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  1. Server Status Unknown Ticket # 168930 Server ID 17067
  2. I am having trouble using The Center map with Primitive +, I am able to load one or the other but not both. Currently I have Primitive + in the Conversion ID location, The Center in the Map ID location, and the following Mod ID in their location: 655581765,655261420 My current custom launch parameters are (sensitive info omitted, of course): /Game/Mods/614734500/TheCenter?Multihome=XXX?Port=XXX?QueryPort=XXX?SessionName=Margaritaville?MaxPlayers=20?listen?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=XXX?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=XXX?AltSaveDirectoryName=XXX?ModMapID=614734500?GameModIDs=655581765,655261420 Currently this yields The Center without Primitive +, Previously I used: /Game/Mods/504360469/ShooterGame/Content/Mods/PrimitivePlusMod/PrimitivePlusMod?Multihome=XXX?Port=XXX?QueryPort=XXX?SessionName=Margaritaville?MaxPlayers=20?listen?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=XXX?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=XXX?AltSaveDirectoryName=XXX?ModMapID=614734500?GameModIDs=655581765,655261420 And that yielded Primitive + on The Island TL;DR I can set up both mods independently, but never together. Any insight into how to get this working would be appreciated. EDIT: The second set of launch parameters do not appear to give the Primitive Plus items, only eliminates the advanced engrams