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Everything posted by kTb

  1. NY as well. Seems their NY location is having issues..... man i hope our files wont get deleted. We had a couple awesome bases already.
  2. Mine went down too in the middle of the night and have no idea what happened. Submitted a ticket, but haven't gotten an email with a ticket number so no idea if that worked.. GAME SERVER ID #5987 Any ideas? Im dumb and wasnt registered on the support site. I can see my tickets now
  3. Id just create a new character and then give yourself 2000 xp, that takes you right to 20.
  4. So I tried updating my command line with this because the new update serversettings didnt work for my server and the cpanel said the commandline accepts up to 255 characters. This is my code /Game/Maps/TheIslandSubMaps/TheIsland?Multihome= I added =true to some of them because of the dev said thats how they work with the update. Is this not correct?
  5. Ya I just looked into it. There is a special launch option you can out those parameters into on your cpanel. BUT DON'T DO IT YET! Apparently the host is still getting this feature working. I tried it last night and it crashed the server and wouldn't come back up till we switched locations.
  6. Looking for a way to make my PVE. Is there a specific file we edit or is it entered in console? If so which file or format is it entered into?
  7. Submitted two already, one last night at midnight and one at 10 this morning. Got off work, still same issue. Very frustrating.
  8. If thats the case, I put a ticket in at midnight EST and again this morning around 10: a.m. EST. Why is my game panel still white? Please, provide some answers here...
  9. This would be great if I had something other than a white screen for my game panel. I wish I could try and switch locations.
  10. Still can't access my game panel..... support ticket has not been answered. It was sent in last night...
  11. Last night I was willing to give them some time. At this point nearly 12 hours later, I still can't access my game panel. The problem is I can't even call them and complain because they took their support number off the site. I've had a few of my admins send in support tickets and there has been zero response. Survival Servers, this is unacceptable.
  12. As of 10:41 a.m. EST, my game panel is still white. There are a lot of servers up, please fix the rest of the ones not up.
  13. Tried switching locatrions and while it was switching my cpanel went completely white. Any ideas?
  14. I see a survival server in the list now. Crossing my fingers.
  15. Moon is a streamer as you said and was given his server 24 hours in advance to help promote the game. Lirik, Cohh and other got it too. This is a message i got in an email from survival servers: Sounds like there was a distro error when the devs sent the servers files to hosts and both parties are working to resolve the issue. I checked with another host I use for RoK and their servers have not come online either so this isnt strictly limited to Survival Servers. Edit: Im waiting as well too, dont think I have ever hit a refresh button as much as I have tonight but I dont think the host is to blame necessairly. If anyone the devs needed to help the hosts better prepare. From what I understand the devs kept hosts in the dark untill the game went public so they know as much as we did when it launched.