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Everything posted by Luna

  1. I have a question for the GameUserSettings file – Does anyone know if we need this line AutoSavePeriodMinutes=30 I mean SurvivalServers do a backup for us ever 30 minutts – so do we really need that one too? The reason why I ask is that I noticed that we lag / rubber band whenever this run…. So I am think of removing it or just setting it to 90 minutts or so – but offcouse only if this is not the one used by SurvivalServers for the back up.
  2. Thanks , ill look in to setting the auto update to off
  3. So when my server restarts it easily takes more then 10 minutes to come back online after the restart - is this normal ? How long does it take for you ?
  4. So I been thinking about installing this mode if I can – but there are a few things I can’t seem to find the answer for – so I hope someone here can help me out. The questions are more general about using modes – but the mode I am thinking about trying out first is this one http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=507648142 So what I need to figure out is: · If I install a mode – does those playing on the server need to have the mode to play on the server ? Or are mods run entirely server side ? · Does this guide still apply https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1738-steam-workshop-mod-installation-guide-client-server-example-mod-ark-reborn/ o If yes, do I only need to do the server side part ? Thanks in advance
  5. This is the right place - or? /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer
  6. When I did the last update – my GameUserSettings.ini change so that all the ‘new’ settings options diapered – Anyone else had this happen ? The options that diapered where the once controlling taming time, Harvest and player drain. Can I just add them again ? or did they get removed from the game settings options ?
  7. I read somewhere that the decay on PvE servers is default 7 days – But what is it if PvE is set to False ? Is there no decay ? Anyone knows ?
  8. Right now there are no option to controll this I think – ort to come later this weekend according to the Patch notes.
  9. Thas to bad, will be nice when they do
  10. One more question - Regarding the backup that I hope you can help me with I read (somewhere) that there is a automatic backup every 20 minutes and I been doing this to manually save the world…. Enablecheats (my pw) setcheatplayer true AdminCheat SaveWorld setcheatplayer false Is that the right commands for manually save ? I am wondering because I don’t see anything in game happening. I been looking at the FTP in folder /ShooterGame/Saved/SavedArks to see a new file every 20 minutes and when every I write the above commands - But the files there don’t match - they are more like a files every 6 hours…. So, where can I see the backups ? The automatic and the once I try to make?
  11. My googling came up short - so I try here Can anyone tell me if there are any logs on the FTP that I can look at if I need/want to ? Logs that tell me stuff like, ‘Can’t find file….’ Can't connect to….’ Network pending’ anything really OR maybe at log the tells stuff like, player X connect /disconnect or spawned at position - again any information really
  12. I had the same issue the other day - changed to FTP password, and I was fine again. So maybe try that.
  13. I have the same issue - so any help will be apprecierede