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  1. Server ID#: 75595 Ticket#: 714716 Just went down with status unknown
  2. So hey! Let's revive an old thread! I'm relatively new here yet, but I've played with plenty of stackable mods on the regular Island with great success. I cannot for the life of me get Valhalla running. I finally wiped every single mod from the server except the Valhalla ID in the Map ID, and the custom warmap mod that Valhalla specifically calls for. I wiped all the mod folders from the server via Filezilla. My command line looks like /Game/Maps/504122600/Valhalla?Multihome=192.**.**.**?Port=*****?QueryPort=*****?SessionName=Speed Poop Forge?MaxPlayers=20?listen?ServerPassword=*********?ServerAdminPassword=*****?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=*****?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk*****?ModMapID=504122600?ModId=590665112 Since I was running the Island before do I need to do some kind of hard wipe of the server and reupload the map and mod (/mods if and when I decide to add more)? And if that's what needs to be done is there a "Wipe yo' shit" option somewhere or can someone explain to me how I go about doing that? Thanks for any assistance! EDIT: Found how to server wipe, so we'll see if that ends up working out.