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Everything posted by vercinaigh

  1. I had to cycle locations to get a server that downloaded mods. Sadly, now I can't even get the latest patch, been several hours now
  2. Need a complete reinstall option. So that you don't have to cycle from one location to another and back again, thusly losing your IP. Just a -complete- wipe of the game, steamcmd downloads and such and reinstall. Just had a issue that I made a ticket about, sadly downtime was too long waiting for reply so had to cycle locations, woulda been much faster and easier to have a reinstall option.
  3. I've moved the server to several IPs at Dallas, i run a small Ark server, PvE only and the lag is so horrific that it's quite literally unplayable now. I mean, to the point of sharks flying in the air. None of us can play right now.
  4. I'll see if it persists for now, but, I'll keep that in mind.
  5. I used to run a gameserver company myself (Largely Linux based). Any reason why your FTP is currently operating in -Bytes- per second? Was estimating like 4 days to back up SavedArks. Was slow before but this isn't even slow, it wasn't holding a connection even with the speed it transfered. The other thing is I updated this server atleast 4 times to get 172.4, it always says 172.3 on steam and your cpanel, I've removed steampps folder (Which I should not have to do) and no joy. I'm hoping they simply did not update the version number, but, considering what this patch fixes I'm not keen on risking.