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  1. I think I might have figured out how to get the skins to work I just cant test because my server keeps getting stuck in loading
  2. The list of skins are in the vehicle list on the forums, but the skins I have yet to get working I can get the skins from dayz to work no problem.
  3. Is anyone able to get DART working with their server?
  4. You can manually delete stuff through the database.
  5. Are you sure its the right file? It says you are banned for object flooding right? You got teamspeak? Join my server Ill try and help you.
  6. Has anyone been able to get the new skins/models to work yet? I cant figure out how to spawn them in game.
  7. delete ban.txt and bans.txt and that should fix it.
  8. Thanks a lot man, same idea as you.
  9. Im looking for my servers mission file. I looked in the mpmissions but there is like 4000 files in there not sure which one it is. Im on chernarus and every file I look in is empty.
  10. yeah no problem. TCADMIN -> file manager -> Expansions -> battleye -> bans.txt you'll probably be the last one on the list. delete and play.
  11. yeah go to bans.txt and remove yourself, Samething happened to me so I uninstalled antihack that seems to be the problem
  12. Yeah I can get some of the vehicles to spawn just fine but some not for some reason. I also have no idea how to use the new skins/ player models, whenever i try to change my model it just goes back to default Survivor2_DZ
  13. Im not having very much luck at all with a lot of the vehicles but it could be error on my part. Do wish more of the vehicles from OA where included though.
  14. The skins/models are in the rmod_objects file, i just cant get them to work along with all the vehicles that in it, few work but not all of them.