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Posts posted by Nick

  1. 18 minutes ago, Dino Orca said:

    When I do this in the server where I have the official difficulty at 1 and the override official difficulty at 5.4 the dinos still spawn at low levels. I've somehow done it once and tamed a few lvl >100s, but when I started the server later that day the new dinos spawning went back to being level 1-30. How do I fix this bug? I'm pressing save configuration every time, should I be pressing reset config?

    You need to run the destroy wild dinos admin command after you edit and save the difficulty settings.

  2. In the control panel, there is a drop down box that is titled "7 Days Updater", in that box select "Yes, Run Update" and press the large green update/restart button to update the server! You will want to check off the "Skip Save Config" checkbox if you have any edits made to your ServerConfig.xml to prevent the update from installing a fresh config file.