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  1. I'm curious about the server fps in the new version. I had several warnings in rpt, as server fps is under 10. With 10 players online and 1 client side ai mission. They say 0.3 will eat much more resources.
  2. My question is in the subject, will upgrading wipe my current database? If it does, can i restore it?
  3. My question is in the subject, will upgrading wipe my current database? If it does, can i restore it?
  4. I have the same issue and my ticket is unanswered for more than a day. My ftp and db accesses are not working and the server can't load. Ive tried everything...
  5. I have the same issue and my ticket is unanswered for more than a day. My ftp and db accesses are not working and the server can't load. Ive tried everything...
  6. I dont want to open a new topic for this, but i have the same problem. It was said that arma3 servers are set up and ready to use in 30 secs. I'm waiting for a couple of hours now, without any information or atleast an email about the payment u received...
  7. I dont want to open a new topic for this, but i have the same problem. It was said that arma3 servers are set up and ready to use in 30 secs. I'm waiting for a couple of hours now, without any information or atleast an email about the payment u received...