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Everything posted by merlin777

  1. In your credits file there is this line of code: { sleep 2; _memberFunction = _x select 0; _memberNames = _x select 1; _finalText = format ["<t size='0.40' color='#f2cb0b' align='right'>%1<br /></t>", _memberFunction]; _finalText = _finalText + "<t size='0.70' color='#FFFFFF' align='right'>"; {_finalText = _finalText + format ["%1<br />", _x]} forEach _memberNames; _finalText = _finalText + "</t>"; _onScreenTime + (((count _memberNames) - 1) * 0.5); [ making it taller would require possibly moving the entire format over to the 'center' The align= 'right' portion, can be used to move the text to left or center by replacing right with whatever you choose (if you want to at some point change it) The portion for format ["<t size='0.40' color='#f2cb0b' the .40 is the size. There is a _finalText = format and _finalText = _finalText The final text= format i am pretty sure you can change the font size, if you want more space i would bring it down a notch. maybe 0.30 and see how it looks. Or if you want to enlarge it .50, .60 .70 etc etc.. I believe those are percentages. You will have to test different numbers. Trial and error depending how long your text s. If you dont want text breaking remove the /br portion. but don't make it too long. Also assuming this is standard html/php jargo syntax, you can use also 'justify' to stretch so all text is equal length, its weird with the sizes because they act like they are using css type numbers. So without testing it myself, based on the logic i see, .40 =40%, i don't know about making them taller entirely. Use this site as reference if you need colors, alignments etc. HERE
  2. Ah gotcha. These particular lines of notes kinda scared me Server owners must update to the new Hive DLL included in the 1.0.6 release, changes in the soruce code can be found here: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZhiveEpoch/pull/13 and Many weapon and item classnames changed. Admins must update their traders. See SQL\1.0.6_Updates and dayz_code\Configs\CfgServerTrader New loot table format is incompatible with old loot tables. Admins see CfgLoot\README.txt being as it is not compatible with the old files/version. So, I guess I am just wondering, since everything has to be updated, will the current game files be incompatible? server saves, buildings, loot etc.? you know when it comes time to changing Epoch to 1.0.6
  3. Link to the github I know you guys are busy, but any plans or word on this update? below is the change log also found at github link above.
  4. Yeah so did that other guy. You can technically pull it off, but you would need to know phpadmin and how the tables work on SS server
  5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDING NITRO/NOS TO VEHICLES __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Original work and Credit goes to: Sanbird Step 1 Download your Mission Pbo and extract your zipped folder, then extract your mission pbo file Find your fn_selfActions.sqf file. In your fn_selfActions.sqf: Look for at the beginning portion Where it says private ["_isWreckBuilding',"......etc] Add this ,"_hasNOSinstalled","_isaCar","_isNOSinstalled","_hasNOSitems" into the beginning or the end before the closing bracket " ] " . Example: ,"_hasNOSinstalled","_isaCar","_isNOSinstalled","_hasNOSitems","_playerUID","_characterID"]; NEXT (we are still in the same file fn_selfActions.sqf) Few lines down you will see _canDo = (!r_drag_sqf && !r_player_unconscious && !_onLadder); Underneath that portion Paste the following: Further down in the same file fn_selfActions.sqf look for if(dayz_tameDogs) then { Directly above this line Paste the following code: WE ARE DONE WITH STEP 1 GO AHEAD AND SAVE IT Step 2 Create a Folder in your mission pbo directory and call it "scripts" or download my zipped folder. In that "scripts folder" make one called "NOS" and add the files I provided "nitro.sqf" and "nitroinstall.sqf" into that folder. Create another Folder in your mission pbo directory and call it "sounds" in it place the "nitro.ogg" file I have provided. Step 3 Open your description.ext file and locate the portion for sound class as shown (unedited) //SFX class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; }; If you already have things add in your sounds add like so class nitro { name="nitro"; sound[]={sounds\nitro.ogg,0.9,1}; titles[] = {}; }; If you have nothing just like like so: //SFX class CfgSounds { class nitro { name="nitro"; sound[]={sounds\nitro.ogg,0.9,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; You are Done. Pack your pbo and upload and restart with bottom green button. How to use the mod in game Need: 1. Filled Jerry Can 2. Redbull Walk up to a normal vehicle (no air or tanks) and use your scroller on your mouse button, you should see an option to install NOS. Once Completed, get in the vehicle and drive a little bit above avg speed 25-35 and use your scroll mouse to scroll and pop up a menu it will say activate NOS, select and use it, than hit and hold left "Shift", you will hear your nitro boost. HERE is a list of DIK codes to change functions VIDEO OF HOW IT FUNCTIONS scripts.zip sounds.zip
  6. This worked for me for while until I got the idea. VIDEO HERE TOOLS AND FORUM HERE It's older but valid explanations
  7. I wouldn't be surprised with the recent attacks, on east coast, lot of things got funky. They have servers all over even though they are in Cali. Did you restart it or did it restart itself?
