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Everything posted by FAMgaming

  1. First i would like to say Thank you to any one who responds. I have been modding arma 2 servers for over a year and i have never run into this problem. When I set up this new server i started with default files from SS. It has Epoch, Orgins , Napf settings. At first i added just the WAI, never had a problem with it before. This time when the missions come up they only have 1 or 2 AI , and they are not really aggressive. So i backed out checked the files , turned the missions off and added a couple of static AI and some patrols. Once again I added 6 total static AI and only 1 showed up. and i could stand right in front of him and he wouldnt respond. I checked all the settings and he should have killed me from 100s of meters away. Well the patrols where just sitting around. The helis where on the map and the AI where sitting in them but they just set there in the field and never started the chopper or fired at me. So i thought maybe it was the WAI so i took them off and added DZAI and DZMS. Same response except all the AI show up, there are plenty of AI but they are non aggressive or just take forever to fire at you, and the same with the patrols they just get in and out of the vehicles but dont respond or patrol. It seems the server is set to super easy and no natter what the settings are in the AI it dont change anything with the aggression. Once again i have added these files to dozens of servers and never had this problem, can someone please enlighten me to what i am overlooking or just dont know, thanks.
  2. I haven't made any changes yet, so i just put in a ticket for support. Thanks
  3. I was having a problem with with server for a few days so i changed the location of the server to Dallas, then i couldn't get in at all, so i switched it back to Seattle and the same thing is happing. I tried remote launch, and survival launcher, it shows up in both but when i try to enter within about 10 to 20 seconds it says Session lost. What can i do , or how can i fix it. Thanks Server DetailsStatus: Started (0/50 players) Last Start: 07/28/2016 12:34:32 DayZ Epoch Napf IP:
  4. Is there something with snow in the north , lots of trees and mtns. Just wanted to know how to change it , or if it was something SS had to do. Thanks
  5. private ["_refObj","_size","_vel","_speed","_hunger","_thirst","_result","_factor","_distance","_lastTemp","_rnd","_listTalk","_id","_messTimer","_combatdisplay","_combatcontrol","_timeleft","_inVehicle","_lastUpdate","_foodVal","_thirstVal","_lowBlood","_startcombattimer","_combattimeout","_isPZombie","_outsideMap","_radsound","_bloodloss","_radTimer","_currentBlood","_wpnType"]; disableSerialization; _messTimer = 0; _radTimer = 0; _lastTemp = dayz_temperatur; _isPZombie = player isKindOf "PZombie_VB"; player setVariable ["temperature",dayz_temperatur,true]; player setVariable["friendlies",DZE_Friends,true]; dayz_myLoad = (((count dayz_myBackpackMags) * 0.2) + (count dayz_myBackpackWpns)) + (((count dayz_myMagazines) * 0.1) + (count dayz_myWeapons * 0.5)); while {true} do { //Initialize _refObj = vehicle player; _factor = 0.6; _inVehicle = (_refObj != player); // _size = (sizeOf typeOf _refObj) * _factor; _vel = velocity player; _speed = (round((_vel distance [0,0,0]) * 3.5)) min 18; // dayz_areaAffect = _size; //Record Check _lastUpdate = time - dayZ_lastPlayerUpdate; if (_lastUpdate > 8) then { //POSITION? _distance = dayz_myPosition distance _refObj; if (_distance > 10) then { //Player has moved dayz_myPosition = getPosATL _refObj; // Check for radiation DZE_InRadiationZone = false; _outsideMap = ((dayz_myPosition select 0) < dayz_minpos || (dayz_myPosition select 1) < dayz_minpos || (dayz_myPosition select 0) > dayz_maxpos || (dayz_myPosition select 1) > dayz_maxpos); if((_outsideMap || DZE_Quarantine) && !r_player_dead && !isNull (findDisplay 46)) then { DZE_InRadiationZone = true; }; player setVariable["posForceUpdate",true,true]; dayz_unsaved = true; dayZ_lastPlayerUpdate = time; }; }; //Hunger _hunger = +((((r_player_bloodTotal - r_player_blood) / r_player_bloodTotal) * 5) + _speed + dayz_myLoad) * 3; if (time - dayz_panicCooldown < 120) then { _hunger = _hunger * 2; }; dayz_hunger = dayz_hunger + (_hunger / 60); //Thirst _thirst = 2; if (!