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[Tutorial] Good Safezones For Traders

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this is a simple and easy way for adding safezones these are my safezone scripts customize has much you want please dont post in comments where do i put this or shit like that you need to know some basic scripting to do this



want other maps join my teamspeak and i will give you other mission.sqm (ts3.dayzrevelations.net)

EASY 10 Minutes


Does work with Infistar


1. go into your init.sqf search for this line "if (!isDedicated) then {" without quotes and put "[] execvm 'Safezone\safezone.sqf';" without quotes

if failed to put it where "isDedicated" will make anti theft very slow


2. Make a folder called Safezone and a sqf file named safezone.sqf

In safezone.sqf put

if (isServer) exitWith {
"PVOZ_EPOCH_SAFEZONE" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
	_msg = _this select 1;
	_msg = str(_msg);
	if (isServer) then {
		[nil, nil, rspawn, [_msg], {systemChat (_this select 0);}] call RE;
[] spawn {
waitUntil {(!isNil "zupa_ANTIRUN")};
if (isNil "inSafezone") then {inSafezone = false;};
while {true} do {
	waitUntil {sleep 1;(inSafeZone)};
	zupa_szCHK = false;
	canbuild = false;
	SZ_SkTyp = typeOf player;
	_txt = "You have entered a safezone! Running people over or griefing within safezones shall result in a ban! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! STEALING IS ALLOWED!";
	systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"");
	cutText [_txt,"PLAIN DOWN"];
	["Safe Zone"] spawn bis_fnc_infotext;
	[] spawn zupa_ANTIRUN;
	[] spawn zupa_ZSHIELD;
	[] spawn zupa_ANTITHEFT;
	[] spawn zupa_PP;
	waitUntil {sleep 1;((!inSafeZone)||(typeOf player != SZ_SkTyp))};
	if (inSafeZone) then {
		if (typeOf player != SZ_SkTyp) then {
			[] spawn {
				inSafeZone = false;
				_txt = "Skin change detected! Toggling safezone protection...";
				systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"");
				waitUntil {zupa_szCHK};
				inSafeZone = true;
	waitUntil {sleep 1;(!inSafeZone)};
	canbuild = true;
	zupa_szCHK = true;
	systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: You have left a safezone!");
	systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: Safe-zone hit/kill protection will stay on for 5-10 seconds to prevent safezone snipers... TAKE COVER!");
	sleep (5 + floor(random 5));
	[] spawn zupa_DPP;
	if (inSafeZone) then {_txt = "It appears you have re-entered a safezone. Reenabling protection...";} else {_txt = "Safe-zone hit/kill protection has been disabled!";};
	systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"");
zupa_DPP = {
player removeEventHandler ["Fired", 	SafeZone_FIRED];
player removeEventHandler ["Hit", 		SafeZone_HIT];
player removeEventHandler ["Killed", 	SafeZone_KILLED];
fnc_usec_unconscious 	= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_unconscious.sqf";
player_death 			= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_death.sqf";
player_zombieCheck 		= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";
fnc_usec_damageHandler 	= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
zupa_PP = {
_txt = "Infantry protection loaded.";
systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"");
SafeZone_FIRED  = player addEventHandler ["Fired",	{call zupa_pfired}];
SafeZone_HIT    = player addEventHandler ["Hit",	{call zupa_phit}];
SafeZone_KILLED = player addEventHandler ["Killed",	{call zupa_pkill}];
fnc_usec_unconscious 	= {};
player_death 			= {};
player_zombieCheck 		= {};
fnc_usec_damageHandler 	= {};
zupa_pfired = {
nearestObject [(_this select 0),(_this select 4)] setPos[0,0,0];
cutText ["You are not allowed to shoot in safezones","PLAIN DOWN"];
zupa_pkill = {
_killer = (_this select 1);
_nKill = name _killer;
if (_nKill != name player) then {
	_locKILL = mapGridPosition getPos _killer;
	_attker setHit["Body",1];
	_txt = ""+name player+" was killed by "+str _nKill+" in a safezone! The killer is @ "+str _locKILL+".";
	_sMSG = "SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"";

	publicVariableServer "PVOZ_EPOCH_SAFEZONE";

