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Everything posted by Daski

  1. I'm also having this issue, it's been at least a week and i'm hoping it'll get fixed soon. I worked around not having the server's ini backed up by saving my personal SP settings into the server's and editing the numbers to match the settings that are on the server's admin panel. It's not the same by a long shot, but it's something.
  2. I havent seen my ini constantly wiping itself (thankfully) but I'm using the work-around of having copied my singleplayer game.ini over to the server. It's just not the same, and the server hasnt overwritten my fix yet. Have you been made aware if this has been solved (and I just havent gotten it on my end yet)?
  3. Ark server back to Unknown. Server #147908
  4. Ark server, GAME SERVER ID #147908 Status: Unknown