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Everything posted by Rooz

  1. You can always connect through FTP, go into the Palworld setting ini file and change the setting there. Then just restart server.
  2. Rooz

    Ore Drop Rate

    I believe it's the Gathering Collection Rate one.
  3. You can try through FTP in the Palworldsetting.ini file. Pal/Saved/Config/Windows server/ Make sure to just restart server and not "apply config and restart "in the control panel. Itll overwrite
  4. We've been having issues with modifying the hunger or PlayerStomachDecreaseRate. If we do it in the control panel, it'll blank out the setting. If we do it through FTP, the Palsworld settings.ini file doesnt include the StomachDecreaseRate (tho the default file at the root directory does), so we add it in then save it. Neither option applies the setting or keeps the setting applied. Any work arounds?