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Posts posted by merlin777

  1. No doubt Epoch 1.0.6 comes with it's flaws. You would think we would be past all this by now after what 7years? Seems Taviana is missing the island so its the old buggy version.


    everytime switching maps it shows im offline for 2 days before the map comes up in launcher or steam and then it wont let you in.

    Anyone solve that issue??

  2. Is there a way to increase the pet health regen out of combat.  I know there is a way to increase regen across the board but thats not what i am looking for.


    Thanks for any input.


    There are two settings for health regen. Tamed, Wild. So no not really across the board.

    If you want more isolated to just "YOUR" Dino/pet, i would suggest getting some food mods, or health mods. I found a few might be worth checking out.


    1. DinoHealth


    3. DINOPIE


    If you really want to get what you are asking for, I would suggest to start modding. Download all the tools you need (they are free) and get to it.

    Good Luck.

  3. My friend is trying to connect to the server.  It shows up he can connect but right after he gets to the character select screen and the map starts rendering it freezes and steam crashes in the background..  We have tried complete reinstall, graphics updates turning off firewalls, and deleting his .ini files etc..  His resolution is native and single player works just fine.  Does anyone have anything else we could try?  Pretty desperate at this point...  We have been trying for hours.  His network configuration is very basic, nothing special going on there...  We also tried adjusting the max ping in steam.


    There are a few things you can try again! even if you have done it. (only reason multiplayer would crash is if he has a invalid copy)


    1. Steam verify integrity game cache. (right click on the game in steam games library, properties)

    2. Update his Graphics Card drivers

    3. Reinstall C++ redistributables in windows

    4. Try lowering the settings for graphics, maybe attempt to play in windowed mode first. Then check the settings in game.

    He may be running low on shared memory or graphics are up.

    also consider lesser options in this: ark-survival-evolved-launch.jpg


    once you get it up, let us know on this forum post.


    Next time post his equipment. (graphics card, memory, hdd, etc.)

  4. ~3pm on day 3.  No server, no communication from SS.  Nothing from them for the past 24 hours.

    technically since your post, 24hrs would be around 7pm today.


    So your first post is little hard to understand, your symptoms are full of complaints rather than straight issues.

    What is your major issue?


    Is your server down?

    if so

    Have you tried changing server locations?

    even so

    What does the report file say? (post your errors from the file)

  5. Why should I buy here as opposed to say BlueFang when you are the most expensive and the only one I've found that charges a startup fee = to the price of the months service?

    If I purchase say a 10 slot now can I upgrade slots at anytime?

    If I purchase a 10 slot now the setup is $10 IF I upgrade later to 40 do I have to pay $30 more in setup fees?

    I am also concerned that the email link doesn't work on your site so I couldn't contact you that way.

    So How is your service so much more better or premium than the others to justify the higher cost and setup fee?



    Post is a little old, but to all the new comers here is my take on Survival Servers, completely unbiased! Thats how I am


    1. PRICE:First off, NO absolutely not! Survival Servers is actually "one" of the few out there, very few, who have the best prices for their services. Also, BLUEFANG charges $10 for better support lol. Their website is crap. When you add features it keeps doubling itself even when you decide to "uncheck" a feature before purchase. What a crummy comparison bro.
    2. SETUP: Survival Servers has probably the BEST control panel, functionality and ease of use product I have ever seen.Their folder compilations for all their games are so easy to use and find things when you need it. Everything is compiled perfectly.
    3. PREMIUM SERVERS:The servers have been upgraded since they started, i remember those horrible days years ago. They are TOP NOTCH NOW.
    4. WHY BUY SS?: For the price and some really awesome respectful workers made me ditch Vilayer ($60/m) GTX($45/m) GamingDeluxe($35/m). GTX and Vilayer are great in taking your money, they have 24/7 support that really helps with nothing. I had them. each time i had issue they would point me to the forum. Unless it was something of the sort when server crashed or game stopped working.
    5. Quality?Shop Local: I look at it this way. Survival Servers is a local bar or store., everyone knows your name, they help you out when they can get to you, but first they help those before you walked in, they are overworked and underappreciated, the money coming in is not the best, but they love their jobs and love helping people.
    6. GTX and all the others are like Walmart. They send you to crappy ideas and lines because they know they sold you a piece of crap you can't figure out how to fix or operate.

