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Everything posted by Zerphon

  1. It is because the console is write only, and doesn't read from the Gameusersettings.ini. This means unless you go through the whole list and update it also, it will jump back to the last time you used it (which is before you made the changes manually). Basically once you start changing your ini files manually (over FTP) it is best to continue using that method. Here is a site that does the the majority code generation for you, which is basically what the console does anyway: http://arksurvivalevolved.gamewalkthrough-universe.com/ It hasn't been updated in a while, but you can use it to figure out what you need to do for the newer dino's You can get all the entity IDs from the wiki: http://ark.gamepedia.com/Entity_IDs http://ark.gamepedia.com/Creature_IDs
  2. Hey there Steggs, my server runs 8+ difficulty and currently K9 stacking mod. I'm about to do a switch over to Joan's stacking mod as this actually does not have common issue of not being able to make Jerky, and from tests (always test mods on your local instance i.e. Single Player before putting them on your server) it works fine right down the bottom of about 6-7 other mods. Rule of thumb: Put the mods that do the most changes with a higher priority and the ones that add less with lower priority.
  3. Is Winter Wonderland still active, or is it like on Official 130 where wild dinos spawn in en-mass at a specific time of the day then slowly diminish during the day? Also how many tamed Dino's do you have?
  4. Any conceivable way to add a VAC exception list? I have a friend who got VAC banned from single player (he is not on the ARK Banlist) but I do not want to disable VAC to allow him into my server or have him use an alt account just to play. I have seen this on other engines, but unsure how VAC actually checks (presumably using the SteamID64). For anyone who cares, he was using a cheat engine to spawn in infinite metal structures as he was building some crazy pyramid thing that covered half the map...yeah he was lazy and paid the price for it.
  5. +1 to Ryan. Had a user have this issue and deleting the mod files after unsubbing (do not resub, let the server do that for you) seems to have done the trick.
  6. I've setup my server to have Exp x 75, but I also have manually configured the amount of exp so once you get above 95 you need to start putting effort into it. To put it into perspective, you get roughly 2k exp from crafting 1 metal wall on my server, so on yours that would be closer to 400 exp as your rate is a 5th of mine. This means someone will need to craft 1000 metal walls to make one level so unless your harvesting rate is boosted as well as wild dino levels you might find people leaving due to lack of progression. I also used a exponential rate of increase as you approach the max level (250 for my server) so it might only be only 200k between level 120 and 121 but slowly increases so at lvl 200 you are looking at 700k exp and then 1.5mil for getting to level 250. So in comparison I would say your exp is a bit excessive but it all depends on the other aspects of the game.
  7. Hey there, Would anyone know if the Server Config updates itself eventually or does it store its own values? I have directly copied across my GameUserSettings.ini and Game.ini files to the server and the server has loaded using the correct parameters, but the values in the server config still reflect the last time I used it. Do I just have to replace the variables in the server config panel next time I use it or will it eventually read from the .ini files and update? Cheers, Paul