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Everything posted by DrunkenClam

  1. I am trying to get sotf to load a mod (DinoOverhaul). Do i put in the mod number of both in GameModIds= ? I have it all installed in server mod directory already just need it to load up. ___ Go to your steam folder and search for .mod. If not there delete Mod# folder and re-check for its installation.
  2. v200.0 * Super ARK Server Management Tool! manage all your mods visually, install new mods and total conversions, update mods, manage all server settings visually, connect to RCON, and soon enough do this all remotely!http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/10/530649887208240167/ SurvivalServers needs to figure this out before we can roll the mod ball of yarn all over the floor again. And says next version will have support for remote connecting to dedicated servers. Figuratively.........
  3. I want to run a mod on my SotF and am having trouble right now figuring out where and how to add it since im pretty sure it looks like the sotf conversion now has two spots that run theisland. Once in normal server directory once in the conversion itself with dual map folders.. so confusing. Anyways... can we get a tutorial here on how to add mods to our sotf servers? - Thanks, Drunken
  4. I am having issues loading two mods it was working fine but someone on your end fixed my problems supposedly but now command line only will load one mod? my server with you looksl ike this: /Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheIsland?listen?GameModIds=485826143,481755557?Multihome=xxxxx?Port=1xxx?QueryPort=1xx?SessionName=!Drunken Clam 3!Canna-Ark!PvPx10xp|Tame|112lvls?MaxPlayers=100?ServerPassword=?ServerAdminPassword=xx?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=xx?AltSaveDirectoryName=SavedArk7743?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=true?ServerPVE=false?ServerCrosshair=true?ShowMapPlayerLocation=true?ProximityChat=true?GlobalVoiceChat=true?DifficultyOffset=1?XPMultiplier=10?TamingSpeedMultiplier=10?PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=0.6?PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=0.6?HarvestAmountMultiplier=10?DinoCountMultiplier=1.5? ive had to add the bottom commands for ini manually because my ini will not load correctly. any ideas? mods are installed server side and both up to date canna-ark loads fine but not dino overhaul.
  5. my server is not loading ark saves yet oddly all data it is still in the server arksave directory just wont load on server. Also no spectate mode enabled but when you enter server must type stopspectating to spawn? And server restarts 24hour just yesterday reset server back 2 days?