    The response times are not the best, i agree, and this is a crucial part of any server management company. However, these forums are filled I mean FILLED! with REPEATING ISSUES people face, and get solved. Just a little bit of effort on your part and you can find everything you are looking for.

    This does two things: It gives support time to get to everyone and it gives you a chance to build your knowledge base.


    • Personally, for the money, the respect and (pardon my language) crap they put up with (and mine in the past), I would choose Survival Servers every time.


    I have a list below of Server Comparisons, some are older, but still valid. I will leave everyone coming here with this same question. Let me ask you


    ::When someone is working day and night to solve issues for the least amount of pay, and his/her only thing is to make sure you are saving money

    and are satisfied with your choices....who could withstand such hell and keep going?::It takes discipline, time and overall integrity.


    That's my take on it Survival Servers has been consistent with their prices and they are by far the best out there. I have given these guys crap in the past, lol, which i regret. They are definitely  worth getting. Be Patient, not everyone has 100 people 24hrs attending to your every need and issue. :)

    from my experience majority issues are at the users operation.






  6. Hello everybody,


    Is there a ini file that says in what order the mods are being loaded ?

    Because i would like to change to order of some mods that need to start first to work properly


    What ever mods you have in the Mod ID field on your panel, that is the order as Niva mentioned. This automatically changes it into the game settings. So no need to mess with those.


    Is there something that is not working?

    check with all your mods and the creators page on Steam, they all typically list mods that don't work well with each other or hinder spawns.

  7. __________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Custom Kill Messages

    by 0verHeaT

    All Credit goes to 0verHeaT. I am just re-posting and simplifying things for "OUR" community.



    This mod is for servers that display kills by other players in the upper left corner of the screen with a picture of the gun used,

    the distance, person who shot, person who got killed. It is handy for PVE servers I believe the most since it allows admins and owners to monitor what happened when someone claims it was not them.


    Step 1.

    • Download your Server & Mission pbo from the Survival Servers panel
    • In your ServerPBO:

    Go to the folder "compile" and look for server_playerDied.sqf and the fnc_plyrHit.sqf and replace them with the files provided in the attachment. (REMEMBER ALWAYS ALWAYS SAVE A COPY OF WHAT YOU ARE MODDING)


    Step 2.

    • In your Mission pbo

    Go to the init.sqf in your root directory and look for this line

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    ///Add this directly below it///
    execVM ""+yourfolderpath+\kill_msg.sqf";
    "yourfolderpath" means to put it in any folder you want if you create one, name it that
    in between the quotes but leave the other quotes and both the +

    I had couple people asking me what 0verHeaT was talking about in his instructions. He has double quotes "" also, that confuses people. I am simplifying everything.


    • Copy the kill_msg.sqf file in whatever folder you are naming or using.



    I put mine in EPOCHMODS folder and created another folder called Kill
    So I put the files in that kill folder. Thus it should look like so.
    execVM ""+EPOCHMODS\Kill+\kill_msg.sqf";





    execVM ""+EPOCHMODS\Kill+\kill_msg.sqf";





    If you want the murder boards to work properly in the Trader Zones, you have to use 0verHeaT player_murderMenu.sqf


    Step 1.

    • Go to your custom compiles file. Typically labelled, custom. Then inside should be compiles.sqf


    If you don't have this check at end of this post.


    • Paste this into your compiles.sqf
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers ""+yourfolderpath+"\player_murderMenu.sqf";

    Make sure to change yourfolderpath to your actual placement of the folder. see my example above.






