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Everything posted by formidavel

  1. Same here #8020, they told me it was a hardware failure that made they change to a better machine but because of that I lost most of my players... just the ones I had contact with remained. This is definetely not ok.
  2. My server #8020 got the IP changed today and I have no way to alert all the players about that! The IP was supposed to be http://toparkservers.com/server/ have 40+ players and 34 upvotes on topark, I don't want to lose that, so what am I supposed to do? Would the admin be able to revert it?? That's so bad!
  3. I enabled the tribe wars option on my server but it's not working. The serve is on PVE mode and tribes were supposed to be able to attack each other when they both accept the war but it's still not working. The server should be on PVP mode for it to work? If so, anyone would be able to attack each other?
  4. Is there any way to wipe and start fresh? I'm aware if I change location the server will be wiped but I'm glad with Dallas server. Any ideas?
  5. Yes, I think you guys may be correct but I'm worried the MOD is not properly installed. I just did this: http://puu.sh/kOERt/6519ec093e.jpgshould I do anything else? Because I'm starting to think that the mod is not even active on the server... how can I be sure? *sorry the bad english EDIT: ok it worked somehow, you can delete this topic please
  6. So I just added the MOD "Rifle erradicator" and I just can't spawn the damn item... It's all good with the command 'admincheat giveitemnum ...." but this mod requires this command line: cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/EV2/PrimalItemAmmo_EV2rocket.PrimalItemAmmo_EV2rocket'" 50 1 false and even though I copy/pasted the command, nothing happen (it also doesn't work with other items that require that command line). Am I doing something wrong??
  7. How this works? It's supposed improve the performance and stabilty of the server? Can we use on survivalservers? How exactly do I add this on launch parameters line? so many questions
  8. Thing is: some dudes took advantage of the beggining of the server that I was not aware of the tribute upload and they uploaded various ascendant and mastercraft items. I banned them as soon as I could but other tribe raided their base and took the items, so now I'm a little worried that this could unbalance the pvp. Is there a command to remove all ascendant/mastercraft items from the server?
  9. 20-30 online players http://toparkservers.com/server/ come join us
  10. So you can SOTF turn on and off as you please? I'm asking this because it would be great to have SOTF in specific days on my servers.
  11. Mine was set to 3 and I was getting 120 lvl dinos, so I tried to set the difficulty to 4 and the 100+ dinos became very rare to find. Then I tried to set it to 1 and wasn't getting high level dinos. Now I've set it to 3 again and lvl 100+ dinos are spawning more often and it's all good... So yeah, I'm very confused about the difficultyoffset, but 3 is working fine for me.
  12. Yes, pretty easy actually... you just type the MOD ID here http://puu.sh/jXrAS/ec90190a8d.jpgand you're good to go. But as I said, just think very carefully and search patiently about the MODs you are installing, since some can just bug your server or unballance the whole thing
  13. My server (#8020) is stuck on 'Loading..' after I deactivated the mod Research and Development (which I do NOT recommend on your server). The thing is: tools and weapons forged with this mod were getting absurd bonus like 400%+ damage and it was unbalancing the whole game. Now I'm worried that the server won't start because of all the items that were forged with this mod, is that possible? If so, do I have to rollback my server? After my server start, maybe all the items forged with this MOD will be wiped? I just sent a ticket to support but I didn't get a ticket number, so I'm here. Sorry about the bad english
  14. I'm getting 120 dinos with 3.0 difficulty. Is there level higher then that? If not, then maybe 3 is actually the max difficulty
  15. I've just waited patiently for the carnivores to eat the herbivores, and then the high level herbivores that spawned killed the low level carnivores, and so on... so it just takes a little patience for nature to do its work Just a quick update. The infos on most websites says that the range for difficultyoffset is 0-1 but is actually 1-3 (thanks samsso). Also, for the change to be effective you'll have to change GameUserSettings.ini via FTP, as changing the difficultyoffset via custom launch parameters won't do anything.
  16. I'll try that right away, thanks! I'll let you know what happens edit: That command line to destroy dinos won't destroy tamed dinos, right?
  17. My base is around the far north part of the map and I made those changes 3 to 4 days ago. The thing is: before I set the DifficultyOffset to 1, every dino was around 1-10 level but now I'm seeing like 30 tops so I wonder if that change happens slowly or is there any way to put the difficulty above 1 (2 or 3 maybe?) sorry the bad english, hope you can understand
  18. My custom launch parameters look like this: ........AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk8020?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=true?ServerPVE=true?XPMultiplier=1?TamingSpeedMultiplier=2?HarvestAmountMultiplier=3?ServerCrosshair=true?DisableStructureDecayPVE=True?PreventDownloadItems=True? DifficultyOffset=1?NoTributeDownloads=True?ShowMapPlayerLocation=True If I'm not doing anything wrong it should be spawning lvl 90+ dinos but all I'm finding is lvl 30 max
  19. Although I've set the DifficultyOffset=1 (which I heard is the highest you can get), I'm still getting lvl 30 max dinos, but it was supposed to boost the dinos (at least some to 90+) and the players are complaining that the server is just too easy. So my question is: if the max offset is really 1, is there any way to further increase the difficulty?