_inVehicle) then { _thirst = (_speed + 4) * 3; }; dayz_thirst = dayz_thirst + (_thirst / 60) * (dayz_temperatur / dayz_temperaturnormal); //TeeChange Temperatur effects added Max Effects: -25% && + 16.6% waterloss //Temperatur 2 call player_temp_calculation; //2 = sleep time of this loop //TeeChange if ((_lastTemp - dayz_temperatur) > 0.75 || (_lastTemp - dayz_temperatur) < -0.75 ) then { player setVariable ["temperature",dayz_temperatur,true]; _lastTemp = dayz_temperatur; }; //can get nearby infection if (!r_player_infected && !_isPZombie) then { //Infectionriskstart if (dayz_temperatur < ((80 / 100) * (dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperaturmin) + dayz_temperaturmin)) then { //TeeChange _listTalk = (getPosATL _refObj) nearEntities ["CAManBase",8]; { if (_x getVariable["USEC_infected",false]) then { _rnd = (random 1) * (((dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperatur) * (100 /(dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperaturmin)))/ 50); //TeeChange if (_rnd < 0.1) then { _rnd = random 1; if (_rnd > 0.7) then { r_player_infected = true; //player setVariable["USEC_infected",true]; }; }; }; } count _listTalk; if (dayz_temperatur < ((50 / 100) * (dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperaturmin) + dayz_temperaturmin)) then { //TeeChange _rnd = (random 1) * (((dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperatur) * (100 /(dayz_temperaturnormal - dayz_temperaturmin)))/ 25); //TeeChange if (_rnd < 0.05) then { _rnd = random 1; if (_rnd > 0.95) then { r_player_infected = true; //player setVariable["USEC_infected",true]; }; }; }; }; }; //If has infection reduce blood cough && add shake if (r_player_infected) then { if !(player getVariable["USEC_infected",false]) then { player setVariable["USEC_infected",true,true]; }; _rnd = ceil (random 8); [player,"cough",_rnd,false,9] call dayz_zombieSpeak; if (_rnd < 3) then { addCamShake [2, 1, 25]; }; if (r_player_blood > 3000) then { r_player_blood = r_player_blood - 3; }; }; //Pain Shake Effects if (r_player_inpain && !r_player_unconscious) then { playSound "breath_1"; addCamShake [2, 1, 25]; }; //Hunger Effect _foodVal = dayz_statusArray select 0; _thirstVal = dayz_statusArray select 1; if (_thirstVal <= 0) then { _result = r_player_blood - 10; if (_result < 0) then { _id = [player,"dehyd"] spawn player_death; } else { r_player_blood = _result; }; }; if (_foodVal <= 0) then { _result = r_player_blood - 10; if (_result < 0) then { _id = [player,"starve"] spawn player_death; } else { r_player_blood = _result; }; }; // Radiation zones rapid blood loss if (DZE_InRadiationZone) then { _radsound = "radzone1"; _bloodloss = 10; if(_radTimer > 5 && _radTimer < 10) then { _radsound = "radzone2"; _bloodloss = 20; }; if(_radTimer > 10) then { _radsound = "radzone3"; _bloodloss = 30; }; if(_radTimer > 15) then { _radsound = "radzone4"; _bloodloss = 50; }; _result = r_player_blood - _bloodloss; if (_result < 0) then { _id = [player,"rad"] spawn player_death; } else { r_player_blood = _result; }; addCamShake [2, 1, 25]; [player,_radsound,0,true] call dayz_zombieSpeak; _radTimer = _radTimer + 1; } else { _radTimer = 0; }; // Health uptick when healty not thirsty || hungry if (_foodVal >= 0.9 && _thirstVal >= 0.9) then { if (!r_player_infected && !r_player_inpain && !r_player_injured && !DZE_InRadiationZone) then { _result = r_player_blood + 10; if (_result >= r_player_bloodTotal) then { r_player_blood = r_player_bloodTotal; } else { r_player_blood = _result; }; }; }; //Record low blood _lowBlood = player getVariable ["USEC_lowBlood", false]; if ((r_player_blood < r_player_bloodTotal) && !