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Everything posted by PandaKing66

  1. Hey, I'm new to this forum because I can't get my dedicated server to update to v236. I've read quite a few of these posts on this thread and none of them really seem to fit what my issue is. Firstly, how and where do I submit a ticket for Ryan to look at? Is it even on this website? Now on to my problem: I have been running an ARK server for about a month now and have actually successfully updated it once before from v234 to v235. Now, when I am trying to update to v236 it doesn't seem to want to update for me. I have gone through the SteamCMD process, laid out in a couple guides, about ten times now and it just refuses to update. Here's what I type in: login anonymous force_install_dir F:\ARK Server\DedicatedServer app_update 376030 validate It then takes about five minutes to finish that process and it tells me "Success! app 376030 fully installed!" and I then run the batch file and wait for the server to boot up. However, this is the messed up part, when I check on my Steam server list under LAN, it still says v235 and I can't see it in game because my client is running v236. So even though the SteamCMD process tells me "success!" the game is still running the same version as it was before I tried to update. Please any help telling me where I am going wrong is greatly appreciated and will help me and my friends get back to our dinos as fast as possible p.s.: If anyone could also help me understand the difference between using 376030 or 346110 for updating would also be of use to me. Thanks!