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Moving from S+ to Super Structures - How to / Tips?

Chris Berry

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Recently I've decided to move from S+ to Super Structures (S+ is a popular quality of life mod that unfortunately will no longer be supported by its dev; SS is its working successor).

I tried just changing the mod ID in the control panel, and "save setting and restart game server" but this resulted in a permanently stopped server. I re-added S+ to the mods list and rolled the server back to a backup, and that sorted itself out, but I'd still like to move to Super Structuers.

Has anyone done this who'd be willing to walk me through what you did, or should I just submit a support ticket to look into the issue?

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Okay, I seem to have figured this out. Here's what worked:

  • Stop the server
  • Save the world locally (optional, but I'm a stickler for this - you can rely on Survival Server's backup system, too)
  • Adjust the mod id's on the control panel
  • Adjust the ini files to remove anything that won't work anymore and add optimizations you would like to see
  • Select "Clean Mods Folder" from the one-time options
  • Start the server back up


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