  8. You got quite a bit of mods. I would suggest not always updating everything all the time. (update when necessary) Plus, there could be something going on with the servers, my arma2 mission file was taking twice as long as usual. I barely have any mods in it.
  9. Nevermind. I removed BaseJumping that comes with the server, For whatever reason, I was able to login in under any Gender.
  10. QUESTION Does anyone know where to find the fix for the gender screen selection not popping up? I ran through all the files, player setup, player login player death, player sync, player_monitor.fsm I just don't see why it stopped working. Everyone who spawns in is automatically male Any help would be much appreciated.
  11. I have yet to find a server that offers that. Vanilla dayz is originally setup for Chernarus and uses a loot system based on that map, with dozens of spawn locations if not hundreds, you would have to rewrite nearly everything to get it to run on another map. I have seen one other person do this but it was on Taviana. This was years ago. Good luck with that, because that would be awesome if you find a fully configured Vanilla dayz for other maps
  12. Team Speak is old news, Discord is the new TS. Get those 12 people to join a discussion or start a topic such as "what improvements would you like to see" or start a Poll on possible upgrades or mods and map changes. Add some incentives. Make the messages appear once in a while (in game) about your website "join discussion" or "bring a friend and receive x amount of items or dinos whatever". Add Special Events, announce it on Facebook,twitter add your frequent players to a group. This will get people involved and they will feel like they are part of something Events: Race wins a Primordius Dragon or whatever you want. Set up a specific part of the island with poles or pathways maybe light it up at night and make it a foot race and PVP with only bats, or turtle races. Make it fun and interesting. sign up here http://www.gametracker.com/ You have to treat it like a business and offer people something, because just like a business, there are plenty out there and people can go anywhere they want and get what they are looking for. Once you have that going, and it's active, and people start coming in, it maybe time for an extra map Great prices at SS, and i think more will come. That's my suggestion. back in the day I would offer people briefs, special vehicles or homes for bringing friends in (for arma2), we had 30 people every few days or so coming in. Also, make sure you post your IP and Server name all over the internet with your web address. Organic ranking and organic traffic is best.
  13. Ark Features in Panel? Would be nice feature for all the games, to have maybe a separate popup window that shows in game real time errors, chats between players, and ability to kick and message without logging in.
  14. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ My Infistar/Admin does not work ________________________________________________________________________________________________ First off and foremost, if you did not purchase Infistar I would recommend doing that first. STOP YOUR SERVER WHEN MODIFYING I remember when i first started with survival servers about 3 years ago, for the life of me i couldnt understand why it did not work when i bought it and did not mess with files yet. I would go into the game and my F2 would not do anything. Besides needing the obvious tools you will need: Steam ID (SKIP IF YOU KNOW IT) Purchased Infistar Antihack w/SurvivalServers Knowledge of your control panel First Let's Find your Steam ID for Arma (UID) Start your Arma Operations Arrowhead through Steam (just let it go to the main menu) Click on "Player Profile" find your name and click "Edit". The number you see pop up, that is your ID. Write it down and look at least 3 times to make sure you have it right. Second Let's go to your Control Panel On the right side you will see "Antihack", check that box and make sure the field boxes appear under. The very first Box is where your Steam/UID goes (NEXT TO SUPERUID) Make sure there are no spaces before or after your numbers, no quotations. Just the numbers (check 3x) Third Let's Download your Server PBO Before you hit update and restart button, we need to verify you have the antihack command. Download your server pbo by clicking on the "Download". After you unzip your folder, and extract the pbo go into the server folder and into init folder, there you will see a file called "server_functions.sqf". Open the file with Notepad++ and scroll to the very bottom of the page. If you don't see: #include "\Antihack\SurvivalAntihack.sqf" Then make sure you copy and paste that line into the bottom end. 5. Save. Compile your pbo 6. On your control panel go to the server pbo section and click on the BROWSE tab, find your server.pbo not server folder, click ok. Then update and restart with the bottom button. Go back and Check everything again by re-downloading the server pbo and checking to see if the server_functions file has that line of code at the bottom. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ METHOD 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Get your SteamID by following above instructions in the first section and add it to the Antihack field in your control panel If your antihack is unchecked, check the box, add your steam ID and restart the server using the Bottom Update and Restart bar. Wait for the server panel to finish loading. (give it two minutes after you can access your panel again) Uncheck the antihack and update and restart (with bottom button) once more. (allow it time to come up) Once it comes back, recheck the box again make sure your ID is there in the field, and restart the server one last time (go into the game and test it) If your antihack is already checked, uncheck it and restart the server. (give it a good 2mins after it restarts before proceeding) After it restarts, check the box and make sure your steam ID is in the first field. If not, please add it. Restart again. Once your server comes up, go into the server and test to see if it works. Hit "ESC" and make sure the red Text of Infistar is in the Esc Menu. If it is not, go through the steps in the first method posted.
