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  1. Hi there. Found out the reason to why the highest dinos we encountered were lv 30. Been looking around about the difficulty offset and some old topics and new are both giving me different answers. Whats the number limit? is it 0 - 1 or is it 0 - 3/4? Currently im going to change it to 1 because im guessing here 1 gives dinos max lv 120 (If im wrong then max lv is 60?). Since i wont be wiping all dinos off our map im going to be doing it the slow way so it will be a while before i see results. (Hence im asking here) Any answer to this would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
  2. Im just wondering out there if there is any chance of being able to reset our own servers? Ive looked but cant find anything. Want to put the entire server back where there is nothing built up.
  3. We tried all that. Im going to be changing our servers location. could do with a server wipe anyways. our starting place was just a test area and sooo unsafe XD *Tip Spinos spawn in south 1 area pretty frequently XD* Hopefully server wipe fixes it. She has tried game servers, steam servers, reset computer numerous times, reset steam, Killing her toon so she respawns with another. Absolutely nothing worked. Hoping new host location does the trick :/
  4. OKies photos are as follows. She loads the game and the screen stays black like this http://prntscr.com/8srend And then after a short time it goes like this http://prntscr.com/8srf8k Hope you can fix this. This has ruined our Whole weekend game plan and ive been having a hard time keeping out mounts/ pets fed with 3 Spinos on constant patrol around our island
  5. Yeah my other guy got in fine. Its just her. im getting her to make a screenshot will post asap
  6. I have a friend with the same issue. She cant access my server but can access others. *Edit* GAME SERVER ID #9097