    If you are using Survival Servers Overpoch or Overpoch Origins, the Compiles (which is dound in DAYZ_CODE|INIT is already setup for you it will look like so:


    if (!isDedicated) then {
    fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DAYZ_CODE\COMPILE\fn_selfActions.sqf";
    dayz_spaceInterrupt = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DAYZ_CODE\ACTIONS\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";
    player_death = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DAYZ_CODE\COMPILE\player_death.sqf";

    player_selectSlot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DAYZ_CODE\COMPILE\ui_selectSlot.sqf";
    player_updateGui = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DAYZ_CODE\COMPILE\player_updateGui.sqf";
    yoloText = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules_e\functions\GUI\fn_dynamicText.sqf";

    player_spawn_2 = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "DAYZ_CODE\COMPILE\player_spawn_2.sqf";

    if (!isDedicated) then {
    player_build = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_pro\player_build.sqf";
    snap_build = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_pro\snap_build.sqf";
    dayz_spaceInterrupt = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_pro\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";
    player_unlockVault = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\BuildVectors\compile\player_unlockVault.sqf";
    player_lockVault = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\BuildVectors\compile\player_lockVault.sqf";
    fnc_SetPitchBankYaw = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\BuildVectors\fnc_SetPitchBankYaw.sqf";
    DZE_build_vector_file = "custom\BuildVectors\build_vectors.sqf";
    build_vectors = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers DZE_build_vector_file;

    origins_checkNeededMaterial = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Origins\origins_checkNeededMaterial.sqf";
    origins_removeActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Origins\origins_removeActions.sqf";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers ""+EPOCHMODS\KILL+\player_murderMenu.sqf";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "EpochMods\ClickActions\lib.sqf";



    You may not have everything like mine, but this is how it is setup.Feel free to use some of these just make sure you change file paths to your actual mods. most of mine are in EPOCHMODS



    However. There is another you must use regardless of EPOCH or OVEROCH. I am attaching to this post. But. You can find yours easily. I use both because it's easier to organize certain mods like Snapbuild or Slowzeds.


    1. Go to your game directory (mine is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead)
    2. Go to the DayZ_Epoch folder and open your addons folder you see.
    3. Look for dayz_code.pbo and copy and paste it onto your desktop so you can work on it quickly (please do not remove it by dragging and dropping)
    4. Extract your dayz_code.pbo like any other pbo.
    5. Open the folder that was just extracted and go to the init folder and copy and paste compiles into your current mission pbo from survival servers you downloaded (if you did not, do so now)
    6. I made a folder called custom, and that is where i put the compiles.sqf (it is a common thing with mods)
    7. Next go to your init.sqf in your mission pbo and look for
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
    ///Personally i replace with the following, some people just add below this///
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf";
    //I replace mine so it reduces the amount of reading mission file. you can also do the
    following so you don't have to worry about either.
    //call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\custom\compiles.sqf";
    by adding the "//" in front, it is basically saying don't look at this it's just notes.
    I use this throughout my modding so I can easily find things later when there is an issue
    or i no longer want the mod. CTRL+F in any file will let you search for words

    There you have it, you now have a compiles.sqf that you can use. You can put any "compiles.sqf" mod define calls here under sections that have the

    if (!isDedicated) then {

    Avoid putting anything below

    initialized = true;

    in your compiles.sqf. Keep everything Above it unless there is a very specific mod.



  8. _______________________________________________________________________________


    Advanced Trading 2.1

    mod by Zupa


    This Mod is designed for people who want Advanced Trading without Single Currency Coins. It is also designed so you can have it for SC also. It is a nice cleaned up version. See at end of the post for more clarification on how to change it, and how to add the mod to one of your folders instead of putting it into the root directory like the original instructions say.



    This mod was developed by one of my favorite modders Zupa. He has worked countless hours and months on projects for several games, if you like his mods, consider donating for his hard work. ZUPA WEBSITE





    Installation is very simple and require minimal attention. Zupa lays it out decently on some forums but not everybody searches it so I am posting it here for our community without having to go out looking for mods.


    Step 1.