	_msg = "You were killed by "+str _nKill+"";
	systemChat (str _msg);
zupa_phit = {
_attker = (_this select 1);
_nAttkr = name _attker;
if (_nAttkr != name player) then {
	_locATTK = mapGridPosition getPos _attker;
	_attker setHit["Body",1];

	_txt = ""+name player+" was shot by "+str _nAttkr+" in a safezone! The attacker is @ "+str _locATTK+".";
	_sMSG = "SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"";
	publicVariableServer "PVOZ_EPOCH_SAFEZONE";

	_msg = "You were shot by "+str _nAttkr+"";
	systemChat (str _msg);
player action ["GEAR",objNull];
_txt = 'You can not access backpacks while too close to a player!';
systemChat ('SAFEZONE: '+str _txt+'');
cutText [_txt,'PLAIN DOWN'];
sleep 1;
_txt = 'You are only allowed to access your friends backpacks!';
systemChat ('SAFEZONE: '+str _txt+'');
cutText [_txt,'PLAIN DOWN'];
zupa_ZSHIELD = {
if (isNil 'no_zombies_loop') then {
	while {true} do {
		if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {no_zombies_loop = nil;};
		no_zombies_loop = true;
		_pos = getPos (vehicle player);
		_zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",50];
		{deletevehicle _x;} forEach _zombies;
		sleep 1;
zupa_ANTITHEFT = {
if (isNil 'anti_theft_loop') then {
	waitUntil {sleep 1;((vehicle player == player)||(!inSafeZone))};
	if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {};
	while {true} do {
		_player = (vehicle player);
		_target = (cursorTarget);
		anti_theft_loop = true;
		if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {};
		if (isNil 'BP_FIX') then {BP_FIX=false;};
		if ((vehicle player == player)) then {
			_playerNear = (({isPlayer _x} count (position player nearObjects ['CAManBase',4])) > 1);
			if (_playerNear) then {
				if (isNull (findDisplay 106)) then {if (BP_FIX) then {BP_FIX = false;};} else {

					_playerID = _player getVariable ['CharacterID', '0'];
					_sFriends = _player getVariable ['friendlies', []];
					_Targetid = _target getVariable ['CharacterID', '0'];
					_tFriends = _target getVariable ['friendlies', []];
					_tFriendt = _target getVariable ['friendlyTo', []];
					_isFriend = ((_Targetid in _sFriends)&&(_playerID in _tFriends));
					_isVehcle = ((_target isKindOf 'LandVehicle')||(_target isKindOf 'Ship'));
					_isNear = (_target distance _player < 4);
					if ((_isVehcle)&&(_isNear)||(_isFriend)&&(_isNear)) exitWith {
						if ((_isFriend)&&!(_playerID in _tFriendt)) then {
							BP_FIX = true;
							[] spawn ANTI_THEFT;
					if (!BP_FIX) then {
						[] spawn ANTI_THEFT;
						BP_FIX = true;
		sleep 0.1;
	anti_theft_loop = nil;
zupa_ANTIRUN = {
if (isNil 'vehicle_protection_loop') then {
	waitUntil {sleep 1;(vehicle player != player)||(!inSafeZone)};
	if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {};
	systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: Vehicle protection loaded.");
	while {true} do {
		if ((vehicle player == player)||(!inSafeZone)) exitWith {};
		vehicle_protection_loop = true;
		_norun = {isPlayer _x} count (getpos (vehicle player) nearEntities [["CAManBase"], 5]);
		if (_norun > 0) then {
			_veh = (vehicle player);
			cutText ['Can not drive, '+(str _norun)+' players within 5m! Reverse or be BANNED','PLAIN'];
			_veh setVelocity [0,0,0];
			sleep 0.5;
		sleep 0.1;


ok next is mission.sqm because the mission.sqm is way difficult im just going to put mine customize has much as you want but safezones are all trader cities and airdealer