  15. Pfffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttt 0_o

  16. merlin777

    Test server

    Don't know about all the versions but try this VIDEO At least you can test things on that once you get it up. If you can't understand the guy go to another video there are a few more. Or shut down your server lock it, get all the mods you want in there or repairs, than launch it. Make a freewebsite from wix.com or weebly.com and post it in your title so people can go to yourwebsite and see when it will be up and what modifications you are doing.
  17. Alright. Download your server.pbo make sure in the init folder in server_functions.sqf at bottom is #include "\Antihack\SurvivalAntihack.sqf" if it's not, just add it. make sure the control panel has Antihack checked and your steam ID is the first one, no spaces before or after on that UID field. Save and pack up your server pbo and upload and restart. Antihack should be activated you can always tell by hitting esc in the game, hit F2 to enable the menu. As long as all steps are correct, you shouldnt have issues. step 1. check antihack on controlpanel, step 2 put in your UID (i showed you how to find it) step 3 upload your server.pbo (only if the #include antihack is at the bottom of server_functions.sqf) step 4 restart using the green button on your control panel. Only issues that can cause it is not having the #include "\Antihack\SurvivalAntihack.sqf" or Unchecked Antihack in panel, or spaces before and after your UID when you type it in, or it's the wrong number. Otherwise it's a SS issue and you should get Support.
  18. Do you buy Infistar with the server? Wait, you said you have Admin Tools? like the actual mod? If you have admin tools do this: go to where you admintools mod is, and go down to config.sqf open it with notepad++ originally unedited you will see this NOTE: anything after // slashes wont be read by the server. // denotes a text note to your self, so where it says player name you can put your name in that field just for reference. Where it says SuperAdminList below is "1111111111", //change those numbers to your SteamID, you can find your steamid when you go into Arma0a2 (not dayz), and go to your player settings, there should be a large number, write that down make sure it's correctly written down and put that number into the slot. Or On your SurvivalServer control panel there is FTP DETAILS: click on the ip number it shows, it will pop up your server contents, go to the admin folder, than click on arma2oaserver.RPT hit Ctrl+F to open a find box, type in your in game name, like mine would be merlin, if you were recently playing on it before the server restarted you will see a number associated with it. Save your file, create the pbo and upload. If it works let us know
  19. _________________________________________________________ WELCOME CREDITS MOD _________________________________________________________ This is a very easy mod to install and easy to edit. Original mod by Bohemia Interactive Add the Credits file attached to this post into a folder called custom in your mission pbo root directory. (root directory in this instance refers to your main folder with list of files, extract mission pbo and the folder that opens up is your root directory) If you don't have a custom folder. You can create one. Add the file in it. Go to your init.sqf file add at the bottom or between these two lines (either one works) Thats how it should look if you go that route. Now only thing left to do is edit your messages you want appearing. Here is how it looks (since dayzopen.net is down currently): HERE If you want to change your text colors in the credits.sqf file click here for the codes Those color codes will work for all your menu and text in game just an FYI. credits.zip
  20. This comes up quite a bit and what throws people off is when they visit a forum and see So they high tail it and run away thinking it's the wrong section. This is the best method for organized messages at specific times. The above you will find when you connect via FTP client (i.e, Filezilla, etc). (note: server must always be stopped during all editing) Once connected, go to your Admin Folder, then Config Folder you will see Scheduler.xml. Drag onto your desktop and open it with notepad++ Here is what you will see the <day></day> is where you put how many days you want this specific thing to run so 7days would be <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day> <start>000000</start> //there are 6 digits. 000005 would be 5 seconds. 003000 would be 30min.(this will be when your message "FIRST" appears. <runtime>000000</runtime> //same idea except this is the interval. so 003000 placed here is saying you are displaying this message every 30minutes or whatever time you want <loop></loop> // this tells the server if it's endless or one time thing. so adding either 1 or 0. 1 is infinite loop and 0 will only run the one time you added at the <start>section. <cmd></cmd>//this is where people get confused because it's diff at diff versions. it's still the same idea. say -1 has to be the first thing in that line. anything afterwards is your message. example: <cmd>say -1 Thank you for coming to my server </cmd> Note: one thing i want to mention is for the loop. Some servers use to require a -1 for infinite loop. If you only get your message once or none, than change your 1 to a -1 at the loop section. Note: <cmd> section can also be used for commands, for this tutorial we are using messages, so we need to specify that, by putting say -1 it is telling the server to output that text that follows it and </cmd> is the end of it. If you want more than one message start a new line. Just copy and paste what you have and edit to your liking. If this doesn't help explain it, just opening your Scheduler.xml will have some examples, TAKE YOUR TIME! Any issues please contact support. As always, this is a tutorial not a perfect statement. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This Section is for MOTD only. (messages of the day) You Can set intervals as well //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You can find your MOTD section through the FTP client in your Admin Folder You will see Each line has "" quotes. In between those quotes you add your message. Example motd[] = { "welcome to my awesome server", "" "" ....... etc. Below there is a line that says motdInterval =5; //as it states its in seconds. so if you want these messages to appear in 5 seconds than leave it the way it sits. If you want your messages to appear over a period of time, you select a larger time frame. so 1800 will give you 30minutes. Adding "" quotes extends time in between each message, what the actual time is, i really don't know. A good way of finding out would be to see how long it takes when you start the game for the current messages to come up. NOTE: you can't repeat these throughout the server time. Any questions email support or post your issue.
