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  1. OverrideOfficialDifficulty= ShowFloatingDamageText= OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention= Options in the Gameusersettings.ini config would be nice
  2. So far these are the mods i've found that don't work with the 246 update and cause a CTD when trying to use stuff from them. Admin Command Menu Pocket Cages Stargate Atlantis WIll be adding to this list as i find more.
  3. AllowRaidDinoFeeding=True PreventDiseases=True AllowHitMarkers=True ShowFloatingDamageText=True also work if you need to toggle those from your ini.
  4. i would suggest instead of doing it from in game useing the Rkon tool to initiate the destroywilddinos or you run the risk of timeing out when you perform it from in game.
  5. should probably add this to your ini as well RaidDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1.000000 this way you can force feed them and their food consumption won't be ridiculous.
  6. well the first thing i see is you have titanosaur's being replaced by dodo's so they probably arent spawning so adjusting their spawn weight won't effect anything other than an extra line of code, as far as the rest of it the only thing i can tell you is find out the spawn weight of it and set it to .5 or 1.0 and turn off the override so that it will ONLY use the first value and not the second.
  7. ?????? exactly what was said in the post below too pretty much Lol
  8. not to beat a dead horse here but there is a LOT of things you say "stick in the custom Launch params" that you CAN add to the .ini yourself and make them work without useing the customlaunch params such as the TItanosaur thing, preventing diseases, showing damage numbers etc, all we're asking for is some extra check boxes that input these in the .ini for us instead of having to FTP them in manually.
  9. since a lot of these settings can be manually input into your gameusersettings.ini such as the PreventDiseases=true and whatnot don't you think we could get them added to the modify server config tool?
  10. actually in control panel, your ini ONLY gets overwritten if you change anything under modify server config or advanced server config buttons and save from there, if you just use the big green save settings and reboot button at the bottom after uploading custom ini changes via FTP to your server they will NOT get overwritten.
  11. you have to upload the changes to the FTP for your server, and DON"T go back and change anything under the modify server config or advanced server config buttons and save it as it will overwrite any custom ini changes you make just use the green save settings and reboot button to avoid overwrites
  12. http://pastebin.com/QPCmxVZ0 LInk to the game.ini i use on my server it goes up to level 900 see especially the OverrideMaxExperiencePointsPlayer=1601802240 OverrideMaxExperiencePointsDino=1601802240 entries and the LevelExperienceRampOverrides sections and paste those into your game ini. Then after that you can follow the steps in the post above to enter your extra 100 levels for each. change the Overrides to the new max value upload reboot and viola.
  13. [JoanIndomMod] IndomCount=-1 IndomHCount=20 NoWildAggro=False put that in your gameusersettings.ini file at the bottom -1 means low levels will not spawn at all and the 20 means that 20 high Levels at a time will spawn on your server the False means they're aggressive rather than passive until attacked. Also Cheat DestroyWildDinos after adding this to your .ini and rebooting will make sure that no more low level indoms are on your map.