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Everything posted by Kjarstin

  1. Thanks Pat! I've been talking with one of the Support guys via Ticket to reset my server to default, so I can go back through and try again. Been spending time on the mod's page on the 7days site, and I am seeing others with this issue, so trying to figure out how to 'fix' it. Thanks again! Kris
  2. Hey guys, We've been playing Vanilla a long time on our server, but we are trying to figure out how to get True Survivor mod to work. I've followed what info I can find around, downloaded the server version of the mod, and then FTP'd into the server and uploaded the files, telling them to overwrite as needed. The server appears to restart ok. Then I try to log in using the 7D2D Launcher running the mod on my side and I get a "the server is still initializing, try again later" message. I gave it a LONG time (overnight) and still an issue. I tried restarting the server, I tried resetting the serverconfig.xml to defaults, etc. Out of ideas, I can't seem to get it to work. Any tips? Something I am missing? Thanks! Kjarstin
  3. here's what I'm currently running in my server, so far, these changes seem to be working fine. [serverSettings] DayTimeSpeedScale=0.500000 NightTimeSpeedScale=1.500000 XPMultiplier=2.000000 TamingSpeedMultiplier=10.000000 HarvestAmountMultiplier=5.000000 PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=0.500000 PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=0.500000 PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=2.000000 DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=3.000000 ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=0.500000 ListenServerTetherDistanceMultiplier=3.000000 GlobalVoiceChat=True ProximityChat=False NoTributeDownloads=False AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft=False DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined=False ServerHardcore=False ServerPVE=True ServerForceNoHUD=False ShowMapPlayerLocation=True EnablePvPGamma=False DisableStructureDecayPvE=True AllowFlyerCarryPvE=True ActiveMods= ActiveMapMod=0 ServerPassword= ServerAdminPassword= RCONPort= PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier=1.000000 KickIdlePlayersPeriod=2400.000000 PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier=1.000000 AutoSavePeriodMinutes=30.000000 MaxTamedDinos=5000.000000 RCONServerGameLogBuffer=600.000000
  4. Joining a password protected server, when you input the password, you need to hit Enter, as the Accept button doesn't respond.
  5. Thanks, I've been looking but no luck so far, I hope it gets added at some point, most things are fine in 3rd person, but sometimes first works better. K
  6. Hi all, anyone know if there is a way to enable the ability to switch between first and third person? Thanks in advance! K
  7. try removing the ? in front of the command in the gameusersettings.ini. Some of the commands seem to need it, others don't. It worked for me when I removed the ? placemarker.
  8. you need to tell your game to Override the default settings with the OverrideOfficialDifficulty setting. The Difficulty offset is a multiplier based on the default setting. So you have to tell the game to ignore the default and replace it with X number, then tell the offset to adjust that number. I know it seems a long way around but sometimes that's how code works
  9. Hey Ryan, Would it be possible to get the Control Panel to show the current version, like the ARK ones do? So I can be sure if a small update went through properly, etc. Thanks! k
  10. Yep, we're in the hang on and wait mode. Same issue on our server. I filed bug reports with the 7days development group too.
  11. You need to add OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0 to your gameusersettings.ini file in order to bump wild to the 150 cap.
  12. In your control panel, there is a little tick right under the server info near the top that says "Clean Mods folder", tick that and restart and it will force your Extinction to redownload and that generally fixes the problem, also the CleanSteamCMD one isn't a bad idea to do as well, as often the download problem with big ones like this current Extinction patch is Steam glitching, It has saved me a TON of time instead of manually recopying the mods into FTP, which is your other option. K
  13. Hi, I just wanted to quickly thank you guys for these little innocuous tick boxes........they have saved me HOURS of deleting/updating on my heavily modded servers when steam doesn't update properly. Thank you!!! K
  14. Yep. It was explained to me as a problem on the ARK side and we basically just have to work around it until/unless the ARK devs are able to find the time and issue to fix it. Its annoying to have to log out and reload but it doesn't stop you from playing, just slows down the journey
  15. you have to put the map number in the custom map area, but then you also have to find the custom launch command for that map. I would suggest an actual ticket and the guys will help you out.
  16. Hey Ryan, I was pretty much assuming it was a mod issue with a save, but wanted to be sure there wasn't something I was missing, or needed to change in the way I was handling it. I'm still learning a lot about server admin Thanks!
  17. I have now run into this problem twice in the past couple of weeks. We have a server crash for some reason (once was a mod crash, once was an unknown crash), in both instances, restarting the server resulted in it loading with no mods installed at all, hence everything broken. I assumed a mod problem, which is realistic, and I cleared mod folders, Steam CMD, my cache, etc. Restarted, still no mods. Spent several hours going through mods, troubleshooting, etc, and no go, it wasn't just one mod or another it wouldn't load it was NONE of them. I went to the dropdown to restore a backup and noted that several backups earlier (the day before either of these crashes happened), the size of the backup was significantly smaller. On testing restoring backups, apparently the mods quit being saved/loaded way back, before our crash happened. When I restored the last backup with the larger save size, all the mods were back and all was well, though over 24 hours of game time etc had been lost. Regardless of the fact that the game is saved every 15 minutes, the backups are only available from a couple times a day. The fact that the backups appear to be not working properly or corrupting is my concern. I will be copying this to a ticket, but at this point the files are what they are, I just wanted to see if anyone knows if I'm missing something or there is an issue I'm unaware of or can change to try and not lose so much play time/building/tames. Thanks! Kjarstin
  18. Looks like everyone's did. Patch notes say it was a side effect of the PG update. I just went to my server, and used the 'modify server configs' button, all my settings were still there. Used the save and restart option at the bottom of that and it rewrote my .ini just fine. I then stopped the server, FTPd into my .ini and made the few custom changes I have. (Pro Tip: keep a Notebook, or Word file with all of your custom .ini changes listed out, then all you have to do any time you have to fix/update is copy/paste. K
  19. Read this for more info, but you have the option to purchase an addon to your current server then link them: https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3483-faq-cross-transfer-between-ark-servers-with-our-new-cluster-addon/
  20. yep, happens regularly. So far *fingers crossed* we've been lucky and not lost anything important. hopefully it will be sorted out soon.
  21. I think this was an Ark issue and was addressed in one of the small patches over the last week or so. Hopefully! I've been lucky and not had this issue, but I know there were a lot of tweaks needed on the cross-cluster stuff.
  22. You add mods by just listing them in the Mod ID field, each one separated by a comma. They will load just like if you were using the custom launch