    • Download your Mission PBO and Server PBO from the SS panel. (always download a working copy before adding mods)
    • Download the advanced trading file I posted to this Topic, and put the "zupa" folder in your mission pbo root directory.
    • Go to your fn_selfactions.sqf Usually in your "DAYZ_CODE" and then COMPILE
    • Paste the following:
    _buyV = player addAction ["Advanced Trading", "zupa\advancedTrading\init.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
    s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buyV];
    • Directly above:
    // Database menu
    _buy = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_289", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\show_dialog.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
    s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buy];
    • So it looks like this:


    // Static Menu
    //diag_log format["DEBUG TRADER: %1", _x];
    _buy = player addAction [format["Trade %1 %2 for %3 %4",(_x select 3),(_x select 5),(_x select 2),(_x select 6)], "DAYZ_CODE\ACTIONS\trade_items_wo_db.sqf",[(_x select 0),(_x select 1),(_x select 2),(_x select 3),(_x select 4),(_x select 5),(_x select 6)], (_x select 7), true, true, "",""];
    s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buy];

    } count (_traderMenu select 1);
    _buyV = player addAction ["Advanced Trading", "zupa\advancedTrading\init.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "","];
    s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buyV];
    // Database menu
    _buy = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_289", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\show_dialog.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
    s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buy];



    • Save and move to Step 2.

    Step 2.

    • Go to your description.ext (in your root directory of your mission pbo)
    • Add the following to the bottom of the file
    #include "zupa\advancedTrading\ZSCdefines.hpp" // if u don't have it from ZSC
    #include "zupa\advancedTrading\advancedTrading.hpp"

    Step 3.

    • Make sure the following exceptions is in your antihack. (if you have infistar). SS did a good job of putting in most common exceptions so typically you should be fine.

    To find out where to put this if you don't know it is in the section of: _ALLOWED_Dialogs = _ALLOWED_Dialogs



    /* ALLOWED Custom Dialogs "_ALLOWED_Dialogs" are only used if you have "_CUD = true;" */
    /* If you want install custom scripts using dialog windows, you can add IDD numbers */
    /* from the custom script's desc.h file included through MPMIssions/description.ext */
    _ALLOWED_Dialogs = [-1,106,2200,6900,6901,6902,6903,420420,41144,711194,666,667];
    // -1 Epoch Safe/Lockbox Keycode UI
    // 106 Inventory (Gear)
    // 2200 Blood Test
    // 6900,6901,6902,6903 New Player (select Gender and such things)
    // 420420 Epoch Trader
    // 41144 Epoch Door Keycode UI
    // 129 Diary
    // 666,667 Clay Car Radio
    // 4444 Radio Communication
    // 65431,65432,65433,65434,65440,65441,65442 R3F ARTY Lift/Tow/Transport.
    // 711194 Plot Management (http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16166-release-plot-management/)
    _ALLOWED_Dialogs = _ALLOWED_Dialogs + [81000,88890,20001,20002,20003,20004,20005,20006,55510,55511,55514,55515,55516,55517,55518,55519,555120,118338,118339,711197,711195];



    That is all. You are done. pack up your Missionpbo and Server pbo if you downloaded it to check for exceptions portion and upload them both.




    To change it so you are using Single Currency Coins do the following:


    Open your zupa folder or whatever you named it and go to the config.sqf

    • Z_SingleCurrency = false; //Change that to true (if you use coins)





    Unlike other mods, you cant just put zupa into your own folder and change the calls and defines to point to that folder. It wont work and it can break your server by interrupting it's load definitions.


    Open your zupa folder or whatever you named it and go to the config.sqf

    • Z_AT_FolderLocation = 'zupa\advancedTrading'; // Here you want to put the location where you plan on putting the folder. Then make sure you do the following steps to ensure the mods loads.

    Change the folder location (wherever you put it now or named it) in STEP 1 and STEP 2




    Let us say I wanted to change the 'zupa' folder name to 'Special'.

    Here are the steps I would do to ensure it loads.


    First: I would rename my folder Special.


    In Step 1: (fn_selfactions.sqf)

    _buyV = player addAction ["Advanced Trading", "zupa\advancedTrading\init.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
    s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buyV];
    _buyV = player addAction ["Advanced Trading", "Special\advancedTrading\init.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""];
    s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buyV];

    In Step 2: (description.ext)

    #include "zupa\advancedTrading\ZSCdefines.hpp" // if u don't have it from ZSC
    #include "zupa\advancedTrading\advancedTrading.hpp"
    #include "Special\advancedTrading\ZSCdefines.hpp" // if u don't have it from ZSC
    #include "Special\advancedTrading\advancedTrading.hpp"

    In the config.sqf: (the one in the original zupa folder you downloaded)

    Z_AT_FolderLocation = 'zupa\advancedTrading';
    Z_AT_FolderLocation = 'Special\advancedTrading';

    That's it. remember if you put your newly named folder or the zupa folder in another folder make sure you change all the paths including the one in the config.sqf to match your location.


