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Everything posted by NorthyPark

  1. Go to your survivalserver control panel and scroll down to you see "Customize Your Game Server" there you can download and upload dayz_server.pbo and missionfile.pbo
  2. Go to your survivalserver control panel and scroll down to you see "Customize Your Game Server" there you can download and upload dayz_server.pbo and missionfile.pbo
  3. can you tell me how to do it or a link to a tut? i really wanna try it out
  4. can you tell me how to do it or a link to a tut? i really wanna try it out
  5. If you mean new vehicles like tanks and apc, you can add them to your "Dynamic Vehicles" file in dayz_server/missions/THEMAPYOUAREUSING/dynamic_vehicles in there you can add any arma 2 and arma 2 oa vehicle class names, like this ["BTR90",2], the letter 2 is how many it will spawn hope this helps
  6. If you mean new vehicles like tanks and apc, you can add them to your "Dynamic Vehicles" file in dayz_server/missions/THEMAPYOUAREUSING/dynamic_vehicles in there you can add any arma 2 and arma 2 oa vehicle class names, like this ["BTR90",2], the letter 2 is how many it will spawn hope this helps
  7. I asked them on a support ticket if they could add a button to install JSRS and other .bikeys so you can join with more mods. they said they would look into it and hopfully they can add it
  8. I asked them on a support ticket if they could add a button to install JSRS and other .bikeys so you can join with more mods. they said they would look into it and hopfully they can add it
  9. It is the anti hack... but it will be updated late today or tomorrow
  10. It is the anti hack... but it will be updated late today or tomorrow
  11. Hello, just wanted to say if you Submit Support Ticket it will go much faster than posting it here
  12. Hello, just wanted to say if you Submit Support Ticket it will go much faster than posting it here
  13. Maybe this? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgV ... #...CanSee
  14. Maybe this? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgV ... #...CanSee