_lowBlood) then { player setVariable["USEC_lowBlood",true,true]; }; //Broadcast Hunger/Thirst _messTimer = _messTimer + 1; if (_messTimer > 15) then { _messTimer = 0; player setVariable ["messing",[dayz_hunger,dayz_thirst],true]; }; // Update blood only if PVAR does not match GVAR. _currentBlood = player getVariable ["USEC_BloodQty", 12000]; if (_currentBlood != r_player_blood) then { player setVariable["USEC_BloodQty",r_player_blood,true]; }; //Save Checker if (dayz_unsaved) then { if ((time - dayz_lastSave) > DZE_SaveTime) then { PVDZE_plr_Save = [player,dayz_Magazines,false,false]; publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Save"; dayz_unsaved = false; dayz_lastSave = time; dayz_Magazines = []; }; }; // If in combat, display counter && restrict logout _startcombattimer = player getVariable["startcombattimer",0]; if (_startcombattimer == 1) then { player setVariable["combattimeout", time + 30, true]; player setVariable["startcombattimer", 0]; dayz_combat = 1; }; _combattimeout = player getVariable["combattimeout",0]; if (_combattimeout > 0) then { _timeleft = _combattimeout - time; if (_timeleft > 0) then { //hintSilent format["In Combat: %1",round(_timeleft)]; } else { //hintSilent "Not in Combat"; player setVariable["combattimeout", 0, true]; dayz_combat = 0; _combatdisplay = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display'; _combatcontrol = _combatdisplay displayCtrl 1307; _combatcontrol ctrlShow true; }; } else { //hintSilent "Not in Combat"; dayz_combat = 0; _combatdisplay = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display'; _combatcontrol = _combatdisplay displayCtrl 1307; _combatcontrol ctrlShow true; }; //Melee Weapons ammo fix if(isNil {login_ammochecked}) then { login_ammochecked = true; _wpnType = primaryWeapon player; _ismelee = (gettext (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _wpnType >> "melee")); if (_ismelee == "true") then { call dayz_meleeMagazineCheck; }; }; // Blood Effects "colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, (r_player_blood/r_player_bloodTotal)], [1, 1, 1, 0.0]]; "colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0; sleep 2; }; Can you help me , let me know where i change the values, #1 want to make them get hungry and thirsty faster, can i make the blood loss more when they are almost out of food, and maybe have blurred vision. #2 more damage from being cold. #3 I know how to move this file over to my mission files, but what line do i use to direct it and where do i put it. Thanks again, about got it like i want it
  6. First i think the temp is not working right. I lowered the temp for the server and now he starts to get cold and all the red disappears but it never turns blue and no damage to player. 2nd i would like to make it were the food and drink run out faster and cause damage, so that you will dye from freezing or being without food or drink. Where do i make the changes needed. Thanks
  7. I know a little about the pbos and have added a few scripts that work well, my question is how can i turn the loot down some and add a few more zombies. Thanks for the help ahead of time. Playing origins overpoch lingor island.
  8. Just want to know were i can change this. I just noticed it last night. You only see it when you hit esc. Here is a screen shot. My server is FamGaming and someone or somehow there is a b&b gaming at the top, and a message at the bottom that says this is a new server ask about a starter kit. I didn't put that on there and i would like to know how i can remove it. Thanks for the help. here is a link to the screen shot http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k256/finelivingston/2015-12-16_00001_zpsvsit3wyb.jpg
  9. Everything is fixed now, Thanks Bilco and Survival Servers.
  10. Are you talking about the Epoch and overpoch mods. the ones you need to play the game. What launcher are you using to download them. We have been having problems getting the overwatch mod for awhile on all the launchers.