    Any question feel free to comment.


    I would like to add that the reason I believe Zupa decided to put all this into the directory is to ease of access and not complicate things. He also named it zupa because not only because it's his name but also because his other mods all start with that name, and all his mods are in the root directory. So keeping things this way is quick and easy.







  9. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________





    If someone wants to put a hacker like below on the Perm ban list, you have to do it through AH (antihack). Otherwise, through the game even if it's PermBan, it's still Temporary.


    • Open Your Antihack Folder in your Server.pbo and open the AHconfig.sqf, around line 40 BannedList in between the quotes "0", put the PlayerID/UID/SteamID of the person you want banned.(SEE EXAMPLE BELOW)


    Make sure to add the person below as he has been on a few servers according to the grapevine, he plays it off as innocent.

    Please Share anyone you caught in the past on this post. As long as it stays up. I think it's important to come together on things like this.




    /* infiSTAR.de .dll path */ /* REMOVED */
    /* Key to open the menu */ _OpenMenuKey = 0x3C; /* google DIK_KeyCodes (0x3C is F2) */
    /* LOW ADMIN HERE */ _LAdmins = ["0","0","0"]; //do not have a , at the end.
    /* NORMAL ADMIN HERE */ _NAdmins = ["0","0","0"]; //do not have a , at the end.
    /* SUPER ADMIN HERE */ _SAdmins = ["0","0","0"]; //do not have a , at the end.
    /* BANNED UIDs HERE */ _BLOCKED = ["76561198021573138","0","0]; //do not have a , at the end.




    I will update this post everytime i find someone cheating, hacking, duping, exploiting.


    If you don't have Infistar, I suggest you ask Survival Servers support to install it for you, just pay the $20. In reality I would pay the $40 this way you can always have the full source code.


    I also recommend using the DaRT Tool, it lets you observe your server without logging in. Check out the site or download it from this post. It is a very basic setup. You can ban players from here and chat in game.

    • KooLLook 76561198021573138 (turning profit by exploit of m24/DMR mags)


  10. As far as spawning them in manually and disappearing, i think it works similar to other games, where it would have to be done in a manner that saves to the original game data. I definitely would not know how to keep those.


    really, any game that i have come across in my years of modding and coding i have always noticed, anything modded from it's original context will have issues. Always. even if they are minor.

  11. Alright I will do that. I removed all the mods I was running and checked out the total conversion. It seemed the problems still persisted with just the total conversion running, which I assume means its something in it. It is strange because everything in my server worked great before the latest Ark content update. The mod itself is updated, and it seems nobody is having any issues, from what I read in the discussions. Here are the mods and load order.




    1. Stargate Atlantis.

    2. Many New Items

    3. Better Dinos

    4. Uber Crafter (WIP)

    5. Dragons plus

    6. Underwater Basemod - Saddles update

    7. Pimp My Dino

    8. Big Raft

    9. Pet Finder

    10. More Narcotics & More Tranq-Arrows combined V2.1


    That conversion recommends not to use the map that comes with the mod, so not sure if you changed the files to that map or used parts of it, it's not recommended. Hopefully that's not the case.


    • Looks like it uses a simulation system, where it looks for spawns that the game engine uses, and tries to replace those spawns and change the dino data, so occasionally i can see a conflict happening where both files are looking for a that coordinate where a spawn should occur it can definitely create a no spawn based on game engine. You have to remember with conversion mods, they replace what the original content is, but the way the game files load, it tries to read first what is native, once it sees that conversion line of code is pointing to another file  it will load it in that order. So it can occasionally give you issues.


    Ideally, you should be ok with the current mods, could of been some weird stack for spawning.


    Honestly, if you put back all the mods (for next time assuming you did already), i would put them in one by one, start up the game and test them. Than upload the next and so on. This helps eliminate any spamming or catching errors early.

    But really you should be ok according to the way these mods are used.