  21. <!-- this job will start after 15 seconds and will run every 25 sec. total times the message will be show is 6 times --> <job id='2'> <day>7</day> <start>000015</start> <runtime>000025</runtime> <loop>5</loop> <cmd>say -1 job:2 six times</cmd> </job> That is the section you didn't read: if you want 45 minutes type in 2700 Best Way: (in the scheduler) here is your typical messaging block. <!-- this job will start after 15 seconds and will run every 25 sec. total times the message will be show is 6 times --> <job id='0'> <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day>//this will run 7days and repeat. <start>000015</start> //this is when the first message appears <runtime>002700</runtime> //this is the time you want recurring <loop>1</loop> //leaving this at 1 enables a continuous loop, 0 means disabled and it will only run 1 time <cmd>say -1 Here goes your message blablabla</cmd> </job> you get it? Reading is not fun it's easier to have things done for you but when something goes wrong, you are stuck waiting on support or players are upset with you. I suggest getting to know each aspect of what you are trying to edit. Good Luck. If none of this helps, email support.
  22. Only use this if you want specific times. Etc. Otherwise you can edit your remote messages and change the file path so it works on the client side. If you go into your FTP w/ftp client of some sort usually Filezilla (server has to be stopped) YOu can find the scheduler in the BEC folder than in the Config Folder, just drag onto your desktop, edit with Notepad ++ and follow the guide on messages HERE (it's still the same method since 1.6) CustomKillMessages by OverHeaT WelcomeCredits Script (for the credits, you have to make a text file copy and paste the entire code and save as whateveryouwant.sqf make sure .sqf is at the end or it wont save in this format., than just define the call where ever you put the folder. ex: ExecVM "mods/credits/welcome.sqf"; ) or you can use this one for death messages if you have issues with players: here
  23. There is no straight guide to running epoch. It is trial and error. The few things you can do is start off with the right routine. Always backuo (save mission and server pbos) before changing things. Only add 1 mod at a time and testing each one before doing the next thing. In between adding mods and uploading etc, always save files. Always always always. If there is something specific let us know. Otherwise in forums there are guides by several modders how to do things you just have to look for it. Most important ones are pinned at the top list. Few Guides you can click on them posted on Survival Servers forums. Tools Needed Click Here (Bilco did a pretty open and specific tutorial on how to pack and unpack pbo and what tools to use, i personally recommend cpbo) If Server is not showing Click Here If Server has issue and you get Wait for Host here is how to check for errors Click Here Always, and always keep the staff in mind. They are always working hard so give them time to respond, in meanwhile try to resolve an issue by posting on these forums or sign up on the actual epoch website. There are still many active people doing it. Arma2 is being updated in several mods. It is still used. Good Luck.
  24. Did you pay for infistar? It's $20. Once you are in the server as long as you added your STEAMID to the list in your control panel and hit update and restart. Hit F2 in the game. Infistar should come up When adding steam id, make sure there are no spaces after or before the STEAMID, it is a common mistake. Also. Try this.Uncheck infistar and restart your server (update restart). Give it a good 2minutes. Than check it again make sure all numbers are there and update and restart again. It should re enable infistar. If it is not, you may have to download the Server.pbo and add the antihack define at the bottom of serverfunctions in your init folder #include "\Antihack\SurvivalAntihack.sqf" add that to your bottom file of server_functions.sqf If you need file to extract it, go download CPBO or PBO manager, and download Notepad ++ to edit. it;'s much easier, don't forget to pack it back up and upload. For more reference to how to do these things check out :https://www.survivalservers.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1181-tutorialhow-to-unpackpack-your-server-and-mission-pbo/ Otherwise, send in a support ticket, they will help you. Just be patient, they have lot of things to do.