  11. It says its online, but nothing. I will make a ticket for it .
  12. alright sorry, Server DetailsStatus: Started (0/50 players) Last Start: 12/13/2015 16:56:25 IP: DayZ Overpoch Chernarus
  13. .ok i found it, it is set to 125548 already , so what do i do now
  14. I really do not know about the updates its a new server so i assumed it was instant setup and ready to play , still kinda new at this, but i will try to roll back the server, i guess you do that through the backup. And its still not showing up any where yet. Ok so i went and looked at what i thought was it ( restore database backup ) and i didnt see what you were talking about. Can you please explain where to look, and i will give it a try.
  15. I guess i will just wait till support adds the mods and see if that fixes it, if not i will make another ticket and wait again. I like SS , it just sucks that i paid for it on Friday and here it is Sunday and nobody can get in or sometimes even find it. No kidding, no one here has been in it one time. We are all playing on other SS servers just fine so no problem on our end.Thanks again for your help Bilco.
  16. Thank you for your response, none of us have been able to get in or play since we purchased Friday. I have changed the map now and changed it back so i will try again, thanks.
  17. ok , i will try that right now, i tried changing the location , but that made my sever go to red ping 9999, and i get nothing now. so i will try the map, i just didn't want to make any changes because i paid for 5 mods yesterday and i didn't want to mess with it if they were putting the mods in. Do you think it is still ok to try changing the map.
  18. At first the server wasn't showing up, now we can find it on ss launcher and dayz launcher, but after 3 hrs and two different computers we haven't been in the game one time yet. this is all we get , i took screen shots. Thanks for any help. cant get past the 200 mark on receiving mission files.
  19. ok i played on it for a little bit, I died three times to see if the spawn selection worked, each time i died i would go back to the lobby and then pick my person, then i would see the landscape of the game with the display name in the middle of the screen then it freezes. It done that all three times,. I would have to esc out of the game and launcher and try again. If they didnt do the spawn selection i also checked to see about the others just in case. and i noticed there wasnt any ai's and when i was injured and had a bloodbag on me i couldnt get the scroll option to self blood bag. I think they addad the spawn selection and its hanging up on re entry.
  20. they said my mods were installed and ready but when i try to get onto my server it says waiting for host and then goes to the exit screen. I let them know on the ticket but they have quit responding after they told me the mods were installed. Is there something i can do to get it back online. or working. thanks
  21. How will i know when they are added? just go in the game and keep checking
  22. Hello just wanted to ask a question. the last time i posted someone on the board was able to help me get my infistar up and going very quickly so i returned to see if i could get help once again. When i bought the infistar last week i also bought other mods, Self blood bag and AI missions, and i think something else. Well those mods still haven't been installed, i don't understand the delay but i would like to see if i could get some one to put selective spawn, or enhanced spawn on my server and don't worry about the other mods i think me and my family would rather have the spawn mod . So i just want to know if i can trade the other mods that haven't been installed yet for the one spawn mod. Just asking thanks...
  23. ok , thanks again. I just bought the infistar and some add ons. I understand that it could take 48 hours to get the add ons added but does it take that long for infistar or can i use it now. Everytime i hit f2 i freeze and cant do anything..
  24. I re installed everything and i can now get into my server, thanks a lot for your patience with a newbe. But now i have more questions , maybe you can direct me to some answers. #1 I noticed that on other games there is a small box on the right with stats , how do i get that #2 how do i access admin controls and powers. #3 Also do i need to download a program called DART. someone told me it would help alot. #4 i want to buy a few add ons, but the ones i was wanting information on was the AI's and the one about packing objects into vehichles. There are 2 AI add ons, which one does what and which one do you think is best and easiest to use. thank you . #5 is the infistar worth the upgrade. just asking.....thanks again