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Mitchane last won the day on March 29 2021

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  1. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for the WinMerge tip, brilliant program!
  2. Yeah it was kinda better for me and my server when they didn't support valheim plus, or at least update it much quicker!
  3. It seems posting these speed up the process? The following from Ryan Pennington: You can update on your end without needing us to intervene each time. Only in the case that you use our Modify Valheim+ Config tool would you need to see if any new settings were changed. It takes us a few days to add those. If you simply cannot wait then you are free to ignore that tool and make the changes to your file manually via FTP. Again, you can auto pull the latest Valheim+ update as it's available on Github without waiting for us. My question here is if its going to take a few days to update valheim plus, can you guys somehow make SS control panel valheim plus config READ our manually inserted configs? As of right now its either wait a day or two everytime an update comes out or manually doing it and risking losing players items because the config will revert back once SS updates.
  4. I will re post a post I made in a separate post (post post post, lul) that will answer the question. Yes. You can update the server files by downloading WinSCP and logging into the server using the credentials on the Survival Servers Control Panel, drag and drop the server side download file 0.9.5 from Valheim plus. This is however becomes annoying because once Survival Servers finally (I say finally because updating Valheim plus is extremely quick and SS for whatever reason takes a day or two and its annoying) updates to 0.9.5 your config file will be wiped and you have to reedit the SS config via the control panel. You can't even simply copy and paste your config edits back into the Server files after SS updates because for what ever reason changes you make manually to the Config file do not carry over to the SS control panel config... So yeah from previous annoyances idk if the update is worth doing manually or just waiting for SS to update it. Contemplating it myself for my Dedicated server atm.
  5. Yes. You can update the server files by downloading WinSCP and logging into the server using the credentials on the Survival Servers Control Panel, drag and drop the server side download file 0.9.5 from Valheim plus. This is however becomes annoying because once Survival Servers finally (I say finally because updating Valheim plus is extremely quick and SS for whatever reason takes a day or two and its annoying) updates to 0.9.5 your config file will be wiped and you have to reedit the SS config via the control panel. You can't even simply copy and paste your config edits back into the Server files after SS updates because for what ever reason changes you make manually to the Config file do not carry over to the SS control panel config... So yeah from previous annoyances idk if the update is worth doing manually or just waiting for SS to update it. Contemplating it myself for my Dedicated server atm.