3. Upload and launch any errors or typos post in comments


if you want me to keep doing Tutorials please say in comments below

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this is a simple and easy way for adding safezones these are my safezone scripts customize has much you want please dont post in comments where do i put this or shit like that you need to know some basic scripting to do this



want other maps join my teamspeak and i will give you other mission.sqm (ts3.dayzrevelations.net)

EASY 10 Minutes


Does work with Infistar


1. go into your init.sqf search for this line "if (!isDedicated) then {" without quotes and put "[] execvm 'Safezone\safezone.sqf';" without quotes

if failed to put it where "isDedicated" will make anti theft very slow


2. Make a folder called Safezone and a sqf file named safezone.sqf

In safezone.sqf put

if (isServer) exitWith {
"PVOZ_EPOCH_SAFEZONE" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
	_msg = _this select 1;
	_msg = str(_msg);
	if (isServer) then {
		[nil, nil, rspawn, [_msg], {systemChat (_this select 0);}] call RE;
[] spawn {
waitUntil {(!isNil "zupa_ANTIRUN")};
if (isNil "inSafezone") then {inSafezone = false;};
while {true} do {
	waitUntil {sleep 1;(inSafeZone)};
	zupa_szCHK = false;
	canbuild = false;
	SZ_SkTyp = typeOf player;
	_txt = "You have entered a safezone! Running people over or griefing within safezones shall result in a ban! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! STEALING IS ALLOWED!";
	systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"");
	cutText [_txt,"PLAIN DOWN"];
	["Safe Zone"] spawn bis_fnc_infotext;
	[] spawn zupa_ANTIRUN;
	[] spawn zupa_ZSHIELD;
	[] spawn zupa_ANTITHEFT;
	[] spawn zupa_PP;
	waitUntil {sleep 1;((!inSafeZone)||(typeOf player != SZ_SkTyp))};
	if (inSafeZone) then {
		if (typeOf player != SZ_SkTyp) then {
			[] spawn {
				inSafeZone = false;
				_txt = "Skin change detected! Toggling safezone protection...";
				systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"");
				waitUntil {zupa_szCHK};
				inSafeZone = true;
	waitUntil {sleep 1;(!inSafeZone)};
	canbuild = true;
	zupa_szCHK = true;
	systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: You have left a safezone!");
	systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: Safe-zone hit/kill protection will stay on for 5-10 seconds to prevent safezone snipers... TAKE COVER!");
	sleep (5 + floor(random 5));
	[] spawn zupa_DPP;
	if (inSafeZone) then {_txt = "It appears you have re-entered a safezone. Reenabling protection...";} else {_txt = "Safe-zone hit/kill protection has been disabled!";};
	systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"");
zupa_DPP = {
player removeEventHandler ["Fired", 	SafeZone_FIRED];
player removeEventHandler ["Hit", 		SafeZone_HIT];
player removeEventHandler ["Killed", 	SafeZone_KILLED];
fnc_usec_unconscious 	= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_unconscious.sqf";
player_death 			= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_death.sqf";
player_zombieCheck 		= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";
fnc_usec_damageHandler 	= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
zupa_PP = {
_txt = "Infantry protection loaded.";
systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"");
SafeZone_FIRED  = player addEventHandler ["Fired",	{call zupa_pfired}];
SafeZone_HIT    = player addEventHandler ["Hit",	{call zupa_phit}];
SafeZone_KILLED = player addEventHandler ["Killed",	{call zupa_pkill}];
fnc_usec_unconscious 	= {};
player_death 			= {};
player_zombieCheck 		= {};
fnc_usec_damageHandler 	= {};
zupa_pfired = {
nearestObject [(_this select 0),(_this select 4)] setPos[0,0,0];
cutText ["You are not allowed to shoot in safezones","PLAIN DOWN"];
zupa_pkill = {
_killer = (_this select 1);
_nKill = name _killer;
if (_nKill != name player) then {
	_locKILL = mapGridPosition getPos _killer;
	_attker setHit["Body",1];
	_txt = ""+name player+" was killed by "+str _nKill+" in a safezone! The killer is @ "+str _locKILL+".";
	_sMSG = "SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"";

	publicVariableServer "PVOZ_EPOCH_SAFEZONE";

