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Ryan Pennington

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Everything posted by Ryan Pennington

  1. We have a mega thread on the issue in the pinned threads.
  2. Nope they aren't xml. As stated, there are two files: 123456.db 123456.fwl Replace 123456 with your gameserver ID and that's the file name.
  3. Yep. Seed is randomly generated each time
  4. Nope there is no seed customization for this game - that's not the devs intention. Regarding the other topic we have a pinned thread there.
  5. You don't do it through FTP. You only do it on the panel Local Save Upload feature.
  6. Delete World Save feature on the control panel.
  7. So basically generate a map on your computer, then grab the db/fwl file and zip it and upload it.
  8. You don't need to create a ticket, the world save upload does indeed work.
  9. Yes We've prepared a wiki article with a full list of commands for server owners. https://survivalservers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Valheim_Admin_Commands
  10. Try a different browser - haven't heard of this one. Otherwise please email us at [email protected] and we will set you up with a helpdesk login.
  11. Your card details are not stored anywhere in our database. We simply take a transaction ID (if payment is made via PayPal) or a card reference ID (if using credit card through our payment processor Stripe) That said, if you are paying with credit card (through Stripe) we can remove the link to your credit card and then delete it from your Stripe customer record. Please submit a support ticket so we can handle that request.
  12. Restarting does not wipe the save, no.
  13. This is super account specific and needs to be handled via support ticket. Please understand this is a community forum - not a support center.
  14. That command won't work on our servers or any other hosting company for that matter. It's a locally hosted command only (aka running single player)
  15. Not to my knowledge AFAIK. No we do not offer performance addons, all of our servers are high performance. If you are having issues with desync please submit a ticket and we'll diagnose. Thanks for the kind words though Been a wild ride so far.
  16. For starters, there's already a thread dedicated to Admin Commands. And to answer your question those are for locally hosted servers only at this time and they do not work on dedicated servers (at our host or any for that matter)
  17. I've not heard of the black screen disconnecting issue. Perhaps try wiping your save and switching locations (and then switching back)
  18. Yes, locate the following Click the little "i" helper icon and read the instructions.
  19. Please read the pinned thread about server list and finding your server with the alternative method.
  20. It's currently not having any issues at this time. If you could please create a ticket so we can take a look why it's not for you. As far as the description language, that's been changed. Thanks for letting us know!
  21. Correct. If there are players on you will want to wait the 30 minutes. Otherwise don't worry about it.
  22. Whoops! We had this in development and switched over to production. Sorry folks!