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Everything posted by Kwoung

  1. I would like to suggest that I have a way to see the actual running game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini after you do whatever voodoo you do to combine them from all the different places on the control panel. The way it is all broken out all over on the web interface makes it hard to see what is actually running. I use the add commands to the end of the file boxes you supply, and also have to add the mods to the main control panel page instead of in the ini file where they belong, so my ini files never seem to reflect them so I have no clue what command/options my server is even running with.
  2. So I uploaded my save and my character showed up fine, but even though my wife's char was laying in the bed, she was prompted to create a new character. Anyone have experience with this and know what I did wrong?
  3. Sorry if this has been asked, but the search box up top doesn't seem to work. Been running ARK Server Manager off a spare computer and want to move the save up here. Are the instructions to import a single player save at: https://survivalservers.com/wiki/index.php?title=ARK:_Transfer_Singleplayer_To_Multiplayer valid for this as well, or do I need to do something different? Edit: Almost forgot, both my wife and I have characters on the existing server at home. Thanks in advance!