	_msg = "You were killed by "+str _nKill+"";
	systemChat (str _msg);
zupa_phit = {
_attker = (_this select 1);
_nAttkr = name _attker;
if (_nAttkr != name player) then {
	_locATTK = mapGridPosition getPos _attker;
	_attker setHit["Body",1];

	_txt = ""+name player+" was shot by "+str _nAttkr+" in a safezone! The attacker is @ "+str _locATTK+".";
	_sMSG = "SAFE-ZONE: "+str _txt+"";
	publicVariableServer "PVOZ_EPOCH_SAFEZONE";

	_msg = "You were shot by "+str _nAttkr+"";
	systemChat (str _msg);
player action ["GEAR",objNull];
_txt = 'You can not access backpacks while too close to a player!';
systemChat ('SAFEZONE: '+str _txt+'');
cutText [_txt,'PLAIN DOWN'];
sleep 1;
_txt = 'You are only allowed to access your friends backpacks!';
systemChat ('SAFEZONE: '+str _txt+'');
cutText [_txt,'PLAIN DOWN'];
zupa_ZSHIELD = {
if (isNil 'no_zombies_loop') then {
	while {true} do {
		if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {no_zombies_loop = nil;};
		no_zombies_loop = true;
		_pos = getPos (vehicle player);
		_zombies = _pos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",50];
		{deletevehicle _x;} forEach _zombies;
		sleep 1;
zupa_ANTITHEFT = {
if (isNil 'anti_theft_loop') then {
	waitUntil {sleep 1;((vehicle player == player)||(!inSafeZone))};
	if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {};
	while {true} do {
		_player = (vehicle player);
		_target = (cursorTarget);
		anti_theft_loop = true;
		if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {};
		if (isNil 'BP_FIX') then {BP_FIX=false;};
		if ((vehicle player == player)) then {
			_playerNear = (({isPlayer _x} count (position player nearObjects ['CAManBase',4])) > 1);
			if (_playerNear) then {
				if (isNull (findDisplay 106)) then {if (BP_FIX) then {BP_FIX = false;};} else {

					_playerID = _player getVariable ['CharacterID', '0'];
					_sFriends = _player getVariable ['friendlies', []];
					_Targetid = _target getVariable ['CharacterID', '0'];
					_tFriends = _target getVariable ['friendlies', []];
					_tFriendt = _target getVariable ['friendlyTo', []];
					_isFriend = ((_Targetid in _sFriends)&&(_playerID in _tFriends));
					_isVehcle = ((_target isKindOf 'LandVehicle')||(_target isKindOf 'Ship'));
					_isNear = (_target distance _player < 4);
					if ((_isVehcle)&&(_isNear)||(_isFriend)&&(_isNear)) exitWith {
						if ((_isFriend)&&!(_playerID in _tFriendt)) then {
							BP_FIX = true;
							[] spawn ANTI_THEFT;
					if (!BP_FIX) then {
						[] spawn ANTI_THEFT;
						BP_FIX = true;
		sleep 0.1;
	anti_theft_loop = nil;
zupa_ANTIRUN = {
if (isNil 'vehicle_protection_loop') then {
	waitUntil {sleep 1;(vehicle player != player)||(!inSafeZone)};
	if (!inSafeZone) exitWith {};
	systemChat ("SAFE-ZONE: Vehicle protection loaded.");
	while {true} do {
		if ((vehicle player == player)||(!inSafeZone)) exitWith {};
		vehicle_protection_loop = true;
		_norun = {isPlayer _x} count (getpos (vehicle player) nearEntities [["CAManBase"], 5]);
		if (_norun > 0) then {
			_veh = (vehicle player);
			cutText ['Can not drive, '+(str _norun)+' players within 5m! Reverse or be BANNED','PLAIN'];
			_veh setVelocity [0,0,0];
			sleep 0.5;
		sleep 0.1;


ok next is mission.sqm because the mission.sqm is way difficult im just going to put mine customize has much as you want but safezones are all trader cities and airdealer


3. Upload and launch any errors or typos post in comments


if you want me to keep doing Tutorials please say in comments below

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