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  1. Yes, Survival servers has added a download to the TC admin for Epoch. It is very simple to download the latest version.
  2. Yes, Survival servers has added a download to the TC admin for Epoch. It is very simple to download the latest version.
  3. This has been resolved. Thanks Survival Servers!
  4. This has been resolved. Thanks Survival Servers!
  5. I am wondering where I would put that code. Maybe in the hive config file? Not sure.
  6. I am wondering where I would put that code. Maybe in the hive config file? Not sure.
  7. Hello, I am interested in taking out all the Radar from my server. The small planes have these and it is crazy how easy it is to find choppers and sell them. Let me know if anyone has found a way. Thanks Codemanx
  8. Hello, I am interested in taking out all the Radar from my server. The small planes have these and it is crazy how easy it is to find choppers and sell them. Let me know if anyone has found a way. Thanks Codemanx
  9. I am wondering the same thing. Please help!
  10. I am wondering the same thing. Please help!
  11. Hello, The real question is how to access the SS application when on the server? Please help!
  12. Hello, The real question is how to access the SS application when on the server? Please help!