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Everything posted by PyroZninja

  1. Hello, I recently switched over o a custom map and it doesnt look like annunaki genesis is working correctly, I see all of the engrams and stuff for that, but I see no special dinos from that mod in the server, and It is set for the first mod. Here's my launch parameters: /Game/Mods/600738253/Epic?Multihome='s Server | SurvivalServers.com?MaxPlayers=30?listen?ServerPassword=ashley?ServerAdminPassword=ulthwe?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=18217?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk17885?ModMapID=600738253 ?GameModIDs=538986229,539464369,630601751,679500536,656748741,700624475,689838254,709237905,719304020,722649005 I need to know how I can see the annunaki dinos on the game. I did a kill all wild dinos and I see the level changes, but the dinos are regular vanilla. Thank you again for the help, I'm looking forward for a reply.
  2. Game Server Status: Unknown Server Id: 17885 Ticket Number: 27484