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Welcome to the new Ark-Refex Cluster Server,
The aim of the server is to provide the Ark experience that many Ark servers no longer have.

You can find us if you enter refex in the server search.

Fast taming, no manas, 5 man tribes and more await you on 7 maps (TheCenter, Ragnarok, TheIsland, Crystal Islands, Valguero, Genesis, Aberration). Of course, this will be expanded as the number of players grows!

The server started its Season 1 on December 23rd.

In addition to the Ark experience, a server with events, giveaways and more awaits you. There is an invite system with which you can secure rewards to ensure a smooth start.

An admin is available at any time for comments or problems. We look forward to seeing you!


🏝️ The Island |
🗿 The Center |
🌋 Ragnarok |
💎Crystal Island |
🌲Valguero |
🤖Genesis |
🦇Aberration |

⭐ Server Stats:

-Egghatch100x |
-Mature 120x |
-Harvest: 13x |
-XP 10x |
-Taming: 10x |

-Max wild Dino lvl: 150 lvl |
-Max Egg lvl: 190 lvl |
-Max Tek-Dino: 180 lvl |
-Max Crystal Wyvern lvl: 225 lvl |

-Stackmod |
-Custom Drops |
-Custom Recipes |

👾 Discord: https://discord.gg/6FqRD8uauF

Server-Owner: 360-NoScopeJFK

Admins: -Mr.Halo

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