246.1 will help with how demanding it is. There were a few complaints on the official Ark forums about some server owners losing all character saves, and/or server crashes when they tried this out. By the way, a supervisor (I won't give out his name of course) responded to my ticket with: "We will be releasing this feature in the near future. I do not have an eta but the owner is working on getting this released as soon as we can." It's about the same as what Ryan said, but I'll take double good news over mixed responses any day of the week.
  11. Ryan! Just the man I was hoping to hear from. Thank you for the response good sir. I'm curious, aren't customers already technically sharing server boxes as it is? I don't imagine each customer gets a box all to themselves. I think as long as the file structure is correct, we could start testing out these launch parameters for you guys. It's probably similar to running a prim+ custom config, just need same server box and correct shared file path for both server saves.
  12. I actually have a post asking this same question over in Ark General: https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3446-setting-up-a-server-with-dynamic-cross-ark-travel/ I'd really like to get this going. I also have a ticket in with SS, hoping I can get a response on either front.
  13. As long as your setting is correct for disabling PVP, and you haven't enabled any other functions like PVE declare war, or auto-activate PVP times (weekend PVP for example), then it should be fine. You can always test it on the server to be sure.
  14. My fingers and toes are crossed, trust me! hah Just think about this though SS... No other hosting provider is currently offering this type of setup for Ark. Be the FIRST, lead the way. It would probably generate some business for them, especially if they are able to get this going fairly quickly (quicker than the competition that is).