    Any other issues, post it here, and while you wait for a response i would definitely bring it up to Survival Team. They work hard, so give it some time.

  12. Well I tried this and it seemed to not have worked. Looking for other possible solutions.


    List your mods here. Some dino mods conflict with others, especially the Indominus Rex mods with dragon mods. they actually reduce or prohibit topside spawns.

    You can usually use the clipping toggle command, and go through the volcanoes, and mountains and land and see tons of dinos just sitting there. That means lot of your mods are conflicting.


    I had similar issues. just list all your mods here.

  13. Hey there,


    I initially purchased the Infistar Antihack and ran it on my server running DayZ Epoch. Worked great and I love the program for all of the features it allows you to support players.


    I then switched my server to DayZ Chernarus 1.8.7 and discovered that the Antihack does not work with that map and that Infistar was not interested in updating it because Vanilla DayZ is not a popular map. Now that 1.8.8 is out and there is a lot more interest in DayZ Vanilla servers again, I am wondering if anyone has news about the possibility of the Antihack program being updated?


    And, if not news, maybe somebody could recommend another program that provides admin tools such as teleportation, item and vehicle spawning and spectating.


    Anyone use another tool that does all that and is compatible with DayZ Vanilla 1.8.8?






    Here are some tools you can use. Some of these including the Epoch Admin Tools will work, you just have to tweak some files


    DayZ Vanilla Tools


    AdminTools EPOCH

    **That one specifically uses files from epoch dayz_code.pbo. All you have to do, is find the equivalent files and just grab your dayz_code.pbo from the DayZ folder in your game directory (i.e..programfiles\steam\steamapps\common\etc..etc...)


    There is not much out there, you could always contact https://infistar.de/and ask.


    Honestly i would just wait it out.

  14. So I want to have it in the same spot, but have it so that the text doesn't wrap and its taller, so all the text can be viewed. I dont know programing so not sure how to change this to fit my text. Any help would be great.



    In your credits file there is this line of code:

    	sleep 2;
    	_memberFunction = _x select 0;
    	_memberNames = _x select 1;
    	_finalText = format ["<t size='0.40' color='#f2cb0b' align='right'>%1<br /></t>", _memberFunction];
    	_finalText = _finalText + "<t size='0.70' color='#FFFFFF' align='right'>";
    	{_finalText = _finalText + format ["%1<br />", _x]} forEach _memberNames;
    	_finalText = _finalText + "</t>";
    	_onScreenTime + (((count _memberNames) - 1) * 0.5);
    • making it taller would require possibly moving the entire format over to the 'center' The align= 'right' portion, can be used to move the text to left or center by replacing right with whatever you choose (if you want to at some point change it)


    • The portion for format ["<t size='0.40' color='#f2cb0b'  the .40 is the size. There is a _finalText = format and _finalText = _finalText The final text= format i am pretty sure you can change the font size, if you want more space i would bring it down a notch. maybe 0.30 and see how it looks. Or if you want to enlarge it .50, .60 .70 etc etc.. I believe those are percentages.


    • You will have to test different numbers. Trial and error depending how long your text s. If you dont want text breaking remove the /br portion. but don't make it too long.


    • Also assuming this is standard html/php jargo syntax, you can use also 'justify' to stretch so all text is equal length, its weird with the sizes because they act like they are using css type numbers.

    So without testing it myself, based on the logic i see, .40 =40%, i don't know about making them taller entirely.


    Use this site as reference if you need colors, alignments etc. HERE

  15. Ah gotcha.


    These particular lines of notes kinda scared me

    Server owners must update to the new Hive DLL included in the 1.0.6 release, changes in the soruce code can be found here: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZhiveEpoch/pull/13


    Many weapon and item classnames changed. Admins must update their traders. See SQL\1.0.6_Updates and dayz_code\Configs\CfgServerTrader
     New loot table format is incompatible with old loot tables. Admins see CfgLoot\README.txt

    being as it is not compatible with the old files/version.


    So, I guess I am just wondering, since everything has to be updated, will the current game files be incompatible? server saves, buildings, loot etc.? you know when it comes time to changing Epoch to 1.0.6